Spanish Word for quite  

English Word: quite

Spanish Word: bastante
The Spanish Word for quite
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Translated sentences containing 'quite'
The president is quite old.
El presidente está bastante viejo.
It's quite common that the centralized door closing system fails
Es muy frecuente que falle el sistema de cierre centralizado de puertas
It's quite unlikely that he knows it.
Es bastante improbable que lo sepa.
Internet sales have gotten quite popular.
Se han puesto de moda las ventas por internet.
He has sold this house, that was a quite stupid idea.
Esta casa la ha vendido, esa era una idea bastante tonta.
Roberta's friends are quite good looking.
Las amigas de Roberta son bastante guapas.
You work quite a lot.
Trabajas bastante.
He turned quite arrogant since he got a friend.
Desde que tiene una amiga se volvió bastante arrogante.
Luisa was born in the U.S. For a North American, she speaks Spanish quite well.
Luisa nació en los Estados Unidos de América, para ser norteamericana habla español bastante bien.
It's convenient to take warm clothes because in the countryside it can be quite cold
Es conveniente llevarse ropa de abrigo porque en el campo, por la noche, refresca bastante
For some reason, they do not have any symptoms. They're quite well.
Por alguna razón, no tienen ningún síntoma. Están bastante bien.
The film disappointed me a little, it was quite boring.
La película me decepcionó un poco, era bastante aburrida.
Right! / Quite so!
¡Exacto ! / ¡Eso es!
I am quite certain.
Estoy seguro de ésto.

There are quite a few of them.
Y estos problemas no son pocos.
He is quite strong, he is quite popular.
Él es bastante fuerte, es bastante popular.
It is quite possible to do this, it is quite simple.
Es perfectamente posible hacerlo y es muy sencillo.
It is quite the opposite.
¡Todo lo contrario!
It is not quite over yet.
No se ha acabado del todo.
That is quite in order.
Esto está perfectamente permitido.
I have quite a few questions.
Tengo varias preguntas.
It is quite out of the question.
No es posible.
So we are quite pleased.
Por consiguiente, estamos bastante satisfechos.
That is all quite true.
Todo eso es cierto.
We are quite determined to do so.
Estamos en ello.
I am quite aware of that.
Soy perfectamente consciente de ello.
All this is quite positive.
Todo esto está muy bien.
I am not quite sure.
No estoy muy seguro.
There are quite a few amendments about this.
Existen bastantes enmiendas al respecto.
That is quite incomprehensible to me.
Esto me resulta completamente incomprensible.
That is quite an achievement.
Es todo un éxito.
I am quite certain of this.
Estoy absolutamente seguro de que será así.
I am quite convinced of that.
Estoy totalmente convencido de ello.
I quite agree with that.
Y estoy muy de acuerdo con ello.
That is quite shocking in itself.
Es sorprendente.
He is quite right in doing so.
Tiene bastante razón en hacerlo.
I am quite convinced of that.
Estoy bastante convencida de ello.
Quite how, then, is this to be solved?
Por tanto, ¿cómo se va a resolver?
It is all quite simple.
Es muy sencillo.
I have seen quite a few of them.
He visto bastantes.
There has been quite some discussion about this.
Se ha debatido extensamente sobre esta cuestión.
That would be quite right.
Eso sería muy acertado.
They are quite at a loss.
No tienen la menor idea.
We have to be quite clear about that.
Esto debe estar meridianamente claro.
We have had quite enough of that.
Ya hemos tenido bastante de todo eso.
There are quite other reasons for that.
Las causas son muy diferentes.
This is all quite clear.
Todo esto está muy claro.
We are not quite so moderate.
Tan modestos no somos.
That would be quite absurd.
Sería totalmente absurdo.
I do not quite understand that.
No lo entiendo bien.
It is quite a disgrace.
Es una verdadera vergüenza.
I am quite happy to do that.
Lo haré con mucho gusto.
That is not quite true.
Eso no es del todo verdad.
I am being quite candid with you about this.
Lo digo muy abiertamente.
I am quite happy to do so.
Estoy gustosamente dispuesta a tocar el tema.
That is quite simply where we are.
Estamos simplemente en eso.
I quite agree with you.
Estoy totalmente de acuerdo con usted.
It is quite obvious that there are.
No debemos eludir el tema pues es evidente que existen.
That would be quite in order.
Se trata de algo normal.
That is quite clear then.
Ha quedado claro.
I am quite sure of this.
Así me gustaría que quedara.
You were quite right to do so.
Su Señoría hizo muy bien.
They are quite different and must be dealt with quite separately.
Son muy diferentes y se deben abordar por separado completamente.
It is also obvious that quite a few of those appointed are quite unsuitable for their tasks.
Asimismo, es evidente que algunos de los candidatos son bastante inadecuados para sus cargos.
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