Spanish Word for confessed  

English Word: confessed

Spanish Word: reconocido
The Spanish Word for confessed
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Translated sentences containing 'confessed'
He has confessed to stealing the money.
El ha confesado haber robado el dinero.
Pedro confessed his love for Lucía.
Pedro confesó su amor por Lucía.

A fault confessed is half redressed.
Más vale estar centrado a medias que estar equivocado del todo.
They subsequently confessed to these activities.
Posteriormente, confesaron estas actividades.
Firstly, it has confessed its own irresponsibility.
En primer lugar, ha confesado su propia irresponsabilidad.
He was then arrested and confessed to nine murders on both sides of the Franco-Belgian border.
Luego fue arrestado y confesó ser el autor de nueve asesinatos a ambos lados de la frontera franco-belga.
I must, however, express some reservations about the self-confessed goal of this report through the creation of a European area of higher education.
Sin embargo, debo expresar algunas reservas sobre la meta confesada de este informe a través de la creación del Espacio europeo de la enseñanza superior.
The new Palestinian president must indeed be strongly encouraged in his self-confessed willingness to renounce violence and thereby relaunch dialogue.
En efecto, hay que alentar firmemente al nuevo Presidente palestino en su voluntad declarada de relanzar el diálogo renunciando a la violencia.
When new defence evidence came forward, it was ignored by the Bulgarian authorities; when another Liverpool man confessed to the crime, it was disregarded by the Bulgarians.
Cuando la defensa presentó nuevas pruebas, las autoridades búlgaras hicieron caso omiso de ellas; cuando otro hombre de Liverpool confesó la autoría del delito, los búlgaros lo desecharon.
An Italian policeman has confessed and today the deputy head of the Sismi, the Italian intelligence service, has been arrested.
Un carabinero italiano ha confesado; hoy ha sido detenido el número dos del Sismi, el servicio de inteligencia italiano.
Most of the residents of Pátka stand by their claim that the vigilantes are innocent, although one of the suspects has confessed that he was involved.
La mayoría de los residentes de Pátka han declarado que los vigilantes son inocentes, a pesar de que uno de los sospechosos ha confesado su participación.
Then Mr Batten confessed to us that the parliamentary group's money has been used to interfere in national referendums.
Y luego, el señor Batten nos ha confesado que han utilizado el dinero del grupo parlamentario para injerirse en los referenda nacionales.
For example, for a Mr Kang Ho-soon, who has reportedly confessed to killing seven women.
Por ejemplo, para el señor Kang Ho-soon, que al parecer ha confesado haber matado a siete mujeres.
Astonishingly, the self-confessed perpetrator of this crime, Shamil Basayev, was appointed deputy prime minister of the so-called Chechen government-in-exile on 25 August.
Sorprendentemente, el autor autoinculpado de este crimen, Shamil Basáyev, ha sido nombrado el 25 de agosto Viceprimer Ministro del denominado Gobierno checheno en el exilio.
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