Spanish Verbs Which Vary from their English Equivalents
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- Abordar (una nave) á (or con) otra: To board (a ship).
- Abrasarse en deseos: To be burning with desire.
- Abundar de (or en) riquezas: To abound with riches.
- Abusar de la amistad: To abuse friendship.
- Acertar con la casa: To find the right house.
- Adelantarse á otros: To take the start on others.
- Admirarse de un suceso: To wonder at an event.
- Aficionarse á alguna cosa: To grow fond of anything.
- Alejarse de su tierra: To depart from one's country.
- Alimentarse con (or de) yerbas: To feed on vegetables.
- Anticiparse á otro: To forestall another.
- Apiadarse con los pobres: To have pity on the poor.
- Aportar á Barcelona: To put into Barcelona.
- Apreciar en mucho: To appreciate highly.
- Arder de cólera: To burn with anger.
- Armarse de paciencia: To arm oneself with patience.
- Arrimarse á la pared: To lean against the wall.
- Arrostrar (con (or por)) los peligros: To face the dangers.
- Atender (á) los negocios: To attend to business.
- Aventajarse á otros: To excel others.
- Bañar con (de or en) lágrimas: To bathe with tears.
- Barbear con la pared: To run against the wall.
- Brindar á la salud de alguno: To drink the health of someone.
- Brindar con regalos: To give presents.
- Burlarse de algo: To laugh at something.
- Caber de pies: There to be standing room.
- Calificar de docto: To call one learned.
- Cambiar una cosa con (or por) otra: To exchange one thing for another.
- Campar por su respeto: To keep to oneself.
- Carecer de medios: To lack means.
- Casar or casarse con alguno: To marry someone.
- Cesar de correr: To cease running.
- Cifrar su dicha en la virtud: To make one's happiness consist in virtue.
- Clavar á (or en) la pared: To nail on the wall.
- Cojear del pie derecho: To limp with the right foot.
- Colgar de un clavo: To hang on a nail.
- Colmar de mercedes: To load with benefits.
- Comerciar con su crédito: To trade on one's credit.
- Comprar de (or á) una persona: To buy from someone.
- Comprar al fiado: To buy on credit.
- Comprometerse á pagar: To undertake to pay.
- Confiar en (or de) alguno: To trust anybody.
- Conservarse con (or en) salud: To keep in good health.
- Contar con su auxilio: To count on his help.
- Contravenir á la ley: To contravene the law.
- Convenir al enfermo: To suit the patient.
- Correr con los gastos: To undertake the expense.
- Cortar por lo sano: To cut short (an argument, etc.).
- Cumplir á uno hacer una cosa: To be one's duty to do something.
- Chancearse con alguno: To joke with someone.
- Dañarse del pecho: To injure one's chest.
- Dar con la carga en el suelo: To throw down the load.
- Dar con quien lo entiende: To come across someone who understands it.
- Dar contra un poste: To knock against a post.
- Dar de barato: To grant for argument's sake.
- Darse por vencido: To give it up.
- Decir bien una cosa con otra: To match well together.
- Decir para sí: To say to oneself.
- Dejar de escribir: To cease writing, to fail to write.
- Demandar ante el juez (or en juicio): To summon.
- Depender de alguno: To be dependent on someone.
- Desayunarse con chocolate: To breakfast on chocolate.
- Desconfiar de alguno: To mistrust one.
- Descuidarse de (or en) su obligación: To neglect one's duty.
- Desfallecer de ánimo: To lose courage.
- Deshacerse de los géneros: To get rid of the goods.
- Detestar de la mentira: To hate lying.
- Disfrutar de buena renta: To enjoy a good income.
- Doblar por un difunto: To sound the death knell.
- Dudar de alguna cosa: To doubt something.
- Echar en tierra: To throw on the ground.
- Echar de casa: To turn out of the house.
- Echar de ver una cosa: To perceive (realise) a thing.
- Echarla de rico: To assume airs of a rich man.
- Embelesarse con alguna cosa: To go into raptures over anything.
- Embutir de algodón: To stuff with cotton.
- Enajenarse de alguna cosa: To do away with anything.
- Encargarse de algún negocio: To undertake a business.
- Encontrarse con un amigo: To meet a friend.
- Encuadernar á la rústica, en pasta: To bind in paper covers, in boards.
- Escarmentar con la desgracia: To take warning from misfortune.
- Esmerarse en alguna cosa: To take pains with anything.
