Spanish Verbs Beginning with C
Click on a verb below for the full verb conjugation, example sentences, and translation:
- caer - to fall
- calcular - to calculate, compute, add up
- calentar - to heat [up], warm [up]
- calentarse - to heat up, warm up</I> [intrans.]; <I>to become heated/warmed, to get heated/warmed
- callar - to keep quiet about, pass over in silence; to hush
- callarse - to keep quiet , be quiet, shut up, be silent, remain silent
- calmar - to calm (down), quiet, soothe
- calmarse - to calm down [oneself]
- caminar - to walk, go
- cancelar - to cancel; to wipe out, write off [debt]
- cansarse - to get tired, get worn out, get weary
- caracterizar - to characterize
- cargar - to load, load up; to charge
- casar - to marry, join in marriage, join in wedlock
- casarse [con alguien] - to marry [someone], get married [to someone]
- castigar - to punish, penalize, castigate
- causar - to cause; to create, make
- cazar - to hunt, represent, stand for
- celebrar - to celebrate; to praise, applaud
- cenar - to eat dinner, have dinner; to dine; to have for dinner
- censurar - to censor; to censure, criticize, blame
- cepillar - to brush
- cerrar - to close, shut
- cesar - to cease, stop
- charlar - to chat, talk
- chismear - to gossip
- chocar - to shock; to startle; to be suprising, startling; to collide, crash
- civilizar - to civilize
- clarificar - to clarify, illuminate, light [up], brighten
- clasificar - to classify, grade, rate, sort
- cobrar - to charge [a price]; to cash [a check]; to collect, receive [an amount]
- cocinar - to cook; to do the cooking
- coger - to catch, grasp, take hold of
- colgar - to hang, hang up, be hanging, be suspended
- colocar - to locate, place
- colonizar - to colonize, settle
- combatir - to combat, fight, oppose; to attack
- comenzar - to begin, start, commence
- comer - to eat
- competir - to compete
- componer - to compose, make up, put together
- comprar - to buy, purchase
- comprender - to understand, comprehend
- comunicar - to communicate, transmit, tell, pass on
- comunicarse - to communicate [e.g., with someone], be in touch, correspond; to be transmitted
- condenar - to condemn, convict, sentence
- conducir - to drive, conduct
- confesar - to confess
- confiar - to trust, be trusting, entrust
- confirmar - to confirm, corrobrate, endorse
- confiscar - to confiscate
- conjugar - to conjugate
- conquistar - to conquer, overcome, win
- conseguir - to get, obtain
- consentir - to consent to; to allow, permit; to tolerate, put up with; to admit; to agree, consent
- conservar - to preserve, conserve; to keep, retain
- consistir [en] - to consist [of], be composed [of]
- constituir - to constitute
- construir - to build, construct
- consumir - to consume, eat, use upe
- contaminar - to contaminate, pollute; to corrupt
- contar - to count, relate, tell
- contener - to contain, hold
- contestar - to answer
- continuar - to continue
- contribuir - to contribute
- controlar - to control; to inspect, check
- convencer - to convince
- convenir - to agree; to suit, be suited to; to be good for
- conversar - to talk, converse; to tell, relate
- convertir - to convert
- convidar - to invite
- copiar - to copy
- corregir - to correct
- correr - to run
- cortar - to cut
- coser - to sew, sew up; to stitch, stitch up
- costar - to cost
- crear - to create; to make
- crecer - to grow [up]
- creer - to believe
- criarse - to grow [up]; to be brought up
- criticar - to criticize
- crucificar - to crucify
- cruzar - to cross
- cubrir - to cover
- cuidar - to take care of, look after
- culpar - to blame, accuse; to condemn
- cultivar - to cultivate; to grow
- cumplir - to fulfill, carry out; to reach (an age)
- curar - to cure; to treat, dress [a wound]
- cabecear - to nod one's head when sleepy
- caber - to fit, to be possible, to be appropriate
- cacarear - to crow
- cachar - to understand, to see, to know
- cachetear - to slap
- calar - to soak, to cut a piece out to taste (frutas), to fret (madera), to make openwork (ropa)
- calcar - to trace (dibujos)
- calcificar - to calcify
- calcinar - to calcine
- caldear - to heat
- calefaccionar - to heat (home heating system)
- calibrar - to calibrate
- calificar - to describe, to grade, to qualify
- calzar - to shoe
