Stem-Changing Verbs - (e) changes to (i)  

Present Indicative Irregular - (e) changes to (i)

The verbs servir (to serve) and reír (to laugh) are irregular, (e) changes to (i) in the present tense (with the exception of nostoros). All (e) to (i) verbs are -ir verbs.

The congugation of the verbs servir and reír is shown in the table below.

reír (example sentences) (full conjugation)

yo río I laugh
ríes you laugh
Ud./él/ella ríe you/he/she laughs
nosotros (as) reímos we laugh
vosotros (as) reís you guys laugh
Uds./ellos/ ellas ríen you all/they laugh

servir (example sentences)(full conjugation)

yo sirvo I serve
sirves you serve
Ud./él/ella sirve you/he/she serves
nosotros (as) servimos we serve
vosotros (as) servís you guys serve
Uds./ellos/ ellas sirven you all/they serve

other (e) to (i) verbs

despedirse - to say goodbye

impedir - to impede, prevent

medir - to measure

reír - to laugh

repetir - to repeat

seguir - to follow

servir - to serve

sonreír - to smile

vestir - to dress

Note: yo = I, tú = you (informal), usted (Ud.)
= you (formal), él = he, ella = she, nosotros
= we (males), nosotras = we (females),
vosotros = you guys (informal, males), vosotras
= you guys (informal, females), ellos = they
(males), ellas = they (females), ustedes (Uds.)
= you all (formal)

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