- Fiarse á (de, en) alguno: To trust in anyone.
- Firmar de propria mano: To sign with one's own hand.
- Forrar de (con, en) pieles: To line with skins.
- Fumar en pipa: To smoke the pipe.
- Girar á cargo de alguno: To draw on someone.
- Girar sobre París: To draw on Paris.
- Guardarse de alguno: To guard against anybody.
- Gustar de bromas: To be fond of joking.
- Habérselas con otros: To wrangle, to have a bone to pick, to vie with
- Hacer de galán en un drama: To take the part of principal actor in a drama.
- Herir de muerte: To wound fatally.
- Hincarse de rodillas: To fall on one's knees.
- Hocicar con (contra, en) alguna cosa: To run against anything.
- Igualar (igualarse) á (or con) otro: To equal another, to match.
- Indemnizar del perjuicio: To indemnify for the loss.
- Influir con el jefe: To influence the chief.
- Insistir en (sobre) una cosa: To insist on something.
- Inspirar una idea á alguno: To inspire anybody with an idea.
- Inundar de (or en) agua: To flood with water.
- Librar á cargo de un banquero: To draw on a banker.
- Librar una letra sobre Paris: To draw a bill on Paris.
- Lindar (una tierra) con otra: To border on another.
- Llegar á la posada: To reach the inn.
- Llevarse bien con el vecino: To get on well with the neighbour.
- Llover á cantaros: To rain in bucketfuls.
- Maravillarse con (or de) una noticia: To be surprised at some news.
- Marcar á fuego: To brand.
- Mejorar de condición: To improve in condition.
- Mejorar en tercio y quinto: To improve greatly.
- Oler á rosas: To smell of roses.
- Parecerse á otro: To be similar to another.
- Pensar en (sobre) alguna cosa: To think of something.
- Pensar para sí: To think to oneself.
- Perecerse de risa: To die with laughter.
- Pintar de azul: To paint blue.
- Poblar de árboles: To plant with trees.
- Ponerse á escribir: To commence writing.
- Prescindir de una cosa: To dispense with anything.
- Presumir de rico: To feign riches.
- Proveer á la necesidad pública: To provide the needs of the public.
- Quedar á deber: To remain owing.
- Quedarse con lo ajeno: To keep other people's property.
- Rebosar de alegría: To teem with joy.
- Recibir á cuenta: To receive on account.
- Recibir de criado: To admit as a servant.
- Recibir por esposa: To receive as a wife.
- Reclamar á fulano: To claim from so and so.
- Responder á la pregunta: To answer the question.
- Reventar de risa: To burst with laughter.
- Rodear de una pared: To surround with a wall.
- Saber á vino: To taste of wine.
- Salirse con la suya: To have one's own way.
- Salvarse á nado: To save oneself by swimming.
- Sentarse á la mesa: To sit down at table.
- Soñar con ladrones: To dream of thieves.
- Suplicar (apelar) de la sentencia: To appeal against the sentence.
- Tachar de ligero: To tax one with levity.
- Tener á menos hablar á uno: Not to deign to speak to one.
- Tenerse de pie: To stand on foot.
- Teñir de (en) negro: To dye black.
- Tomar á pecho: To take to heart.
- Tomar hacia la derecha: To turn to the right.
- Trabajar á destajo: To do work by the job.
- Trabarse de palabras: To quarrel.
- Transportar á lomo: To carry on one's back.
- Varar en la playa: To run aground.
- Velar á los muertos: To watch over the dead.
- Vengarse de una ofensa: To avenge an insult.
- Vengarse en el ofensor: To avenge oneself on the offender.
- Venir á casa: To come home.
- Ver de hacer algo: To try and do something.
- Vestir á la moda: To dress in the fashion.
- Vestir de máscara: To dress in fancy dress.
- Vestirse de paño: To dress in cloth.
- Vivir á su gusto: To live after one's taste.
The Simple tenses only are given: Compound tenses are formed with the verb "haber" followed by the past participle.
Ser is used:
- i. To form the Passive Voice.
- ii. To denote an inherent quality.
Estar is used:
- i. To denote state in locality, viz., "to be" in a place.
- ii. To denote condition (as opposed to inherent quality).
Use Ser:
- i. Before a noun (even if an adjective or an article intervenes).
- ii. When "to be" is used impersonally.
- iii. When "to be" denotes possession.
- iv. Before pobre, rico, felis, and infeliz.
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