Spanish Word for took  

English Word: took

Spanish Word: tomó
The Spanish Word for took
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Translated sentences containing 'took'
I took the medicine.
Yo tomé la medicina.
Mary took the medicine.
María tomó la medicina.
We took the medicine.
Nosotros tomamos la medicina.
The girls took too much time.
Las muchachas tomaron demasiado tiempo.
When was the last time you took your medicine?
¿Cuándo fue la última vez que tomó su medicina?
I took (sacar) a photo (foto).
Yo saqué una foto.
Mary took a photo.
María sacó una foto.
We took a photo.
Nosotros sacamos una foto.
So they took the bag with a jerk.
Entonces me quitaron el bolso de un tirón.
Since it was already very late, we took a taxi.
Como ya era muy tarde, tomamos un taxi.
If he had, the tank would have been full when you took it.
Si le hubiera puesto, habría estado lleno el tanque cuando tú te lo llevaste.
You took enough money.
Llevábais bastante dinero.
He took the bus to his work.
Él tomó el bus a su trabajo.
He took it yesterday.
La tomó ayer.
I took the pills.
Yo tomé las pastillas.
Mary says that she took the medicine.
María dice que ella tomó la medicina.
I took a taxi.
Yo tomé un taxi.
In the afternoon we took a walk.
Por la tarde dimos un paseo.
Yesterday I took a ride.
Ayer di un paseo en coche.
I took care of her when she was sick.
Yo la cuidé cuando estuvo enferma.

I took on the challenge.
Asumí el reto.
Discussions took place before that; they took place outside Parliament, too.
Y también se celebraron debates antes, incluso fuera del Parlamento.
We took no notice; we only took notice when we ourselves triggered the KLA movement.
Sólo empezamos a dirigir la mirada hacia allí cuando nosotros mismos favorecimos que el ELK nos cayera sobre las espaldas.
I took the punishment that came to me.
Asumí el castigo que se me impuso.
These figures are from before the Internet revolution took off.
Estas cifras son anteriores a la consolidación de la revolución de Internet.
The Commission took a similar view.
La Comisión adoptó una opinión similar.
This took place on 3 May.
Dicho diálogo a tres bandas tuvo lugar el 3 de mayo.
I took some persuading that a directive such as this was necessary at all.
He intentado convencerme de que una directiva como ésta era de verdad necesaria.
Those who took part in it have not been seen since.
Se ha perdido el rastro de muchos manifestantes.
The Commission took energetic action.
La Comisión actuó de manera enérgica.
Then the Council took its time.
A continuación, el Consejo se tomó su tiempo.
The rapporteur took all this into consideration.
El ponente ha tenido en cuenta todo esto.
It confirms that we were right in the decision that we took.
Confirma que la decisión que adoptamos era la adecuada.
And each process took a different route.
Y ambos procesos llevaban caminos distintos.
I deeply regret that it took so long.
Lamento profundamente que haya llevado tanto tiempo.
He took his bag and marched away.
Ha cogido la bolsa y se ha marchado.
It is to her credit that she took those initiatives at that time.
Dice mucho a su favor que adoptara esas iniciativas en aquel momento.
The general took over in a coup.
El general tomó el poder mediante un golpe de Estado.
I took this on board, as I believed it to be relevant.
Acepté esta propuesta pues creo que es pertinente.
A few even took their own lives.
Algunos llegaron a suicidarse.
I took that information to the Conference of Presidents.
Transmití esta información a la Conferencia de Presidentes.
Instead, it took them months and months.
Pero tardaron varios meses.
They took with them a clear message.
Llevaron un mensaje claro.
The Council took up this issue.
El Consejo asumió esta cuestión.
Were they here when the hearings took place?
¿Estaban ahí cuando se celebraron esas audiencias?
After all, your own countries took centuries to do so.
Después de todo, sus propios países tardaron siglos en hacerlo.
They took up the whole working lunch.
Se prolongaron durante todo el almuerzo de trabajo.
The rebate took to negotiate.
Fueron necesarios para negociar este reembolso.
At the time, it took up more space and was more visible.
En aquel entonces ocupaba más espacio y era más visible.
We all took up the challenge of Lisbon.
Todos asumimos el reto de Lisboa.
It was unnecessary and took the shine off it.
Era innecesario y le restó brillantez.
I was the rapporteur who took this issue through the House.
Yo fui el ponente que se ocupó de esta cuestión en la Cámara.
We looked into them and took them into consideration.
Los hemos estudiado y los hemos tenido en cuenta.
The initiatives they took did not peter out, but are being passed on.
Las iniciativas que tomaron estas no se han agotado, sino que están siendo transmitidas.
Parliament took no stand on that.
El Parlamento no adoptó ninguna postura al respecto.
Yesterday, we all took note of that failure.
Ayer, todos pudimos comprobar ese fracaso.
When we took office there was no electricity and no water.
Cuando tomamos posesión no había electricidad ni agua.
They took a risk for peace.
Se arriesgaron por la paz.
I thank all those who took part in the debate.
Doy las gracias a todos los que han participado en este debate.
This debate never took place.
Este debate nunca se celebró.
I then took on responsibility for enlargement issues.
Más tarde asumí la responsabilidad sobre cuestiones relativas a la ampliación.
No, indeed not; it took time.
No, claro que no; llevó su tiempo.
We are sorry that priorities took them elsewhere.
Por desgracia, el Consejo tenía otras prioridades.
I took note of your proposals.
He tomado nota de sus propuestas.
It is time we took the subject seriously.
Es hora de que nos tomemos este tema en serio.
Who took the initiative of authorising this funding?
¿Quién ha tomado la iniciativa de la concesión de dichos importes?
Thank you to everyone who took part.
Muchas gracias a todos los que participaron.
That is why you took the floor, so there are no privileges at all.
Aquí no hay privilegios.
The Bureau took this decision unanimously.
La Mesa tomó esa decisión por unanimidad.
In addition to these we also took other steps.
Además de esto, hemos dado otros pasos.
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