Spanish Verbs Beginning with D
Click on a verb below for the full verb conjugation, example sentences, and translation:
- dar - to give
- deber - to owe; must, should, ought to
- decidir - to decide, settle, resolve
- decidirse - to decide, make up one's mind
- decir - to say, tell
- declarar - to declare, state; to bid [in cards]
- decorar - to decorate, adorn
- dedicar - to dedicate
- dedicarse - to devote oneself, dedicate oneself, go in for, take up [carrer/interest in something]
- defender - to defend
- dejar - to leave, abandon; to let, allow
- demostrar - to demonstrate, show
- depender - to depend
- depositar - to deposit; to place; to put away, store
- deprimir - to depress, press down, flatten
- derretir - to melt, liquefy, thaw
- desagradar - to displease, be displeasing
- desagradecer - to be unthankful for, to be unappreciative of
- desayunar - to eat breakfast, have breakfast
- descender - to descend, lower
- describir - to describe
- descubrir - to discover
- desarrollar - to develop, expand; to unroll, unwind; to unfold
- desarrollarse - to develop, evolve; to unwind
- desear - to desire, want, wish
- deshacer - to undo, unmake, ruin, spoil, take apart
- despedir - to say goodbye to, show out, dismiss
- despertarse - to wake up, lie down
- destruir - to destroy
- detener - to stop; to hold up, delay; to arrest, detain
- detenerse - to stop, pause, linger
- detestar - to detest, hate
- devolver - to return, give back
- devorar - to devour, eat up, gobble up
- dibujar - to draw, sketch, depict
- dirigir - to direct
- diseñar - to design
- disgustar - to displease, be displeasing; to annoy, upset
- disminuir - to diminish, decrease
- distinguir - to distinguish, discern, make out, recognize, single out
- distribuir - to distribute, hand out, send out, give out
- divertir - to amuse, entertain
- divertirse - to have fun, have a good time, enjoy oneself
- divorciar - to divorce
- divorciarse [de alguien] - to get divorced [from somebody]
- doblar - to double; to turn [a corner, to the right, etc.]; to fold, crease
- doler - to hurt, pain, ache
- dormir - to sleep
- dormirse - to go to sleep, fall asleep
- ducharse - to take a shower, shower [oneself]
- dudar - to doubt
- durar - to last, go on, continue
- damasquinar - to demask
- damnificar - to be a victim (fire, flood, etc)
- dañar - to hurt, to damage
- datar - to date (carta, cuenta)
- datear - to inform
- deambular - to walk
- debatir - to debate, to argue
- debilitar - to weaken, to debilitate
- debitar - to debit
- debutar - to make one‘s debut
- decantar - to decant
- decapar - to strip (pintura)
- decelerar - to decelerate
- decepcionar - to disappoint
- decimalizar - to decimalize
- declamar - to declaim, to recite
- declinar - to decline, to go down, to bend down
- decolorar - to bleach
- decretar - to order, to decree
- decuplar - to multiply tenfold
- deducir - to deduce
- defeccionar - to defect
- defenestrar - to throw out of the window, to defenestrate
- deflagrar - to deflagrate
- defoliar - to defoliate
- defraudar - to disappoint
- deformar - to deform
- definir - to define, to explain, to clarify
- degradar - to degrade
- delatar - to denounce, to accuse
- delegar - to delegate
- delinquir - to commit a crime
- delirar - to be delirious
- deliberar - to deliberate
- delimitar - to delimitate, to delimit
- delinear - to outline, to draft
- demarcar - to demarcate, to delimit
- demeritar - to discret
- demorar - to delay, to arrive late
- demudar - to alter, to change
- denegar - to deny
- denominar - to name, to designate
- denostrar - to revile
- denotar - to denote
- dentar - to teethe, to provide with teeth
- dentellar - to chatter (diente)
- denudar - to denude
- denunciar - to denounce
- deparar - to provide, to supply
- departir - to converse
- depauperar - to impoverish
- depilar - to depilate, to remove hair
- deplorar - to deplore, to lament, to regret
- deportar - to deport
- depravar - to deprave
- depreciar - to depreciate
- depredar - to prey on
- depurar - to purify
- derivar - to derive
- derogar - to derogate
- derramar - to spill, to shed
- derrapar - to skid, to spin
- derribar - to demolish
- derrotar - to defeat
- derrumbar - to demolish, to overthrow, to collapse
- derruir - to demolish
- desabollar - to beat the bents out
- desabotonar - to unbutton
- desabrigar - to unwrap ( con ropa ), to take off
- desabrochar - to undo
- desacatar - to disobey
