Spanish Verbs Beginning with M
Click on a verb below for the full verb conjugation, example sentences, and translation:
- madurar - to mature; to ripen
- mandar - to order </I>[give an order]<I>; to send
- mantener - to maintain, get
- maquillarse - to put on make-up [on oneself]
- marcar - to mark, stamp, to show, indicate; to dial [e.g., a phone]
- masticar - to chew
- matar - to kill, slay, slaughter
- matricularse - to register, enroll, matriculate [oneself]
- merecer - to deserve, merit
- merendar - to have a[n afternoon] snack, have as a snack
- meter - to put [in], place, insert
- mezclar - to mix, mix up, mix together, blend; to combine, merge, shuffle
- mirar - to watch, look at
- modificar - to modify, change
- molestar - to bother, annoy, inconovenience, put out, upset
- morir - to die
- mostrar - to show
- mover - to move
- moverse - to move [oneself]
- mudarse - to move [=change residence]
- macanear - to lie
- macerar - to soak, to marinate
- machacar - to crush, to grind
- machar - to beat, to crush
- machetear - to cut, to chop, to cheat (Argentina)
- machucar - to bruise, to crush
- magnificar - to magnify
- magnetizar - to magnetize
- magullar - to batter, to bruise
- majar - to crush
- malbaratar - to squander
- maldecir - to curse, to speak ill
- malear - to spoil, to change shape
- maleficiar - to damage, to harm, to injure
- malgastar - to squander, to waste
- maliciar - to suspect
- malinterpretar - to misinterpret
- malograr - to waste (oportunidad), to spo
- maltratar - to mistreat, to maltreat
- mamar - to suck, to nurse
- manar - to pour
- manchar - to stain, to smudge, to sully
- mancomunar - to join together
- manejar - to manage, to handle, to drive
- manipulear - to manipulate
- manufacturar - to manufacture
- manuscribir - to write by hand
- maquillar - to make up
- maquinar - to machinate, to plot
- maravillar - to amaze
- marchar - to walk, to march, to go
- mascar - to chew
- materializar - to materialize
- matizar - to match
- matricular - to register, to enroll, to matriculate
- mediar - to intermediate, to be in the middle
- medir - to measure
- meditar - to meditate, to think about sth.
- mejorar - to better, to improve, to recover
- memorizar - to memorize
- mencionar - to mention, to refer, to name
- mendigar - to beg
- mentir - to lie
- mimar - to pamper
- mitigar - to mitigate, to allay, to alleviate
- moderar - to moderate, to reduce (velocidad)
- modernizar - to modernize
- modular - to modulate
- mojar - to wet, to moisten
- mojonear - to spin a yarn, to tell stories (some countries)
- moldear - to shape
- moler - to grind
- monologar - to deliver a monologue
- monolopizar - to monopolize
- montar - to ride
- moquear - to run the nose
- morder - to bite
- mortificar - to mortify, to upset
- movilizar - to mobilize
- multar - to fine
- muletear - to fight with the muleta (toro)
- multiplicar - to multiply
- municipalizar - to municipalize
- murmurar - to murmur
- mutilar - to mutilate
- madrugar - to get up early
- malcriar - to spoil, to bring up badly
- malherir - to hurt to death
- malversar - to embezzle
- manifestar - to declare
- manipular - to manipulate, to handle, to operate
- marear - to make sick
- mear - to piss, to pee
- mecer - to swing, to rock, to sway
- menear - to shake, to move, to stir
- menguar - to diminish, to reduce
- menospreciar - to scorn, to disdain, to underestimate
- mentar - to mention
- merodear - to maraud, to prowl around
- morar - to dwell
- motivar - to motivar, to rationalize
- mudar - to move
- mártir - martyr
- marrar - weakness
- minimizar - minimize
- manosear - tamper
- mofarse - taunt
- militarizar - militarize
- masturbar - masturbate
- minorar - lessen
- momificar - mummify
- multiplexar - multiplex
- menoscabar - damage
- masturbarse - masturbate
- manager - boss, manager
- medicar - medicate
- minar - undermine
- marchitarse - fade, wilt, wither
- menstruar - menstruate
- miniaturizar - miniaturize
- mecanizar - mechanize
- mordisquear - champ
- monopolizar - monopolize
- malvender - undersell
- micronizar - micronize
- moralizar - moralize
- militar - militate
- mirarse - seem
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