Spanish Word for surprised  

English Word: surprised

Spanish Word: sorprendido
The Spanish Word for surprised
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Translated sentences containing 'surprised'
We are not surprised of not seeing him.
No nos extrañamos de no verlo.
They put him in jail, which doesn't surprise me.
Lo han metido en la cárcel, lo cual no me sorprende.
I had read the letter but I got surprised by what he told me then.
Había leído la carta pero lo que entonces me contó me sorprendió.
Are you not surprised that Estela has said that?
¿No te extraña que Estela haya dicho eso?
The plane's force surprised me when we took off.
Me sorprendió la fuerza del avión cuando despegamos.
The plane's force surprised me when we took off.
Me sorprendió la fuerza del avión cuando despegamos.
It surprised me that you wanted to sell your house.
Me sorprendió que quisieras vender tu casa.
We were surprised that there were so few people at the theater. The picture is marvelous.
Nos sorprendió que hubiera tan poca gente en el cine. La película es magnifica.

   . – I am surprised.
   Estoy extrañado.
   I would not be at all surprised!
   ¡No me sorprendería en absoluto!
I am surprised that she was surprised.
Me sorprende que se haya sorprendido.
At that time I was very surprised.
En esa oportunidad me quedé pensativo.
I am surprised at such forgetfulness.
Me sorprende que esto se olvide.
I am not surprised by their statements.
No me sorprenden sus declaraciones.
I am rather surprised by this.
Y esto me sorprende bastante.
I am surprised at my own modesty.
Me sorprende mi propia modestia.
I am very surprised at this change.
Estoy muy sorprendido por este cambio.
Should we really be surprised?
¿De verdad debemos sorprendernos?
We are not surprised by this declaration.
No nos ha sorprendido semejante declaración.
I would be surprised if that were the case.
Me extraña.
Ladies and gentlemen, the results have surprised everybody: they have surprised Hamas, they have surprised Fatah, they have surprised Israel and they have surprised the international community.
Los resultados, Señorías, han sido una sorpresa para todos: una sorpresa para Hamás, una sorpresa para Fatah, una sorpresa para Israel y una sorpresa para la comunidad internacional.
So we were not that surprised by what has happened, but we were surprised by the magnitude and the intensity of the cut.
Por lo tanto, no nos ha sorprendido lo que ha ocurrido, aunque sí la magnitud y la intensidad de la interrupción del suministro.
I can understand perhaps that you, Commissioner, are surprised that we are surprised.
Comprendo que el señor Comisario se sorprenda de que manifestemos nuestra sorpresa.
So how can we be surprised at this situation?
¡Cómo nos va a sorprender esta situación!
I am nonetheless a little surprised at the answer.
No obstante, la respuesta me deja algo sorprendido.
Perhaps we should not be surprised at what has happened.
Quizá no debía sorprendernos lo que ha sucedido.
I would be surprised if today we were not in a position to do the same.
Me sorprendería que hoy no estuviéramos en condiciones de hacer lo mismo.
That is why I am surprised that opinion is so divided on this.
Por ello me asombra que las opiniones acerca de este tema estén tan divididas.
I was not surprised to see that mentioned in the report.
No me ha sorprendido que se mencione este extremo en el informe.
I am surprised at the tone of this debate.
Estoy sorprendida por el tono que está tomando este debate.
I went and had a look at them and I was most pleasantly surprised.
He visitado una y he quedado encantada.
I was surprised to discover that most fall by the wayside.
He constatado con sorpresa que la mayoría no tuvieron continuidad alguna.
I am however, rather surprised.
Sin embargo, estoy un poco asombrada.
I was the most surprised of all, Mrs Buitenweg.
Yo he sido la primera sorprendida, Señora Buitenweg.
I must say that I, myself, am very surprised.
Debo decir que yo misma estoy muy sorprendida.
Surprised, he asked Jesus, 'What is going on?
Sorprendido esté le preguntaba a Jesús: "Pero ¿cómo es que no hay peces?"
I am surprised that volcanic eruptions have not been abolished.
¡Un poco más y también acaba con las erupciones volcánicas!
We are also surprised by it too, however.
Sin embargo, también nos sorprende.
You cannot be surprised, therefore, that this was coming.
Por consiguiente, todo el mundo estaba al tanto de esta cuestión.
I am not surprised by this and I wanted to draw your attention to it.
Esto no me sorprende y quería llamar su atención sobre ello.
No one will be surprised at this.
Nadie se sorprenderá de ello.
I will merely say that we were not surprised.
Me limitaré a decir que no nos sorprendió.
Do not be surprised then, at the results that you get.
Así que no se sorprendan de los resultados que obtienen.
I admit that I am more than surprised by what you said here!
¡Debo admitir que sus palabras me han sorprendido muchísimo!
Why am I not surprised that it is the Rafale that meets the requirements of the ?
¿Por qué será que no me sorprende que sea el Rafale el que cumple los requisitos de la ?
I am not at all surprised by the developments in the Conference.
A mí no me está sorprendiendo el desarrollo de la misma.
I am a bit surprised that we have to have a special debate about this.
Me sorprende un poco que tengamos que celebrar un debate especial sobre ese tema.
I am, in all honesty, surprised at the position of some groups.
Sinceramente, me sorprende la posición de algunos Grupos.
I am not surprised that you do not want to talk about it.
No me sorprende que no quiera hablar de ello.
There is nothing new in that, however, and we should not be surprised at it.
Sin embargo, esto no es una novedad, y no debería sorprendernos.
   . – Mr President, I should have been surprised if it did not.
   . – Señor Presidente, a mí me habría sorprendido lo contrario.
I am surprised that you are not preparing yourselves in that direction.
Me sorprende que no se estén realizando preparativos en este sentido.
I have been pleasantly surprised, however.
Sin embargo, me he llevado una grata sorpresa.
But this week I have been mildly surprised.
Pero esta semana algo me ha sorprendido ligeramente.
But I am surprised that he did not know our position.
Lo que me sorprende es que no conozca nuestra posición.
I am surprised the Commissioner did not raise this.
Me sorprende que la Comisión no haya planteado este tema.
I am really quite surprised.
Realmente me sorprende.
You might be surprised at why I am speaking about this issue.
Tal vez les sorprenda que mencione ahora esta cuestión.
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