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CHOOSE A CATEGORY adjectives_1 adverbs_mente adverbs_place adverbs_time animals attributes city colors drinks_1 family_1 face food_1 fruit feelings goodbye_1 hello_1 idioms_with_vez definite_articles location opposites verbs_1 kitchen restaurant_1 romance talking_about_time gender_number asking_directions_1 clothing_1 cognates_1 countries expressions_1 false_cognates_1 personal_descriptions reflexive_verbs_1 work adverbs_manner adverbs_quantity bathroom computers_1 courtesy fitness house indefinite_articles introductions identity materials medical_1 names negation_1 nouns_feminine nouns_masculine nouns_common nouns_proper preposition_a preposition_de prepositions crime_and_punishment diphthongs interrogative_1 weather space legal_1 augmentatives diminutives expressions_2 esdrujulas education employment_1 faith halloween hotel_1 geography good_manners my_room school shopping_1 office plants telling_time verbs_2 movies sports reciprocal_verbs travel_1 triphthongs money math mammals cleaning_1 alphabet countries_quiz capitals_quiz survival numbers construction children_body_parts