- desacelerar - to decelerate
- desacertar - to get wrong, to be wrong
- desacomodar - to untidy, to mess up
- desaconsejar - to advise against
- desacoplar - to uncouple
- desacordar - to be in discord
- desacreditar - to discredit
- desactivar - to disactivate
- desadaptar - to disorient
- desaferrar - to weigh anchor
- desafiar - to challenge
- desafinar - to be out of tune
- desagotar - to empty, to drain
- desagregar - to disintegrate
- desaguar - to drain, to empty
- desahogar - to ease, to console, to let off steam
- desahuciar - to evict, to dismiss
- desairar - to snub
- desajustar - to loosen
- desalambrar - to cut the wire
- desalar - to desalt
- desalentar - to discourage
- desalinizar - to desalinate
- desalojar - to dislodge, to evict, to expel from a lodging
- desamarrar - to cast off, to untie
- desamortizar - to seize, to confiscate
- desamparar - to abandon, to desert
- desamueblar - to remove the furniture from
- desangrar - to bleed
- desanidar - to leave the nest
- desanimar - to depress, to discourage
- desanudar - to untie, to undo, to unknot
- desaparecer - to disappear
- desapreciar - to underestimate
- desaprender - to unlearn
- desarticular - to disarticulate
- desbaratar - to ruin, to wreck
- descalificar - to disqualify
- descansar - to rest
- descargar - to discharge, to unload, to download
- desconcertar - to disturb
- desconectar - to disconnect, to unplug
- descolgar - to off-hook
- descollar - to protrude
- descomponer - to put out of order, to descompose, to become upset
- descontar - to discount
- desechar - to discard, to reject, to refuse
- desempeñar - to perform, to play
- desencantar - to disenchant
- desenvolver - to develop, to unwrap
- desequilibrar - to unbalance
- desgajar - to rip off, to tear off
- designar - to appoint, to designate
- desnudar - to undress, to strip
- desmentir - to refute, to deny
- despachar - to dispatch, to deal with, to dismiss
- despegar - to detach, to take off, to become detached
- despertar - to wake up
- desplegar - to deploy
- desterrar - to exile
- desviar - to divert, to dissuade
- detectar - to detect
- determinar - to determine
- deteriorar - to deteriorate
- diagnosticar - to diagnose
- dialogar - to dialogue
- dictaminar - to sentence
- dictar - to dictate
- diezmar - to decimate
- difamar - to libel
- diferir - to differ
- digerir - to digest
- dilatar - to dilate
- discriminar - to discriminate
- discutir - to discuss, to argue
- diseminar - to disseminate
- disfrutar - to enjoy
- disimular - to dissimulate, to dissemble, to pretend
- dispensar - to distribute
- disponer - to have, to arrange
- distanciar - to space out, to grow apart
- distorsionar - to distort
- distraer - to distract
- disolver - to dissolve
- disuadir - to dissuade
- dividir - to divide, to split
- divulgar - to divulge, to make known
- documentar - to document
- domar - to break in (caballo), to tame
- domesticar - to domesticate
- dominar - to dominate
- donar - to donate
- dorar - to gild
- dotar - to provide, to endow
- duplicar - to duplicate
- danzar - to dance
- decrecer - to decrease
- degenerar - to degenerate
- degollar - to cut the throat
- deletrear - to spell
- demandar - to demand, to sue
- demoler - to demolish
- deponer - to depose, to lay down, to overthrow
- derrochar - to squander, to waste
- desaprobar - to disapprove
- desarmar - to dismantle, to dismantle
- desatar - to untie
- desatender - to neglect
- desbordar - to overflow, to overwhelm
- descafeinar - to remove caffein
- descartar - to rule out
- descongelar - to defrost
- desconocer - to not know
- descuidar - to neglect, to overlook, to be careless or negligent
- desembarcar - to disembark, to unload
- desembocar - to flow into, to lead to
- desenchufar - to unplug
- desenclavar - to open up
- desengañar - to disappoint, to open sb‘s eyes, to disillusion
- desenredar - to disentangle, to straighten out
- desenterrar - to unearth
- desentumecer - to loosen up
- desesperar - to hopeless, to desperate
- desfallacer - to grow weak, to faint
- desfallecer - to become weak
- desfavorecer - to work against
- desgastar - to wear out, to consume
- deshelar - to melt
- deshojar - to pull the petals off, to tear, to rip the pages out of
- deshuesar - to bone
- desilusionar - to disappoint
- desinhibir - to lose one‘s inhibitions
- desistir - to desist, to abbandon, to give up
- desligar - to separate, to cut
