Spanish Word for known  

English Word: known

Spanish Word: conocido[Adjective]
The Spanish Word for known
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The marimba is the most known musical instrument in Guatemala.
La marimba es el instrumento musical más conocido en Guatemala.
Ever since I've known them, Toña and David have always gone everywhere together as if they were engaged.
Desde que los conozco, Toña y David siempre han ido juntos a todas partes, como si fueran novios.
He is a well known director.
Es un director muy conocido.
It is known that forests are destroyed in large quantities all over the world.
Se sabe que los bosques se destruyen en grandes cantidades por todo el mundo.
Elephants have been known to remain standing after they die.
Es sabido que los elefantes siguen de pie después de morir.
Mary would have been able to help us if she had known how to speak French.
María nos habría ayudado si ella hubiera sabido hablar francés.
If I had known it, I would have taken your car and not mine.
Si lo hubiera sabido habría tomado tu coche y no el mio.
Elephants have been known to remain standing after they die.
Se sabe que los elefantes siguen de pie después de morir.
Spain is known for its very interesting history.
España es conocida por su historia tan interesante.
If I had dedicated more time on studying, I would have known how to say many things in Spanish by now.
Si hubiera dedicado más tiempo a estudiar, ya habría sabido decir muchas cosas en español.
How long have you known Miss Gallardo?
¿Cuánto tiempo hace que conoces a la Srta. Gallardo?
How could she have known that which I felt for him?
¿Cómo es que ella podía saber aquello que yo sentía por él?
I've known her for two months.
La conozco desde hace dos meses.
A man is known by the company he keeps.
Dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres.
Fernando Magellan, also known as Hernando Magellan was a Portuguese navigator.
Fernando de Magallanes, también conocido como Hernando de Magallanes fue un navegante portugués.
My grandmother was the best cook I have ever known.
Mi abuela era la mejor cocinera que jamás he conocido.
it is generally known that
Es sabido que
At that time, it was not known if there would be a strike or not.
En ese momento, no se sabía si habría huelga o no.
Laura and Yolanda said they'd known Francisco for several years.
Laura y Yolanda dijeron que hacia varios años que conocían a Francisco.
She was a well-known singer.
Fue una cantante muy conocida.

I have been known to do so myself.
Como es sabido, yo mismo lo he hecho.
If not, should you not have known that?
En caso negativo, ¿no deberían ustedes haberlo sabido?
All the positions are known.
Se conocen todas las posiciones.
That was known as liberalisation.
Esto se llamaba liberalización.
We have made this known.
Lo hemos hecho saber.
This is what is known as 'interoperability'.
Es lo que se denomina la interoperabilidad.
My God, if only I had known!
¡Dios mío, si lo llego a saber!
They are known as 'raspachines'.
Se los conoce como "los raspachines".
It is a known quality.
Es una calidad conocida.
We have known this for years.
Esto lo sabemos desde hace años.
Little is known about them.
Se sabe poco de ellos.
They are moving from the entirely known to the not entirely known.
Están abandonando lo enteramente conocido para entrar en lo que no se conoce enteramente.
The denominations of the euro are well known.
Las monedas divisionarias del euro son bien conocidas.
The tools are surely known to all.
Seguro que los instrumentos necesarios están en conocimiento de todos.
It is known as a beautiful game.
Es conocido como un juego bonito.
They are known to Austria at least.
En cualquier caso, en Austria es conocida.
It is important that these are widely known.
Creo que es muy importante que la opinión pública también conozca esta realidad.
They are well known, and they are nothing new.
Son bien conocidas y no constituyen ninguna novedad.
This is what is known as the hierarchy of standards.
The origin of the contamination is now known.
Ya se sabe cuál es el origen de la contaminación.
We have known that for a long time.
Esto se sabe ya desde hace tiempo.
This is known as sheltered or supported employment.
Esto se denomina empleo protegido o apoyado.
Its arguments are well known.
Sus argumentos son bien sabidos.
This is known as 'streamlining procedures'.
Esto se denomina «simplificación de procedimientos».
These are what is known as 'dormant resources'.
Son lo que se conoce como «recursos inactivos».
More than this, it is a known fact and recognition of this fact.
Más que eso, es un hecho conocido y un reconocimiento de este hecho.
This is known as the Trojan Horse principle.
Esto se denomina el principio del caballo de Troya.
This is a little known area of health.
Es un ámbito mal conocido de la salud.
That is what is known as social cohesion.
Esto es lo que se llama cohesión social.
This is known as a beneficial crisis.
Esto se denomina crisis beneficiosa.
That is known as environmental dumping.
Es lo que se conoce como dúmping ambiental.
This also applies to what are known as gifts.
Esto se aplica también a lo que se conoce como obsequios.
These should be made known to, and adopted by, all of them.
Estos deberían darse a conocer y ser adoptados por todos ellos.
We have known what our responsibilities are for a long time.
Conocemos nuestras responsabilidades desde hace mucho tiempo.
They are well known to us.
Son bien conocidos por nosotros.
Did you sit beside a known criminal?
¿Se sentó al lado de un conocido delincuente?
Both sides in the dispute had known that for ages.
Ambas partes de la disputa lo han sabido durante décadas.
The diagnosis has long been known.
El diagnóstico hace tiempo que se conoce.
As a result, that politician is known to be accountable.
De este modo se sabría que ese político es el responsable.
The date of the execution is not known.
No se conoce la fecha de ejecución.
This is what is known as co-development.
Es lo que se denomina codesarrollo.
As for the causes, these are known, at least in part.
Por lo que se refiere a las causas, son conocidas, al menos en parte.
The first is known as ‘top down’ technology.
El primero se denomina tecnología «descendente».
Where I come from, this is known as cheating.
En el país del que vengo, eso se llama hacer trampas.
All the analyses have been carried out, and all the problems are known.
Están hechos todos los análisis, se conocen todos los problemas.
In war your enemies are known.
En una guerra, uno conoce a los enemigos.
For the time being, the only known life is on Earth.
Por el momento, la única vida conocida está en la Tierra.
I am very proud to have known her personally.
Me siento muy orgullosa de haberla conocido en persona.
We have known that since 2004.
Lo sabíamos desde 2004.
So the background is well known.
Así que los antecedentes son bien conocidos.
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