Spanish Word for said  

English Word: said

Spanish Word: dicho
The Spanish Word for said
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Translated sentences containing 'said'
Juan said he would be waiting for us.
Juan dijo que estaría esperándonos.
John said that he was feeling sick.
Juan dijo que se sentía enfermo.
The boys said that they would do the homework if we helped them.
Los muchachos dijeron que harían la tarea si los ayudábamos.
He said he would go.
Él dijo que iría.
They have said that they would not be able to wait.
Han dicho que no podrían esperar.
You have said that you would take care of him.
Has dicho que te ocuparías de él.
I have said that I would leave it Tuesday.
He dicho que lo dejaría el martes.
The sign said "Recently Painted".
El cartel decía: "Recién pintado ".
You have said that you would come by the workshop.
Habéis dicho que pasaríais por el taller.
They said they were confused.
Se declararon desorientadas.
He said it for the first time.
Lo dijo por primera vez.
Will she know that what I said is a lie?
¿Sabrá que lo que dije es mentira?
Have you been listening to what I've said?
¿Has escuchado lo que he dicho?
We have already said goodbye.
Ya nos hemos despedido.
It was interesting you said that.
Fue interesante que dijeras eso.
He said that he has stolen the bag.
Dijo que le había robado el bolso.
He said that you guys came at top speed.
Dijo que veníais a toda velocidad.
He said that you would begin tomorrow.
Dijo que empezarías mañana.
They said that they were innocent.
Le dijeron que eran inocentes.
Much was said about this exposition.
Se habló mucho de esta exposición.

But he has said what this is all about.
Pero ha dejado claro su significado.
That is why what was said...
Y por eso mismo lo que se ha dicho...
This has to be said!
Esto hay que decirlo así.
This is not what is said here.
Esto no es lo que se dice aquí.
We have said it all before.
Ya se ha dicho todo al respecto.
It has been said that he did not do so.
Se dice que no lo ha hecho.
And I said: ‘I am.
Y yo dije: «Sí.
Is that what you said?
¿Es eso lo que ha dicho usted?
If so, what was said?
En ese caso, ¿qué se dijo?
That is what you said.
Es eso lo que usted ha dicho.
This has to be said.
Es necesario decirlo.
That has all been said.
Todo eso ya se ha dicho.
Who said that it would?
¿Quién ha dicho eso?
As you said, no, again!
Como ha dicho usted, una vez más, ¡no!
That is why we said 'No'.
Por eso fue por lo que me opuse.
It was said they would, but they did not.
Se dijo que lo harían, pero no ha sido así.
That does have to be said.
Hay que decirlo.
We have said it all before.
Todo esto ya lo hemos dicho anteriormente.
I said most of them.
He dicho la mayoría.
That was all I said.
Yo no he dicho otra cosa.
She has said what had to be said.
Ha dicho lo que había que decir.
That is why I said what I said before.
Por eso he dicho lo que he dicho antes.
There is no contradiction between what the President said and what I said.
No existe ninguna contradicción entre lo que el Presidente ha dicho y lo que yo he dicho.
I said what I said ironically.
Lo que he dicho ha sido con ironía.
Mr Ebner, you have said what you have said.
Señor Ebner, usted ha dicho lo que ha dicho.
Today, something is being said, and above all more and more should be said.
Hoy hablamos de ello y convendría que habláramos cada vez más.
What had to be said has already been said by the other Members.
Ya ha hablado todo el mundo sobre ello.
Much is said there, but I would rather inquire into what is not said, or not fully said.
Dice muchas cosas, pero yo preferiría analizar lo que no dice o lo que no dice por completo.
I accept everything he has said and I understand the reasons why he said what he said.
Acepto todo lo que ha dicho y comprendo las razones por las que lo ha dicho.
"We do not have the wherewithal for that," they said.
No tenemos recursos ni posibilidades de ayudar, fue la respuesta.
There is more to be said on that score.
Habrá que hablar más al respecto.
This needs to be said!
¡Hay que decirlo!
But we have already said that.
Pero esto ya se ha dicho aquí.
I have never said that.
Nunca he dicho eso.
That has already been said.
Esto se ha dicho ya.
But from what you have said, that is not the case.
A juzgar por lo que usted nos ha dicho, no es así.
We have not said no to a directive before.
Nunca hemos rechazado una directiva.
As I, in fact, said.
Ya lo he dicho.
What I said was not ridiculous.
Lo que dije no era ridículo.
I think more could have been said about that.
Yo creo que se podría haber dicho algo más al respecto.
As has been said, this is voluntary.
Como ya se ha dicho, se trata de un reglamento facultativo.
What you said is important.
Lo que usted recordó es importante.
That is what I said, and it is different.
Eso es lo que he dicho y es diferente.
This was the background to what I said.
Este era el marco de mi intervención.
There is nothing more to be said.
A esto no se puede añadir más.
I have said it in public.
Ya lo he dicho públicamente.
I am sorry, but it has to be said.
Eso debo decirlo claramente.
As I have said, I have named them.
Tal como he dicho, los he mencionado.
Who said that it would be simple?
¿Quién dijo que sería fácil?
Having said which, we need:
En este marco es importante:
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