Slow Spanish Dialogues - Verb tener  

Dialogues - Intermediate - Mid Level Next Lesson
Dialogue 1

El boleto - The Ticket

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Esmeralda: Yo tengo un boleto para viajar.
I have a ticket to travel.

Quique: Pero no tienes el dinero para viajar.
But, you don't have money to travel.

Esmeralda: Pero tú tienes y me puedes prestar.
But, you do have money and you can lend me.

Quique: El dinero que yo tengo es para viajar también.
The money that I have is to travel also.

Esmeralda: Entonces, ellos tienen y pueden prestarme.
Then, they have money and they can lend me.

Quique: Pregunta a ellos si tienen dinero.
Ask them if they have money.

Esmeralda: Pienso que no tienen dinero.
I think, they don't have money.

Quique: ¿Porqué piensas eso?
Why do you think that?

Esmeralda: Porque aún no tienen los boletos de viaje.
Because they don't have their travel tickets yet.

The Spanish verb tener (to have) is a go verb. Go verbs are irregular. The yo form ends in go and e changes to ie in all forms except yo, nosotros, and vosotros

yo tengo I have
tienes you have
Ud./él/ella tiene you/he/she has
nosotros/as tenemos we have
vosotros/as tenéis you guys have
Uds./ellos/ellas tienen you all/they have

Dialogue 2
Dialogue 3
Dialogue 4

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