Spanish Word for differently  

English Word: differently

Spanish Word: diferentemente
The Spanish Word for differently
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Translated sentences containing 'differently'
We would speak frequently, but she doesn't have time.
Hablaríamos con frecuencia, pero ella no tiene tiempo.
If your mother were her, you all would speak differently.
Si vuestra madre estuviese aqui, hablaríais de otra manera.
If I lived in El Salvado, I would speak differently.
Si yo viviera en El Salvador, hablaría diferente.
Well, yes I try to sign the same way every time but each time I sign a little differently.
Bueno, sí trato de firmar en la misma manera todo el tiempo pero cada vez firmo un poco distinto.
I believe that everyone signs a little differently each time they sign something.
Creo que todo el mundo firma un poco distinto cada vez que firman algo.

We could have acted differently before.
Podríamos haber actuado de otro modo en el pasado.
I would see it differently.
Yo lo veo de otra forma.
We have to do things differently.
Hay que hacer las cosas de forma diferente.
Who ought to have acted differently?
¿Quién tenía que haberse comportado de otra manera?
We do it differently and no less effectively.
Lo hacemos de una forma diferente, pero no menos eficaz.
If the rules had been different, we would have acted differently.
Si las reglas fueran otras habríamos actuado de otra forma.
It says that things should be done differently.
Afirman que hay que hacer las cosas de otro modo.
It all seems to have gone differently, however.
Sin embargo, todo parece haber ido por otro camino.
If so, I would prefer to use this capacity differently.
Si es así, preferiría que esta capacidad se utilizara de forma diferente.
This system must be regulated differently.
Este sistema debe regularse de otro modo.
Why, then, should Turkey be treated any differently?
¿Por qué, pues, habría que tratar a Turquía de un modo diferente?
Things turned out differently, however.
Sin embargo, las cosas resultaron ser diferentes.
I think that things could be done differently.
Creo que las cosas podrían hacerse de otra manera.
Maybe then they would behave differently.
A lo mejor así se comportaban de otra forma.
Some are Greeks, who are treated differently from other Europeans.
Algunos son griegos, que son tratados de modo diferente al resto de europeos.
There is no reason to treat Sweden any differently.
No hay razón para tratar a Suecia de forma diferente.
I have always seen it differently.
Siempre lo he considerado de un modo distinto.
Perhaps, however, we could do it differently.
Pero podría haber otra forma.
Fortunately there are countries which do things differently!
Afortunadamente, hay países que hacen las cosas de otra manera.
How come we assess things differently?
¿Cómo es posible que hayamos realizado unas valoraciones tan diferentes?
Why do we treat Israel differently?
¿Por qué dispensamos a Israel un trato distinto?
How differently is it implemented in the Member States?
¿Hasta qué punto se aplica de forma distinta en los Estados miembros?
Why should we treat Macedonia any differently?
¿Por qué debemos tratar a Macedonia de manera diferente?
I see that you meant this differently.
Ahora veo que usted pretendía otra cosa.
The House itself would have to do things differently.
Son ustedes quienes deben hacerlo.
The two have to be dealt with completely differently.
Los dos han de tener un tratamiento completamente diferente.
I look at that rather differently.
Yo lo comentaría de otro modo.
This term is represented differently in each language.
En cada idioma, este concepto se expresa de otro modo.
So this report has not been treated differently.
Es decir que este informe no ha recibido un trato distinto.
Fortunately, the market thinks differently.
Afortunadamente, el sistema de mercado tiene una opinión distinta al respecto.
Portugal might view this differently.
Portugal podría tener una opinión diferente al respecto.
But we all read it slightly differently before lunch.
Pero se pone sobre la mesa de otro modo.
Apparently, it was translated differently in Italian.
Aparentemente en italiano se tradujo de otra forma.
If that had been the case, some Members might have voted differently.
Si ese hubiera sido el caso muchos colegas hubieran votado de diferente manera.
It makes no sense to treat MEDA differently.
No tiene sentido tratar de modo diferente a MEDA.
Why does Great Britain behave differently to the continent?
¿Porqué se comporta Gran Bretaña de un modo diferente al continente?
People who see things differently are ethical too.
También los que tiene otra opinión son éticos.
If we were applying the rules of economics, we would have to act differently.
Si aplicáramos las leyes de la economía, tendríamos que actuar de otra manera.
They should not be treated differently; they should be given extra help.
No se debe tratarlas de forma diferente; se debe prestarlas ayuda suplementaria.
This is why I think that in future we ought to operate slightly differently.
Esta es la razón por la que pienso que en el futuro deberíamos trabajar de forma un poco diferente.
We see three points rather differently.
En los EE.UU van a ver también que los procesos parlamentarios necesitan su tiempo.
We have total respect for all of those who feel differently to us.
Nosotros somos muy respetuosos con todos aquellos que tienen una sensibilidad distinta a la nuestra.
All this could have been dealt with differently and in a different time frame.
Todo esto podría haberse hecho de una manera diferente y en un marco temporal distinto.
There is no reason why olive oil should be treated any differently.
No existe ninguna razón por la que deba concederse un trato diferente al aceite de oliva.
Europe can and must act differently.
Europa puede y debe marcar la diferencia.
Countries think differently about matters such as abortion.
Cada país tiene formas de pensar distintas sobre cuestiones como el aborto.
We saw it differently in the Civil Liberties Committee.
En la Comisión de Libertades Civiles nos decantamos por otra posibilidad.
In reality, we know that things have turned out differently.
En realidad, sabemos que las cosas marchan de un modo diferente.
There is a lot that we can do, but we have to look at the situation differently.
Es mucho lo que podemos hacer, pero tenemos que cambiar nuestra visión de la situación.
Yet, there is little to interpret differently in the text!
No obstante, hay poco que interpretar de manera diferente en el texto.
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