The verb querer (conjugate), means "to want" or "to love". The verb is irregular in the present tense. When conjugated, e changes to ie (with the exception of nostoros and vosotros).
El Sanduche
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Martina: Buenas tardes, ¿en qué le puedo servir?
Good afternoon, how may I help you?
José Luis: Buenas tardes, quiero un sánduche de pavo.
Good afternoon, I would like a turkey sandwich.
Martina: ¿Es para comer aquí, o lo desea para llevar?
Is it to eat here, or do you want it to go?
José Luis: Es para comer aquí.
It's to eat here.
Martina: Muy bien. ¿Qué clase de pan desea? ¿Integral, blanco, dulce, pan árabe o pan de centeno?
Very good. What kind of bread would you like? Whole wheat, white, sweet, Arabic bread or rye bread?
José Luis: Lo quiero en pan de centeno.
I would like it on rye bread.
Martina: ¿Desea tajadas de tomate y lechuga?
Would you like slices of tomato and lettuce?
José Luis: Mmm, sólo tomate, sin lechuga.
Mmm, just tomato, without lettuce.
Martina: ¿Desea el sánduche con salsa de tomate, mostaza y pimienta?
Would you like the sandwich with ketchup, mustard and pepper?
José Luis: Únicamente con salsa de tomate. ¿Tiene mayonesa?
Just with ketchup. Do you have mayonnaise?
Martina: Sí señor, tenemos mayonesa. ¿Desea algo para beber?
Yes sir, we have mayonnaise. Would you like something to drink?
José Luis: Sí, quiero un té con sabor a durazno.
Yes, I would like peach flavored tea.
In English, there are two ways to talk about future events:
I will sleep late tomorrow.
I'm going to sleep late tomorrow.
In a similar way, in Spanish we can form the future with the verb ir (conjugate), which means "go to". When used to talk about the future the verb ir means "going to". Sentences are formed using the formula below:
present tense of (ir) + a + infinitive = future
The Birthday Party
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Julio: Pepe, ¿cuándo es tu cumpleaños?
Pepe, when is your birthday?
Pepe: Mi cumpleaños es el 31 de octubre.
My birthday is the 31st of October.
Julio: ¡El miércoles, pasado mañana! ¡Felicitaciones Pepe!
On Wednesday, the day after tomorrow! Pepe Congratulations!
Pepe: Gracias
Thank you
Julio: ¿Qué vas a hacer para celebrar?
What are you going to do to celebrate?
Pepe: Quiero reunir a mis amigos y familiares. ¿Puedo contar contigo?
I am going to be with my friends and family. I can count on you coming?
Julio: ¡Por supuesto! ¿a qué hora?
Of course! What time?
Pepe: A las nueve de la noche. ¿Está bien?
At nine o'clock at night. Is that good?
Julio: ¡Perfecto!
Pepe: ¿Y tú cuándo cumples años?
and when is your birthday?
Julio: Cumplo años en diciembre, el día de la Navidad.
My birthday is in December, on Christmas.
Pepe: ¡Qué bien! ¡vas a ganar muchos regalos!
How good! You are going to get lots of gifts!
Pepe: Por tu cumple y de Papá Noel.
Because of your birthday and from Santa Claus.
Julio: No lo creas, a veces solo recibo uno.
I don't believe you, sometimes I only get one.
Julio: ¿y a ti que te gustaría recibir de regalo de cumpleaños?
and what would you like for a gift for your birthday?
Pepe: No te preocupes, para mí, tu presencia es suficiente.
Don't worry, for me, you being there is enough.
Julio: ¡Vale! Estaré allí el miércoles para cantar.
Okay! I'll be there on Wednesday to sing.
The technique provides a more uniform dose distribution but does require a more complex dosimetry calculation for the moving couch (Sarfaraz et al., 2001). The term Antimicrobial resistant in not entirely new, however the number different types of resistant organisms and the geographical locations affected by their mass destruction is definitely increasing day by day (Levy & Marshall 2004). Together with developed nations, regarding economic management, those developing one could not neglect this foundation of industrial policy thinking. Development of efficient and intuitive data processing software and bioinformatics tools which will allow the bioinformatics to have a high-end data processing. The two realized that many individual liked using eco-friendly products without the “granola” types (McNicholas, 2011). As stated in Oxford Dictionaries, censorship is defined as “The suppression or prohibition of any parts of books, films, news, etc. In addition, bargaining agreements will be lead and directed by the council after the success of official negotiations. The business organization has functioned as its own unit of business under the Digital Media of News association. This chapter emphasizes also on the comparison between mainline Protestants and evangelical ones, because both of them represent the majority of American citizens. Now, France had lost its status on the European continent, and it was forced to abandon the colony in the Americas and India. Bahar as the last prominent figure of classical poetry was a contemporary of Nima, the father of New Poetry. On top of that, Thais and Germans also value written documents, such as contract, very differently. This may sometimes come at the expense of decision management as decisions may be made not taking into account knowledge which resides at the lower-levels of the organization, thereby leading to less motivated lower-level managers.
Understanding the properties or characteristics beforehand would make possible for author to generalize or characteristic of the population elements. There will be many kinds of perspectives and expectations regarding the successful completion of a project.
The famous book of Wattles (2006) on “Science of Getting Rich” argue that “it is true that existing governments keep the masses in poverty but this is because the masses do not think and act in the certain way.