- deslizar - to slip, to slide, to skid
- deslucir - to spoil
- desmayar - to faint
- desmembrar - to dismantle
- desmerecer - to criticize, to look down on
- desmontar - to apart, to dismantle
- desmoronar - to crumble, to crumble down, to fall gradually to pieces
- desobedecer - to disobey
- desocupar - to vacate, to empty
- desoír - to ignore, to disregard
- desollar - to skin
- desordenar - to disturb, to confuse, to upset
- desosar - to bone
- despejar - to clear
- desplazar - to displace, to move, to travel
- despoblar - to depopulate
- despreciar - to despise, to scorn
- destacar - to emphasize, to stress
- desteñir - to fade
- destinar - to appoint, to assign, to address
- destituir - to remove, to dismiss
- destorcer - to detwist
- destrozar - to destroy
- desvanecer - to vanish
- desvestir - to undress
- detallar - to detail
- devastar - to devastate, to lay waste, to destroy
- devenir - to become, to befall, to be transformed into
- diferenciar - to differentiate, to disagree, to distinguish oneself
- dificultar - to make hard, to make difficult
- difundir - to spread
- digitalizar - to digitalize
- discar - to dial
- discernir - to discern
- disculpar - to apologize, to forgive
- disentir - to dissent
- disfrazar - to disguise, to dress up
- disparar - to fire, to shoot
- dispersar - to disperse
- disputar - to argue, to compete
- divergir - to diverge, to differ
- divisar - to descry, to see
- dogmatizar - to dogmatize
- dramatizar - to dramatize
- drogar - to drug
- duchar - to shower
- dulcificar - to make more pleasant, to mellow, to sweet
- deleitarse - to delight
- descontinuar - to discontinue, stop
- deslizarse - to slip
- desmejorar - to decline, deteriorate
- despedirse, (i) - to take leave
- diferenciarse - to consider one's self different
- discurrir - to discuss, converse; think out
- desenganchar - unhook
- devolverse - return
- descodificar - decode
- desembarazar - extricate
- dignificar - dignify
- descolorar - discolor
- desconfiar - mistrust
- deleitar - delight
- destornillar - screw off, unscrew
- desmoralizar - demoralize
- despiojar - delouse
- desovar - spawn
- deslumbar - dazzle
- distendir - distend
- desoxidar - deoxidize
- desinflar - deflate
- decampar - decamp
- disociar - dissociate
- descifrar - decipher, decode, decrypt
- desmenuzar - hackle
- desvalorizar - devaluate, devalue
- defenderse - fend
- disciplinar - punish
- descorchar - uncork
- desnatar - skim
- desintegrar - disintegrate
- denigrar - denigrate
- desembolsar - disburse
- desvelar - unveil
- desagrupar - ungroup
- desposeer - dispossess, divest
- desmayarse - faint, swoon
- desolar - desolate, devastate, ravage
- desenmascarar - unmask
- desfalcar - embezzle
- destronar - dethrone
- detonar - detonate
- desandar - retrace
- decolar - take off, running, start up, to launch
- diversificar - diversify
- descorazonar - discourage, dishearten
- desunir - disunite
- devaluar - depreciate, devaluate, devalue
- desarraigar - disroot, uproot
- deslumbrar - daze, glare
- desheredar - disinherit
- decapitar - behead
- destilar - distill
- desenvolverse - evolve
- desarzonar - unseat
- desnegar - deny, gainsay
- dividirse - share
- diluir - dilute
- desapoderar - dispossess, expropriate, forjudge, oust
- desembalar - unpack
- dosar - measure out
- desenrollar - uncoil, unroll
- deforestar - deforest
- destapar - uncover
- desarreglar - disarray, disorder
- desmantelar - dismantle
- desmovilizar - demobilize
- descentralizar - decentralize
- decentar - cut into
- derretirse - fusion, melting, smelt
- dignarse - condescend, deign
- desempaquetar - unpack
- dislocar - dislocate
- doblegar - flex
- destajar - make a contract
- divagar - digress
- desestimar - underrate
- descoger - unfold
- domiciliar - set up, settle
- desnudarse - undress
- desviarse - deviate
- desnaturalizar - denature
- desmilitarizar - demilitarize
- desplegarse - pop-up
- desproteger - unprotect
- descarrilar - derail
- desinfectar - disinfect
- dispar - unequal, unhomogeneous
- desquiciar - unhinge, unsettle
- desquitarse - retaliate
- dormitar - doze, slumber
- derrocar - overthrow
- descolocar - misplace
- disecar - dissect
- deificar - deify
- deshidratar - dehydrate
- defecar - defecate
- demontar - take apart
- desposar - betroth, espouse
- disipar - disband, disintegrate, dissolve
- desorganizar - disorganize
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