Translation Exercises with ir  

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Text 1

Translate the Sentences

1. I'm going to the movies with my friends.

2. Tomorrow I will go to the movies with my friends.

3. My friends want me to go to the movies with them.

4. Last night I went to the movies with my friends.

5. I used to go to the movies often (a menudo).

6. I am going to go to the movies with my friends if I can.

7. I would go to the movies with my friends if I could.

8. I have gone to the movies two times (dos veces) this week (esta semana).

9. Mary didn't know that I had gone to the movies last night.

10. I told her that I was going to go to the movies with my friends today.

11. My friends wanted me to go to the movies with them.

12. Did you go to the movies last night?

13. Are you going to go to the movies tonight?

14. Will you go to the movies with us tonight?

15. Mary thought that you would go to the movies with us if you could.

16. I thought that you were going to go to the movies with us tonight.

17. Have you gone to the movies this week?

18. I want you to go to the movies with us tonight.

19. Are you going to be able to go to the movies with us tonight?

20. I thought that you were going to go to the movies with us.

21. Did you go to the movies last week (la semana pasada) with your friends?

22. The boys say that they want you to go to the movies with them.

23. I thought that you had gone to the movies with your friends.

24. John is going to the movies with his friends.

25. John's friends want him to go to the movies with them.

26. John says that he will go to the movies with them.

27. I believe that John is going to go to the movies with his friends tomorrow.

28. Mary said that John went to the movies with his friends.

29. Do you know if John has gone to the movies tonight?

30. John's friends wanted him to go to the movies with them tonight.

31. I thought that John had gone to the movies with his friends.

32. John said that he would go to the movies with us tonight.

33. I thought that he was going to go to the movies with us tonight.

34. I was hoping that he would be able to go to the movies with his friends.

35. I didn't know if he was going to be able to go to the movies tonight with his friends.

Translation 1
Text 2
Translation 2

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