Spanish Word for earned  

English Word: earned

Spanish Word: ganado
The Spanish Word for earned
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John would have earned lots of money if he had worked more.
Juan habría ganado mucho dinero si él hubiera trabajado más.
Mary spent more money than she earned.
María gastó más dinero del que ganó.
Lula earned more then fifty dollars per hour!
Lula ganó más de $50 por hora!

The Macedonians have earned it.
Los macedonios se lo merecen.
It is something that is earned over a period of time.
Es algo que se consigue al cabo de un período de tiempo.
Confidence cannot be bought by decree - it has to be earned.
La confianza no se consigue por decreto: hay que merecerla.
She has earned it and to look at her she needs it, and she is not the only one.
No sólo se lo merece, sino que, por lo que veo, también lo necesita, y ella no es la única.
Confidence is not decreed; it is earned.
La confianza no se decreta, se gana.
In this case, it is re-earned.
En este caso hay que recobrarla.
They have earned their chance to vote.
Se han ganado su oportunidad de votar.
The average disparity between the wages earned by men and those earned by women in the EU continues to be 18%.
La desigualdad media entre los salarios de los hombres y los de las mujeres en la UE sigue siendo del 18 %.
They have earned the confidence of their fellow-citizens.
Han merecido la confianza de sus conciudadanos.
Long life and a healthy life have to be earned.
Hay que conseguir una vida larga y saludable.
She has certainly earned our quality mark in these debates.
Se ha ganado, sin duda, nuestro sello de calidad en estos debates.
His track record has earned him the support of the House.
In the light of the above points, this report has earned our support.
Tal y como he explicado, este informe se ha ganado nuestro apoyo.
We cannot just renounce a right that we have earned through struggle.
No podemos simplemente renunciar a un derecho por el que hemos luchado.
You have our support, and the people in the country have earned this commitment.
Cuentan con todo nuestro apoyo, y la población del país se ha ganado este compromiso.
It cannot be earned by strangling investment in the name of saving.
No se consigue haciendo ahorros destructivos en el terreno de las inversiones.
For this Helmut Kohl has earned our thanks and our recognition.
Por ello, Helmut Kohl merece nuestro reconocimiento y nuestra gratitud.
Confidence is not achieved by decree, it must be earned.
La confianza no se decreta, ha de suscitarse.
This approach also earned the support of those attending.
Este enfoque del tema también contó con el apoyo de los participantes.
Not every dollar earned should be transferred directly to Miami.
Hay que evitar la inmediata transferencia a Miami de cada dólar que se gana.
You have been an outstanding representative of this House who has earned the thanks and support of everyone here.
Ha sido una representante excelente de esta Asamblea, y se ha ganado el agradecimiento y el apoyo de todos nosotros.
It must be earned if it is to win recognition under international law.
Hay que merecerla, si queremos que obtenga el reconocimiento del derecho internacional.
The status of world player cannot be decreed; it must be earned.
La condición de potencia mundial no se adquiere por decreto; hay que ganársela.
It must be earned and in a manner that the public can accept.
Hay que ganársela, y de una forma que la opinión pública la acepte.
I come from a parliament in which they gave me the ticket, I had never earned more.
Yo vengo de un parlamento en el que me daban el billete, nunca había cobrado más.
This was how he earned the respect of political friend and foe alike.
Esas son las razones del respeto que le dispensaron amigos y adversarios políticos.
That earned the US economist, Gari Becker, a Nobel Prize.
Hacerlo le ha valido un premio Nobel al economista estadounidense Gari Becker.
If we do that tomorrow, we will have earned the stars of the European Union.
Si lo hacemos mañana, nos habremos ganado las estrellas de la Unión Europea.
We have earned it through the whole of our history and the sacrifices we have made on its behalf.
Por toda nuestra historia y por los sacrificios realizados en su nombre.
These lenders have earned money with loans that should never have been made.
Los prestamistas han ganado dinero con préstamos que no hubieran debido conceder nunca.
The same thing applies to double taxation on earned income.
Lo mismo ocurre con la doble imposición sobre los rendimientos del trabajo.
It is already late and I think we have all earned a little relaxation.
Ya es tarde y creo que todos nos merecemos descansar un poco.
Hitherto, however, these agencies have earned themselves a dishonourable reputation.
Hasta ahora, sin embargo, estas agencias se han ganado una reputación deshonrosa.
In Austria, for example, 17 % of GDP is earned from tourism.
Por ejemplo, en Austria el 17 % del PIB proviene de turismo.
The Funk report earned our vote by rejecting that Commission proposal.
El informe Funk merece nuestro voto favorable porque rechaza esta intención de la Comisión.
If they earned over a certain amount they were taxed on that amount and that was the end of the matter.
Si ganaba más de una cantidad determinada, se le obligaba a pagar impuestos por esa cantidad y ahí acababa la cosa.
Large amounts of money are earned at relatively low risk.
Ganan mucho dinero y los riesgos son relativamente pequeños.
I believe that today he has earned his salary as a minister and as President-in-Office of the Council.
Yo creo que hoy se ha ganado su salario de ministro y de Presidente en ejercicio del Consejo.
I think I can present you with a budget which has earned Parliament' s confidence.
Creo que puedo presentarles un presupuesto que merece la confianza del Parlamento.
In 1989, he earned USD 15 billion from oil and he spent 13 billion on arms.
En 1989 ingresó 15.000 millones de dólares del petróleo y gastó 13.000 en armas.
In 1999 he earned USD 16 billion and at least, legally, he could not spend any on arms.
En 1999 ingresó 16.000 millones de dólares y, por lo menos legalmente, no pudo gastar nada en armas.
We also know that, in the meantime, organised crime has earned billions of euros in various sectors.
También sabemos que ésta ha llegado a generar entre tanto miles de millones de euros en sus diversos campos de actividad.
It is currently very difficult to accrue pension rights earned consecutively in different countries.
Actualmente es muy difícil acumular derechos de jubilación adquiridos en diferentes países.
There was a lingua franca but no monetary union, and so on his return his honestly earned pounds sterling were confiscated from him.
Existía una lengua franca, pero no la unión monetaria, por lo que a su regreso le secuestraron las esterlinas que había ganado honradamente.
Ought not Saddam' s General to have earned his fare home long ago?
¿No habrá pagado el general de Saddam hace mucho tiempo los gastos en casa?
Our balanced policy has earned us a great deal of trust over the years.
Nos hemos granjeado desde hace años una gran confianza gracias a una política equilibrada.
These are rights that must be earned first by operating more energy-efficiently before they can be auctioned.
Son derechos que deben conseguirse con antelación mediante la operación con mayor ahorro de energía, antes de que salgan a subasta.
These peoples naturally belong among us, and they have earned their place in our midst.
Estas personas tienen, sin duda, derecho a estar entre nosotros y se han ganado un lugar en nuestro seno.
For years, this sector had a system of sustainable fishing, which earned the praise of many.
Durante años, este sector tuvo un sistema de pesca sostenible ampliamente elogiado.
It is rare that I have an occasion to welcome the work of this government, but when it is earned I am willing to do so.(2)
Resulta extraño que tenga motivos para alabar el trabajo de este Gobierno, pero cuando se lo merece lo hago de buen grado.(2)
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