Spanish Word for acknowledge  

English Word: acknowledge

Spanish Word: reconocer
The Spanish Word for acknowledge
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Translated sentences containing 'acknowledge'
I acknowledge receipt of your delivery.
Por la presente acuso recibo de su entrega.
We acknowledge receipt of your letter.
Por la presente acusamos recibo de su casa.

We have to acknowledge this.
Debemos admitir este dato.
We all acknowledge the aim here.
Todos reconocemos cuál es el fin aquí.
We need to acknowledge ...
Debemos reconocer ...
We cannot acknowledge these results.
No podemos aceptar estos resultados.
I do not acknowledge that possibility.
Yo no admito esa posibilidad.
We all have to acknowledge the fact.
Todos debemos reconocerlo.
It would be very unfair if I did not acknowledge that.
Sería muy injusto si no lo reconociera.
I ask you to acknowledge this.
Les pido que lo reconozcan.
We all want to acknowledge that.
Todos estamos dispuestos a reconocerlo.
I think that we should acknowledge that...
Creo que debemos reconocer...
The shipping industry is the first to acknowledge this.
La industria del transporte es la primera en reconocerlo.
He refuses to acknowledge that he is only a creature.
Se niega a reconocer que no es más que una criatura.
You should, therefore, acknowledge that we have been more cautious and careful than you have.
Debe reconocer, pues, que hemos demostrado ser más precavidos o prudentes que usted.
I should like to acknowledge IMPEL's role.
Quisiera agradecer el papel de la red IMPEL.
And I also want to acknowledge this.
Y yo también quiero reconocérselo.
But there are two needs which we all acknowledge.
Pero hay dos exigencias que todos admitimos.
I think it is right to acknowledge this.
Creo que es de justicia reconocer esto.
We absolutely have to acknowledge the flaws of our own democracy.
Es nuestro deber indiscutible reconocer los fallos de nuestra propia democracia.
It is both realistic and relevant to acknowledge and to provide for that.
Es realista y también relevante reconocerlo y preverlo.
We must acknowledge that we have not made it at all easy for them.
Tenemos que reconocer que no se lo hemos puesto nada fácil.
That is a lot, and I am happy to acknowledge it, but it is not enough.
Esto ya es mucho, y me complace reconocerlo, pero no es suficiente.
The fact is that if employers were to acknowledge this, we would not be having these problems.
El hecho es que si los empresarios lo reconocieran, no tendríamos estos problemas.
I regret that Commissioner Verheugen did not acknowledge this.
Eché de menos un reconocimiento por parte del Comisario, Sr. Verheugen, en ese sentido.
Everyone who is not a vegetarian must acknowledge that.
Todo aquel que no sea vegetariano debe reconocerlo.
I acknowledge that this argument is not without substance.
Reconozco que en ese argumento hay algo de razón.
I would like to acknowledge them today.
Quiero hoy recordarlos aquí.
We are here to remember, to acknowledge and to build.
Estamos aquí para recordar, para reconocer y para construir.
However, there are downsides, which all of us here would acknowledge.
No obstante, también tiene sus aspectos negativos, que sin duda todos los presentes reconoceremos.
I clearly acknowledge that before this Parliament today.
Así lo reconozco abiertamente hoy ante este Parlamento.
It is right to acknowledge that before this House today.
Es justo reconocerlo hoy ante esta Asamblea.
I should like to acknowledge that duty.
Quiero dar fe de dicho cometido.
It is important to acknowledge that as a phenomenon.
Es importante reconocerlo como fenómeno.
Let us acknowledge the fact.
Reconozcamos este hecho.
We have to acknowledge this fact and ask ourselves: , Europe?
Tenemos que reconocer este hecho y preguntarnos: , Europa?
I want to acknowledge that as well.
También quiero reconocer eso.
The report fails to acknowledge this, as it ought to.
El informe no reconoce este hecho como es debido.
We must acknowledge that this is the case.
Tenemos que reconocer que es así.
Why do we fail to see this ourselves, and why are we afraid to acknowledge it?
¿Por qué no podemos verlo nosotros mismos y por qué tenemos miedo de reconocerlo?
We have to acknowledge this fact and that is what our resolution expresses.
Debemos reconocerlo y eso es lo que expresa nuestra resolución.
There is a philosophical divergence here which we have to acknowledge.
Se trata de una divergencia filosófica que he de reconocer.
We acknowledge the equality of inclusive adaptation.
Reconocemos la igualdad de una adaptación inclusiva.
I have to acknowledge the other, before I can truly understand myself.
Tengo que reconocer al prójimo antes de comprenderme a mí mismo.
That is something we should acknowledge and accept.
Eso es algo que deberíamos reconocer y aceptar.
We have a duty to support, acknowledge and assist them.
Es nuestra obligación apoyarles, reconocerlas y ayudarles.
We must acknowledge that our approach failed.
Tenemos que reconocer que nuestro enfoque ha fracasado.
So, please, when are we going to acknowledge that agriculture ...
De modo que, por favor, cuándo vamos a reconocer que la agricultura...
That is a very important matter and we should acknowledge it.
Éste es un asunto muy importante y deberíamos reconocerlo.
It would be nice if we could acknowledge his existence in the budget, too.
Estaría bien si pudiésemos reflejar su existencia también en el presupuesto.
It is important that we now acknowledge this fact once again.
Es importante que reconozcamos ahora este hecho una vez más.
We have to acknowledge this fact clearly.
Debemos asumir esta situación claramente.
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