Spanish Word for thing  

English Word: thing

Spanish Word: cosa
The Spanish Word for thing
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Translated sentences containing 'thing'
My sisters are always complaining that they don't have a thing to wear.
Mis hermanas siempre se quejan de que no tienen qué ponerse.
He always orders the same thing.
Pide lo mismo sistemáticamente.
He didn't say a thing throughout the whole show.
No ha dicho nada durante todo el espectáculo.
She is always getting mad for no reason.
Ella siempre está enojándose por nada.
Before you go, I want to ask you one more thing.
Antes de que te vayas, quiero preguntarte una cosa más.
I would like to know just one more thing.
Me gustaría saber sólo una cosa más.
Another thing.
Otra cosa.
He was the first one to do it.
Fue el primero que lo hizo.
He became a teacher because he thought this was the easiest thing.
Se hizo profesor porque ésto le resultó lo más fácil.
She turns to say the same thing to him.
Le vuelve a decir lo mismo.
He said that the important thing was to get into the company.
Dijo que lo importante era entrar en la empresa.
The important thing is that we have the tickets and the bags ready.
Lo importante es que tenemos los boletos y las maletas preparadas.
Once you have made the reservation, the only thing left is to issue the tickets
Una vez hecha la reserva, solo queda emitir los billetes
The first thing is to beat the eggs.
Lo primero es batir los huevos.
It's a daily thing.
Es cosa de todos los días.
It is one thing is that you have spoken with Jorge, but another thing is that you take advantage of the space he gave you.
Una cosa es que hayas hablado con Jorge, otra cosa es que te aproveches del espacio que él te dio.
The difficult thing was to become accustomed to the accent.
Lo difícil fue acostumbrarse al acento.
Niether one of these two thing we should forget to bring.
No debemos olvidarnos de traer ninguna de estas cosas.
It's an every day thing.
Es cosa de todos los días.
Do the right thing without hope of reward.
Haz el bien y no mires a quién.

There is no such thing.
No existen.
There is no such thing.
Tal cosa no existe.
We cannot do a thing.
No se puede hacer nada.
It is no such thing.
Pero este no es el caso.
It is no such thing.
¡No ha sido así en absoluto!
No, they are not the same thing.
No, no son lo mismo.
There is no such thing.
No existe tal cosa.
It is no such thing.
No es eso.
It is no such thing.
No es tal cosa.
There is no such thing.
Estos no existen.
It is no such thing.
No es así.
It does no such thing.
Eso no es así.
There is no such thing.
Nada más lejos de la verdad.
But this is not the same thing.
Sin embargo, no se trata de lo mismo.
That would not be a good thing.
Esto no sería provechoso.
That is a good thing.
Es algo bonito.
That is the first thing.
Esto es lo primero.
That is the crucial thing.
¡Este es el aspecto decisivo!
This is a good thing.
Esto es positivo.
That is an excellent thing.
Esto es algo muy positivo.
That would be the most logical thing for it to do.
Sería lo más lógico por su parte.
We mean the same thing.
Opinamos lo mismo.
That is a good thing.
Es buena cosa.
They were no bad thing.
Creo que no ha estado mal y que ha sido fructífero.
Such a thing cannot be had for free.
Pero esto no es gratis.
That is the important thing.
Esto es lo importante.
This is the crucial thing!
Ésta es la cuestión.
That is the first thing.
Eso en primer lugar.
That is a good thing.
Eso está bien.
That is the most important thing.
Esto es lo más importante.
It would be a very curious thing for them to do.
Sería muy curioso si lo hicieran.
That is the most important thing.
Eso es lo más importante.
That is a good thing!
¡Eso está bien!
That is the only thing that we can do.
Es lo único que podemos hacer.
That is a good thing.
Eso está bien.
That is the first thing it has to do.
Eso es lo primero que tiene que hacer.
That is a good thing.
Esto es bueno.
That is the only thing we need.
Es lo único que necesitamos.
That is a good thing.
Eso está bien.
How is such a thing possible?
¿Cómo es posible una cosa así?
That would be a very good thing.
Sería muy bueno.
That is the first thing.
Primera cosa.
The sad thing is that we have to have it at all.
Lo triste es que hayamos tenido que elaborarlo.
You did the right thing.
Ha hecho usted lo correcto.
We cannot tolerate such a thing.
No podemos tolerar algo así.
It is a good thing.
Es una buena experiencia.
This is a good thing.
Esto es positivo.
That is the only decent thing for them to do.
Esto es lo único decente que han de hacer.
That is the first thing.
Eso es lo primero.
That is no small thing.
No es poco.
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