Spanish Word for perhaps  

English Word: perhaps

Spanish Word: quizá
The Spanish Word for perhaps
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Translated sentences containing 'perhaps'
Perhaps he/she has not left.
Tal vez no se haya ido.
Perhaps you have made a mistake.
Tal vez te hayas equivocado.
a lo mejor
Perhaps I threw it away without noticing.
Tal vez lo tiré sin darme cuenta.
Perhaps Luis will come home.
Quizá Luis venga a casa.
Perhaps he forgot to do it.
Tal vez se olvidó de hacerlo.
Perhaps if petroleum were not to exist we would live more in peace.
Quizás si no existiera el petróleo viviríamos ahora más tranquilos.
Some other time, perhaps.
Otra vez / Más tarde, quizás.
Perhaps we could go next week.
Quizá podemos ir la proxima semana.
Perhaps not eating so much fat will work.
Tal vez funcione no comer tanta grasa.
We're going to smoke less, perhaps.
Vamos a fumar menos, tal vez.
War is perhaps the oldest form of international relations.
La guerra es quizá la más vieja de las relaciones internacionales.
Perhaps they'll give them to us tomorrow.
Posiblemente nos las entreguen mañana.

Perhaps we can say that here too, or then perhaps not.
Quizás pudiésemos decir lo mismo sobre este tema o quizás no.
Perhaps you could do something for me.
Tal vez usted pueda hacer algo por mí.
Perhaps there has been a misunderstanding.
Quizá ha habido un problema de comprensión.
Could there perhaps have been a mistake?
¿Puede tratarse de un error?
Could you perhaps comment on that?
¿Podría comentar este punto?
Perhaps there is a connection.
Quizás exista una relación.
Could he perhaps repeat it?
¿Podría repetirla?
Perhaps she was better than some of them.
Quizás ella fuera mejor que algunos de ellos.
Perhaps that is the case.
Puede que este sea el caso.
Perhaps that is a contradiction?
¿No es eso una contradicción?
Are there perhaps other variations?
¿Existen tal vez otras modalidades?
Perhaps they are silly to do that.
Quizás sea una estupidez por su parte.
Perhaps you could elucidate this further.
Quizá podría aclararnos más esto.
So perhaps there could be a comment on that.
Tal vez se podría proporcionar alguna observación a ese respecto.
Perhaps I was too speedy.
Quizás me expresé demasiado rápido.
Perhaps he did not know who I was.
Quizás no sabía quién era yo.
This is perhaps what you were seeking.
Esto es tal vez lo que sus Señorías deseaban.
Perhaps you would respond to that?
¿Podría usted quizá responder a esto?
Perhaps, I am not sure.
Quizás, no tengo la seguridad.
Perhaps we should sanction ourselves!
¡Tal vez deberíamos sancionarnos a nosotros mismos!
Perhaps that is where it should have always been.
Tal vez ése sea el lugar que siempre debió ocupar.
Perhaps this is that opportunity.
Quizás sea esta la oportunidad.
Perhaps we should forbid them.
Quizás debiéramos prohibirlos.
Perhaps that was all you could do, but it is inadequate.
Quizás es todo lo que podía hacer, pero es inadecuado.
Perhaps he is not listening.
Quizá no me esté escuchando.
Perhaps we should do the opposite.
Quizá deberíamos hacer lo contrario.
Perhaps you should do so now.
¡Háganlo ahora!
Perhaps you would have a comment on that.
Tal vez tenga algún comentario acerca de eso.
Perhaps they have not read it.
Tal vez no lo hayan leído.
Perhaps it is only the beginning.
Tal vez este sea tan sólo el principio.
Perhaps we ought to investigate.
Tal vez deberíamos investigarlo.
Perhaps we should negotiate with them.'
Quizá deberíamos negociar con ellos."
Perhaps that is what they mean.
Quizás eso era lo que querían decir.
Perhaps that could be considered.
Basta con que reflexionemos juntos sobre esto.
Perhaps this could be amended.
Quizás puedan cambiarlo.
Could you perhaps comment on this?
¿Puede usted comentar este punto?
Perhaps this could be confirmed again.
Quizás pudieran confirmarlo otra vez.
It perhaps has information that we do not.
Tal vez disponga de informaciones que nosotros no tenemos.
Perhaps I did not sign.
Posiblemente no firmé.
Or perhaps I have misunderstood.
O usted me dice que le he entendido mal.
Perhaps for once you could do something about this.
Quizá podría adoptarse alguna medida en este sentido.
Perhaps we should not legislate for that.
Tal vez sea mejor que no legislemos eso.
Perhaps you think about this once again.
Quizá podrían volver a pensárselo.
Perhaps he should show them to me.
En cualquier caso, en mi región no.
Perhaps you could advise me what to do.
Quizás me dé un buen consejo.
Perhaps we need to do it again.
Quizás necesitemos volver a celebrar otra similar.
Perhaps these words have passed me by; perhaps I have not heard them or not read them.
Quizá me hayan pasado inadvertidas tales palabras, quizá no las haya oído o no las haya leído.
Perhaps this can be discussed at the IGC and perhaps also by the Convention.
Quizás esta cuestión también pueda debatirse en la CIG y quizás también en la Convención.
Perhaps some people want that. Perhaps that is what some people want to maintain.
Quizás sea la de algunos, la que algunos quieran mantener.
Or perhaps something else? Perhaps more austerity measures in Greece?
¿Qué, señor Comisario?
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