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Translate the Following Sentences

1. I do the homework for the history class in the library.

2. Do you do the homework for the history class in the library?

3. I will do the homework for the history class tomorrow.

4. I did the homework for the history class yesterday.

5. I want to do the homework for the history class today.

6. The teacher wants me to do the homework for the history class today.

7. I am going to do the homework with John.

8. John wants me to do the homework with him.

9. John thought that I was going to do the homework with him.

10. I told him that I would do the homework with him today.

11. I haven't done the homework yet.

12. I told the teacher that I did the homework last night.

13. The teacher wanted me to do the homework before the class.

14. I told him that I had done the homework before the class.

15. Have you done the homework for the history class?

16. Will you do the homework tonight in the library?

17. The teacher says that he wants you to do the homework before the class.

18. Did you do the homework?

19. I hope that you have done the homework.

20. I thought that you were going to do the homework before the class.

21. Mary said that you would do the homework before the class.

22. Mary said that you had done the homework before the class.

23. The teacher said that he wanted you to do the homework before the class.

24. Did you do the homework before arriving (antes de llegar) to the class?

25. I didn't know if you had done the homework before arriving to the class.

26. I was hoping that you would do the homework before arriving to the class.

27. Will you be able to do the homework tonight with me?

28. I hope that you can do the homework tonight in the library with me.

29. I want to know if you have done the homework for the history class.

30. I hope that you have done the homework for the history class.

31. John did the homework last night in the library.

32. Mary says that John will do the homework tonight in the library.

33. I hope that John does the homework before the class.

34. Do you know if John is going to do the homework before the class.

35. I thought that John was going to do the homework before the class.

36. I didn't know if John was going to be able to do the homework before the class.

37. John did the homework last night.

38. I believe that John has done the homework.

39. I hope that John has done the homework.

40. I thought that John would do the homework before arriving to the class.

41. I was hoping that John would do the homework before arriving to the class.

42. I thought that John had done the homework before arriving to the class.

43. I don't know if John has done the homework.

44. John says that he did the homework before the class.

45. I thought that John would be able to do the homework before the class.

46. Did you know that John hadn't done the homework?

47. We thought that John would do the homework before the class.

48. Do you know if John is going to be able to do the homework before the class?

49. Do you know why John didn't do the homework?

50. John, do the homework now.

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