Spanish Word for resolved  

English Word: resolved

Spanish Word: resuelto
The Spanish Word for resolved
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Translated sentences containing 'resolved'
Have you all resolved your differences?
¿Habéis resuelto vuestras diferencias ya?
By taking a kerosene heater with us, the matter was resolved.
Con llevarnos un infiernillo, asunto resuelto.
The problem of foreign debt is so complex that it hasn't been resolved.
El problema de la deuda externa es tan complejo que no ha sido resuelto.
It's a problem that is already resolved.
Es un problema que ya está resuelto.

The tasks to be resolved must be resolved here.
Las tareas que hay que solucionar se deben solucionar aquí.
These need to be resolved.
Hay que superarlos.
But in any case they have to be resolved.
En cualquier caso, tienen que resolverse.
So the issue has been resolved.
Así pues, el asunto ha quedado zanjado.
Have those problems been resolved?
¿Se han solucionado estos problemas?
All of that needs to be resolved.
Todo eso tiene que ser resuelto.
We have not resolved all the issues.
No hemos resuelto todos los problemas.
Such issues cannot be resolved from above.
Estas cuestiones no pueden resolverse desde arriba.
What remains to be resolved?
¿Qué queda por resolver?
This problem has to be resolved.
Este problema debe ser resuelto.
However, we resolved this, too.
Con todo, también eso pudimos resolverlo.
This issue has not been resolved at all.
Esta es una cuestión en absoluto sin aclarar.
I think that has been resolved.
Creo que esto se ha solucionado.
This question has not been resolved.
No se ha solucionado.
They have yet to be resolved.
Aún no están resueltos.
This clearly has to be resolved.
Esto, evidentemente, hay que resolverlo.
That crisis could be resolved, I am sure: in a democracy, all crises can be resolved.
Una crisis que por supuesto se puede resolver: en democracia se pueden resolver todas las crisis.
In other words, nothing can be resolved until everything has been resolved.
Dicho de otro modo, nada puede resolverse hasta que todo esté resuelto.
Most of the technical issues have been resolved.
La mayoría de las cuestiones técnicas han sido resueltas.
This question needs to be resolved urgently.
Urge solucionar ese problema.
As a result of that, we thought the matter was resolved.
Por todo esto, creímos que el asunto había quedado zanjado.
The matter is not yet satisfactorily resolved.
El asunto no ha quedado zanjado de manera satisfactoria.
However, there are still a few matters to be resolved.
Sin embargo, quedan algunas cosas que aún deben revisarse.
Indeed, the problem does not seem to have been resolved.
Efectivamente, el problema no tiene visos de arreglarse.
There are, however, other problems that have not been resolved.
Pero quedan otros problemas por resolver.
It is this that we have dealt with and resolved partially in this proposal.
Esto es de lo que trata en parte esta propuesta y también soluciona.
This problem has yet to be resolved.
La solución a este problema todavía sigue pendiente.
This legal problem has not been resolved in Nice.
Este problema jurídico no ha sido resuelto en Niza.
These asylum requests cannot be resolved collectively.
No pueden resolverse estas solicitudes de forma colectiva.
But resolved it must be, one way or the other.
Pero debe ser resuelta de una u otra forma.
However, this does not mean that the problem has been resolved.
Esto, sin embargo, no significa que el problema se haya resuelto.
This is a fundamental issue that should be resolved.
Es una cuestión fundamental que habría que resolver.
We want this issue resolved.
Queremos que este asunto quede resuelto.
These are matters that have to be, and can be, resolved.
Éstos son problemas que pueden y deben resolverse.
We have resolved them in broad agreement.
Los hemos resuelto además con un amplio acuerdo.
The Zakayev affair has not been resolved, however.
El asunto Zakayev no se ha resuelto, sin embargo.
All the past problems have been resolved, which we are very pleased about.
Se han resuelto todos los problemas que había en el pasado, lo que nos produce una gran satisfacción.
We must also be resolved and practical.
También debemos ser resueltos y prácticos.
This point has not yet been satisfactorily resolved.
Este punto todavía no se ha resuelto satisfactoriamente.
I hope that it will be resolved before too long.
Espero que no tarden mucho en resolverla.
All those issues need to be resolved.
Todas ellas deben resolverse.
These are all questions that remain to be resolved.
Todas estas cuestiones siguen sin resolverse.
We all know what points remain to be resolved.
Todos sabemos qué puntos quedan por resolver.
I hope that this can be resolved amicably.
Espero que esto pueda resolverse amistosamente.
How does he see those conflicts being resolved?
¿Cómo cree que estos conflictos se pueden resolver?
It can all be resolved in due course.
Todo se puede solucionar a su debido tiempo.
I believe these problems are close to being resolved.
Creo que estos problemas están a punto de resolverse.
Are the problems already resolved?
¿Están resueltos ya los problemas?
If only things were that simple, because we would have resolved the problem.
Ojalá las cosas fueran tan sencillas, porque abríamos resuelto el problema.
We are politicians who want the problems to be resolved.
Somos hombres y mujeres políticos que deseamos que se resuelvan los problemas.
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