- cambiar - to change; to cash (a check)
- camelear - to tell lies
- campar - to camp
- campeonar - to win a championship
- camuflajear - to camuflage
- canalizar - to canalize, to channel, to direct
- cansar - to get tired
- canturrear - to sing softly to oneself
- cantar - to sing
- cañonear - to shell, to bombard
- capacitar - to train, to prepare
- capar - to castrate
- capear - to make passes at
- capitalizar - to capitalize
- capitular - to surrender, to capitulate
- capitanear - to command
- capotar - to overturn
- captar - to attract, to captivate, to tune in
- caramelizar - to coat with caramel
- carburar - to carburet
- carbonizar - to carbonize
- carcajear - to burst out, to laugh
- carcomer - to consume (envidia)
- cardar - to card
- carear - to bring face to face
- carecer - to lack
- carenar - to careen
- caricaturizar - to caricature
- cargosear - to pester, to keep on at
- carnear - to slaughter
- carnerear - to scab
- carpinterear - to do woodwork
- carretear - to crawl along
- carterear - to be robbed, to have bag picked
- cascabelear - to rattle
- cascar - to crack, to chip
- casteñelear - to chatter
- castrar - to castrate
- catalizar - to catalyze
- catalogar - to catalog
- catapultar - to catapult
- catar - to taste, to sample, to test
- catear - to fail, to flunk (examen)
- categorizar - to categorize
- catequizar - to catequize
- caucionar - to guarantee
- cauchutar - to rubberize
- cauterizar - to cauterize
- cautivar - to captivate
- cavar - to dig, to sink, to hoe
- cavilar - to think
- cebar - to fatten (animal)
- cecear - to pronounce the Spanish s as z like people in Spain
- ceder - to cede, to transfer, to diminish
- cedular - to issue identity cards to
- cegar - to blind
- cejar - to give up, to cease
- cementar - to cement
- censar - to take a census of
- centellear - to twinkle, to sparkle
- centralizar - to centralize
- cercar - to surround, to enclose
- certificar - to certify, to assure, to guarantee
- chapar - to cover, to plate with gold or silver
- chiflar - to whistle, to be crazy about
- chillar - to howl, to yell, to screech
- chinchar - to annoy, to irritate
- chistar - to utter (palabra)
- chupar - to suck, to absorb
- circular - to circulate, to flow
- citar - to cite, to quote, to mention
- clamar - to cry out
- clavar - to nail
- cobijar - to cover, to shelter
- cocer - to cook
- codear - to elbow, to nudge, to rub elbows with someone
- colar - to strain
- colear - to wag
- colorear - to color, to dye
- combinar - to combine, to mix together, to arrange
- comandar - to command
- comentar - to comment
- cometer - to commit, to entrust
- comparar - to compare
- compartir - to share
- compensar - to compensate, to make up for
- compatibilizar - to make compatible
- compilar - to compile
- complacer - to satisfy, to please
- completar - to complete
- complicar - to complicate
- comprobar - to check, to confirm
- comprometer - to compromise, to promise, to become engaged
- conceder - to concede, to grant
- concentrar - to focus
- concertar - to arrange
- concluir - to conclude, to finish
- conformar - to resign, to content oneself with, to conform
- confundir - to confuse
- congelar - to freezen, to congeal
- conocer - to know (preterite: to meet)
- considerar - to consider, to think
- conspirar - to conspire
- constatar - to verify, to state, to check
- contemplar - to contemplate
- contentar - to make-become happy, glad
- contraponer - to compare, to contrast
- contratar - to hire
- consultar - to consult, to seek advice, to look up
- contagiar - to infect, to transmit
- contradecir - to contradict
- convocar - to call together
- corresponder - to correspond
- corromper - to corrupt, to bribe, to become corrupted
- criar - to breed, to bring up
- cuestionar - to question, to ask
- culminar - to end, to culminate
- cabalgar - to ride
- cabrear - to get angry, to make angry
- caducar - to expire, to get out of date
- cagar - to shit, to crap, to bugger
- calendarizar - to program
- camuflar - to camouflage, to hide, to cover up
- canjear - to exchange, to interchange
- cantinflear - to talk, to chat
- capturar - to capture, to arrest
- ceñir - to fit
- cernir - to sift
- chasquear - to click, to snap, to crack
- chatear - to chat
- chequear - to check
- chingar - to bugger, to fuck, to screw
