Quizzes - Verbs llevar & caminar - Preterite Tense  

Preterite Tense
Quiz 1

Fill in the correct form of the verb and say the sentence.

Example: Nosotros _____ las maletas. - We are carrying the suitcases.

Answer: Nosotros llevamos las maletas.

1. Yo _____ la carta a la oficina.
I took (llevar) the letter to the office.

2. Mi madre lo _____ al veterinario.
My mother took him to the veterinarian.

3. _____ a los niños al cine.
We took the children to the movies.

4. Yo _____ las cartas a la oficina del abogado.
I took the letters to the lawyer's office.

5. _____ a los niños a la escuela.
You took the children to school.

6. Ana y yo nos _____ muy bien.
Ana and I get along very well.

7. Juan _____ las maletas al cuarto.
John carried the suitcases to the room.

8. Yo _____ las maletas al cuarto.
I took the suitcases to the room.

9. No _____ a los niños a la escuela.
You did not take the children to school.

10. Los muchachos _____ la carta a la oficina.
The boys took the letter to the office.

11. ¿ _____ a los niños a la escuela?
Did you take the children to school?

12. ¿Quién se _____ los dulces?
Who took the candies?

13. Yo _____ las maletas al cuarto.
I carried the suitcases to the room.

14. No _____ tus libros a la escuela.
You did not carry your books to school.

15. Juan le _____ los libros a María ayer.
Juan carried Maria's books yesterday.

16. Nosotros _____ las maletas al cuarto.
We carried the suitcases to the room.

17. Lo _____ a una clase de adiestramiento.
We took him (the dog) to a training class.

18. Los muchachos _____ las maletas al cuarto.
The boys carried the suitcases to the room.

19. _____ tus libros a la escuela.
You carried your books to school.

20. ______ flores a mi abuela.
I took flowers to my grandmother.

Answers 1
Quiz 2
Answers 2

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