Top 100 Mistakes in Spanish - False Cognates
The most common mistake made when speaking is to use a Spanish word that looks or sounds similar to an English word but has a totally different meaning. This can result in confusion and embarrassment!. A Spanish word that is similar to an English word, but has a different meaning, is known as a false cognate. Some examples are shown below.
Spanish Word | English Translation | Confused With | Spanish Translation |
abandonar | to quit | to remove | quitar |
absoluto | absolute | absolutely | absolutamente, completamente |
en absoluto | not at all | absolutely | totalmente |
actual | current | actual | verdadero |
acuartelamiento | billet | ticket | billete |
advertencia | a warning | advertisement | anuncio |
agonía | dying moments | agony | dolor fuerte |
aguacate | avocado | lawyer | abogado |
alcalde | mayor | bigger | mayor |
alfombra | carpet | folder | carpeta |
anunciar | to advertise | to warn | advertir |
apoyar | to support | to put up with | soportar |
árbitro | umpire | empire | imperio |
asistencia | attendance | attention | atención |
avergonzado | embarrassed | pregnant | embarazada |
ayudar | to assist | to attend | asistir a un lugar |
banco | bank | bench | banco de plaza |
basamento | base of a column | basement | el sótano |
base militar | camp | field | campo en general |
biblioteca | library | bookshop | librería |
bizarro | brave | bizarre | extraño or estrafalario |
brazo | arm | gun | arma |
cacerola | pan | bread | pan |
calumniar | to traduce | to translate | traduce |
carpeta | file folder | carpet | alfombra |
ceder | to compromise | commitment | compromiso |
cena | dinner | money | dinero |
chocar | to crash | choke | ahogar, sofocar |
compasión | sympathy | affection | simpatía |
complexión | physiological build | skin complexion | tez or cutis |
comprensivo | sympathetic | likeable | simpático |
común | ordinary | ordinary | vulgar |
conocido | familiar | relative | pariente |
concurso | contest | to answer | contestar |
conferencia | lecture | reading | lectura |
consejo | council | to reconcile | conciliar |
consejos | advice | warning, notice | aviso |
conservante | preservative | condom | preservativo |
cortés | gracious | funny | gracioso |
cuerda | rope | clothes | ropa |
cuerdo | sane | healthy | sano |
cuerno | horn | oven | horno |
cuerpo | body | wedding | boda |
darse cuenta | to realize | to make | realizar |
decepción | disappointment | to deceive someone | engañar a alguien |
delito | crime | delight | deleite |
desconocido | stranger | foreigner | extranjero |
desesperado | desperate | to wake up | despertar |
desfile | parade | wall | pared |
desgracia | mistake | something shameful | una vergüenza |
desviación | diversion | fun | diversión |
dibujos animados | cartoon | cardboard | cartón |
diferenciado | discrete | discreet | discreto |
discusión | argument | plot | argumento de un libro |
disgusto | displeasure | disgust | asco or repugnancia |
ebrio | intoxicated | food poisoning | intoxicado |
emocionante | thrilling or emotionally moving | emotional | emocional |
entusiasta | zealous | jealous | celoso |
éxito | success | event | suceso |
ensalada | salad | salty | salado |
economía | economics | cheap | económicos |
ejército | army | navy | marina |
engaño | deception | disappointment | decepción |
estadio | arena | sand | arena |
evaluación | assessment | consultancy | asesoría |
eventual | incidental | eventual | definitivo |
fábrica | factory | cloth | tejido and tela |
facultad | college | school | colegio |
fecha | date | data | dato |
fenomenal, genial | terrific | terrifying | terrorífico |
final | ultimate | last | último |
finalmente | eventually | by chance, possibly | eventualmente |
firma | signature | subject | asignatura |
formulario | form | shape | forma |
fútil | trivial or insignificant | futile | ineficaz, vano or inútil |
ganga | bargain | gang | pandilla |
globo | balloon | ball | balón |
grabar | to record | to remember | recordar |
grande | large | long | largo |
habitante | inhabitant | uninhabited | inhabitado |
impuesto | tax | taxi | taxi |
inconsecuente | contradictory | inconsequential | de poca importancia |
ingenio | ingenuity | naivety | ingenuidad |
involucrar | involve | wrap | envolver |
jabón | soap | soup | sopa |
ladrar o ladrido | bark | boat, ship | barco |
lograr | to attain | to tie | atar |
lugar | place | square | plaza |
lujo | luxury | lust | lujuria |
maldición | curse | course | curso |
maleducado | rude | rough | rudo |
medios | media | sock | media |
mil millones | billion | trillion | billón |
minorista | retailer | minority | una minoría |
modismo | idiom | language | idioma |
molestar | to bother or to annoy | to molest | abusar sexualmente |
objetivo | target | card | tarjeta |
oficina | office | job | oficio |
orden | command | commando unit | comando |
padres | parents | relatives | parientes |
pala | spade | sword | espada |
parientes | relatives | relative (adjective) | relativos |
pecado | sin | without | sin |
pedir disculpas | to apologize | defence | apología |
política | policy | police | policía |
postre | dessert | desert | desierto |
pretender | to try | to pretend | fingir or simular |
propenso | apt | qualified, able | apto |
quedarse | to stay | to be | estar |
quejarse | to complain | to please | complacer |
quitar | to remove | to stir | remover |
rapista | barber | someone who attacks sexually | violador |
real | actual | current | actual |
reanudar | to resume | to sum up | resumir |
recordar | to remember | to record (audio or video) | grabar |
recuerdo | recollection | harvest | recolección |
salida | exit | success | éxito |
sensiblemente | appreciably | sensibly | sesudamente |
sensitivo | sensible | sensitive | sensible |
soportar | put up with | support | mantener |
suceso | event or happening | success | un éxito |
sufrir de estreñimiento | (to be) constipated | to have a cold/chill | estar constipado |
de tamaño normal | regular | bad | regular |
tela | fabric | factory | fábrica |
traducir | to translate | to move | trasladarse |
tristeza | misery | poverty | miseria |
tienda de comestibles | grocery | rudeness | grosería |
últimamente | lately | ultimately | al final |
vagabundo | tramp | trap | trampa |
valiente | brave | fierce | bravo |
vapor | fume | smoke | fumar |
vaso | drinking glass | vase | jarrón |
una vez | once | eleven | once |
vieira | scallop | scallop(meal) | escalope |
Popular Phrase: dar mandato conjugation | Spanish Word for Love | Conjugated Verb: cascabelear - to rattle [ click for full conjugation ]