El Asno y el Cochino
Envidiando la suerte del Cochino,
un Asno maldecía su destino.
"Yo, decía, trabajo y como paja;
él come harina, berza y no trabaja:
a mí me dan de palos cada día;
a él le rascan y halagan a porfía".
Así se lamentaba de su suerte;
pero luego que advierte
que a la pocilga alguna gente avanza
en guisa de matanza,
armada de cuchillo y de caldera,
y que con maña fiera
dan al gordo cochino fin sangriento,
dijo entre sí el jumento:
Si en esto para el ocio y los regalos,
al trabajo me atengo y a los palos.
The Donkey and the Pig
Jealous of the pig,
A donkey curses his destiny.
“I, he said, work and eat hay;
He eats flour, cabbage and doesn't work:
I get hit every day;
He gets scratched and pampered”.
That way he lamented his luck;
But soon he realizes that some people to the pigsty move forward
Like a business of butchering,
Armed with knife and pot,
And fierce skill
Give the fat pig a bloody end,
The donkey said to himself:
If this is for leisure and gifts
To the work I adjust and to the beatings.
Floods in India and Pakistan offer a chance for peace-building | Saleem H Ali and Malini Mehra | Global development | The Guardian.
In conclusion, RSSB was created also the values in term of job performance, social responsibility, sustainability and growth, achieved financial goals as demonstrated by the perceptions of respondents after analysis of data.
Furthermore this research brings up new research area regarding the effect of production planning on energy efficiency by investigating the effect of batch mode production on consumption.
Alternatively, although an initial mutation may occur in a stem cell, and persist indefinitely in this pool, development to blast crisis may only occur with the addition of further mutations, as appears to be the case in CML 39.
In Shakur’s hit “Changes” he illustrates a sentiment of worthlessness as heard in the lines “I'm tired of bein' poor and even worse I'm black.” (Shakur, 1992).
This process makes the impediment of breathing imminent and yet the progression of the attack is just beginning.
It is very important for further space exploration because it lays the foundations for major projects like the International Space Station (The Apollo).
Cannabis can make some people feel sick or lethargic, while others feel confused, anxious and even paranoid.
It was Ernst Mayr, a developer of evolutionary synthesis, who wrote about the changing of views on the “biological understanding of race and human diversity,” and spoke of the genetic diversity and variability among individuals.
Additionally, it provides a platform to marketers to display their products and services in an attractive manner and ultimately these factors draw consumers’ interest.
The authors felt that, although professionals in the field believe that parental involvement is key to a successful intervention, little research had actually explored what parental involvement entails.
Although our growth compulsive capitalist economy cannot solve the problems such as poverty and inequality but it has already used up the major part of our scare reserve of fossil fuel and surface water and caused ecological crisis like global warming or greenhouse effect.