- cicatrizar - to heal, to cicatrize
- cimentar - to found
- clonar - to clone
- coadyuvar - to help, to assist, to contribute
- coexistir - to coexist
- cohibir - to feel embarrassed, to inhibit
- coincidir - to coincide
- cojear - to lame, to limp
- colaborar - to collaborate
- coleccionar - to collect
- colectar - to colect
- colmar - to fill up, to became sick of
- comedir - to be moderate
- compadecer - to feel sorry
- comparecer - to appear
- complementar - to complete, to finish
- comportar - to behave
- computar - to compute
- concebir - to concieve, to imagine, to understand
- concernir - to concern
- conciliar - to conciliate
- concordar - to agree
- concretar - to sum up, to take shape
- condescender - to tolerate
- condicionar - to condition, to determine
- condimentar - to season, to flavour
- conectar - to connect
- confeccionar - to make
- conferir - to confer
- confluir - to converge, to meet
- confrontar - to confront
- congestionar - to congest, to become flushed
- conllevar - to support
- conmover - to affect
- consolar - to console, to comfort
- constar - to be clear, to be stated, to be composed of
- contactar - to contact
- contraer - to contract, to infect, to shrink
- contravenir - to contravene
- converger - to converge
- convergir - to converge
- convivir - to live together, to coexist
- cooperar - to cooperate
- coordinar - to coordinate
- copular - to copulate
- coquetear - to flirt with
- cosechar - to crop
- cotizar - to quote prices, to prorate, to distribute proportionally
- cristianizar - to christianize
- crujir - to creak, to grate, to crunch
- cuchichear - to whisper, to gossip
- currar - to work
- cursar - to study, to send, to process
- colarse, (ue) - to slip
- convertirse - (ie), to change
- chirriar - creak
- cartearse - correspond
- conmutar - commute
- conturbar - disquiet, harass, unsettle
- correlacionar - correlate
- chochear - dote
- croupier - croupier
- corroerse - corrode
- caracter - character
- cadáver - cadaver, carcass, corpse
- cuantificar - quantify
- circundar - surround, encompass, enfold
- contrahacer - to clone
- calcificarse - calcify
- corroborar - corroborate
- compeler - to force
- coagular - thicken
- circunscribir - circumscribe
- claudicar - limp
- cotillear - gossip
- cortejar - woo
- canonizar - canonize
- concadenar - catenate
- cifrar - cipher, encipher, scramble
- chismorrear - blab
- carcomar - erode
- congraciarse - ingratiate
- combiar - alter
- coadunar - associate, unite, unify
- calafatear - calk, caulk
- cuadruplicar - quadruplicate
- cernerse - hover
- componerse - consist of
- crepuscular - dim
- controvertir - contest
- comediar - halve
- condolerse - condole
- chantajear - blackmail (v)
- consumar - achieve
- connocer - detect, discern
- cerrarse - shut
- correrse - run away, orgasm (to have)
- chancear - jest
- contrastar - contrast
- circuncidar - circumcise
- charolar - enamel
- condensar - condense
- cautelar - forfend
- consagrar - consecrate, devote
- corroer - erode
- colisionar - crash
- cotejar - compare, liken
- costear - defray
- connotar - connote
- circuir - bypass, circumvent
- contemporizar - adapt oneself
- comprimir - zip
- comerse - eat up
- comercializar - commercialize
- concernirse - care (v)
- complicarse - hamper
- curiosear - snuffle, sniff, sniffle
- comportarse - behave
- cercenar - circumcise
- cabacear - nod
- concurrir - participate, forgather
- cohabitar - cohabit
- confutar - disprove, refute
- coercer - coerce
- conjurar - adjure, attest
- comisionar - assign, instruct
- cmargar - acerbate, embitter
- consolidar - assure
- corretear - scamper
- conmemorar - commemorate
- caviar - caviar
- compendiar - abridge
- convulsionar - convulse
- codiciar - covet, desire
- congeniar - harmonize
- centrifugar - centrifuge
- cuajar - clot, coagulate
- calumniar - asperse, slander, slur, traduce
- conglomerar - accumulate
- colectivizar - collectivize
- codificar - codify, encode
- cristalizar - crystallize
- chapucear - fumble
- convalecer - convalesce
- congregar - assemble
- congelarse - congeal
- ciscar - smirch
- chamuscar - sear, singe
- codearse - hobnob
- cualquier - any, whatever, whichever
- chispear - scintillate, spray
- contender - to contend, to fight
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