Questions about the Video
1. ¿Quién era el papá de Sofi?
2. ¿Qué jugaba Sofi con los animales del bosque?
3. ¿Por qué lloraba el dragón?
4. ¿Por qué los animalitos no querían ser amigos del dragón?
5. ¿Qué lección nos da Sofi en esta historia?
1. Un leñador.
2. A las escondidas.
3. Porque nadie quería ser su amigo.
4. Porque los dragones son diferentes.
5. Answers may vary.
Illinois, they concluded that the jury resulted in a group organized for the purpose of returning a guilty verdict because the people who were excluded expressed that they would not be able to enforce the death penalty.
That was why, many Southeast Asia countries on that time come out with alliances and integrations.
Besides that, banks in Malaysia started to issue a special loan known as “soft loan” for the tourism projects with the favorable rates with lesser conditions and lower interest rate.
Individuals that are better educated are also prone to less likely self-report a past diagnosis of a disease.
For the group to verify and validate something, the group must see this thing to be true.
Requiring to speak and write in an unknown language at a graduate level will take a toll on students.
Till this day, the African states remain highly dependent on their previous colonizers and this of course gives them huge influence and control.
Ancient sailors would not venture deep into open sea because of lack of developed navigational techniques; most of sailing would be done along the shore.
The exchange students who spent most of their free time with the large Chinese community in the city often did not have as advanced English skills as their peers who spent more time communicating with native English speakers.
In addition, it acquired Towarzystwo Finansowe SA and Elcon Finans, which are leading auto finance companies in both Poland and Norway respectively in 2004 (annual report, 2004).
Sabah also has a great advantage when it comes to geographical aspect which is near to the equator.
Often administered as written or computer-based end-of-course examinations, these tests are indicative of a national trend towards standardization and accountability.
Another way is when streams with high concentrations of suspended sediment limit the light therefore diminishing algae.
When this type of network is create for a college campus, it is sometimes called as a campus area network, or CAN.
They should also consider open enrollment policies that make it possible for students to stay in their school when their families move inside the district boundaries.