Spanish Word for withdraw  

English Word: withdraw

Spanish Word: retirar
The Spanish Word for withdraw
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Translated sentences containing 'withdraw'
Did you withdraw your money?
Retiraste tu dinero?

Or would you withdraw this?
¿O va a retirarlo quizás?
I believe they should withdraw it.
Pienso que deben retirarla.
Why do you not withdraw this directive?
¿Por qué no retira usted esta directiva?
Where is he to withdraw his forces from?
Retirar sus tropas, ¿De dónde?
Where should these troops withdraw to?
¿Adónde deben retirarse?
We cannot withdraw these paragraphs.
No podemos retirar dichos apartados.
It should withdraw its proposal too.
Entendemos que aún está a tiempo de retirar su propuesta.
I have been asked to withdraw this evaluation. I am only too pleased to do so.....
Se me ha rogado que retire esta apreciación y lo hago gustosamente....
The immediate reaction was to withdraw from Chechnya.
La reacción inmediata fue retirarnos de Chechenia.
I tabled an amendment to withdraw this paragraph.
He presentado una enmienda para suprimir este párrafo.
Is the Commission intending to withdraw the proposal?
¿Piensa la Comisión retirar la propuesta?
But if they do not withdraw then the Rules are clear.
Pero si no lo desean, el Reglamento es inequívoco.
I would ask him to withdraw his falsities and slurs.
Le pido que retire sus falsedades y sus descalificaciones.
Does the Commission agree to withdraw the proposal?
¿Está de acuerdo la Comisión en retirar la propuesta?
I would have liked to see you withdraw the agreement.
Me gustaría que retirara usted el acuerdo.
He urges our group to withdraw its amendments.
Insiste en que nuestro Grupo retire sus enmiendas.
Should they withdraw their troops from Lebanon?
¿Es preciso que retiren sus tropas del Líbano?
I regret that we also have to withdraw this report.
Lamento que tengamos también que retirar este informe.
There is no intention to withdraw this proposal; it is very important.
No tenemos intención de retirar esta propuesta; es muy importante.
The only democratic proposal is to withdraw the directive.
La única propuesta democrática es retirar la directiva.
Under that condition, we withdraw the oral amendment.
Con esa condición, retiramos la enmienda oral.
The best proposal is to withdraw it.
La mejor propuesta es retirarla.
We therefore wish to withdraw our amendment.
Por lo tanto, deseamos retirar nuestra enmienda.
I hope that the Commission does not withdraw the proposal.
Espero que la Comisión no retire la propuesta.
We have established the right to withdraw from a petition.
Hemos establecido el derecho a retirarse de una petición.
This is not about calling for MONUC to withdraw or disengage.
No se trata de pedir que se retire la MONUC.
I therefore ask that you withdraw my signature.
Por ello pido que se retire mi firma.
I cannot decide alone to withdraw this request.
No soy el único que puede decidir si se renuncia a esta solicitud.
That is why I would ask you to withdraw that amendment.
Por ello, les pido que renuncien a esa enmienda.
I would ask him to withdraw them straight away!
Quisiera pedirle que los retire inmediatamente.
We call on the Commission to withdraw its text.
Pedimos a la Comisión que retire su texto.
After that there was a compromise to group these amendments or to withdraw some of them.
Debido a ello, se produjo un compromiso para unificar dichas enmiendas o suprimirlas en parte.
In that case, I withdraw my amendment.
En ese caso, retiro mi enmienda.
I am prepared to withdraw the corrigendum.
Estoy dispuesta a retirar esta rectificación.
We do not need to vote for you to withdraw it.
No hace falta que votemos para que usted lo retire.
Please withdraw the banner from the Hemicycle.
Ruego retirar la pancarta del hemiciclo.
To force the United States to withdraw?
¿Obligar a los Estados Unidos a desentenderse?
I therefore ask you to withdraw those words!
Por lo tanto le agradeceré que retire lo que ha dicho.
She should withdraw that, because nothing of the kind was said.
Debe retirarlo, porque no he dicho nada semejante.
I therefore invite you to withdraw your remarks.
Y por lo tanto, que haga el favor de corregir sus palabras.
Under what circumstances can it withdraw its complaint?
¿Bajo qué circunstancias puede retirar su queja?
It is void, and you must withdraw it.
Es nulo; debe retirarlo.
We therefore withdraw our amendment.
Como el compromiso ha sido modificado, no debemos votarlo ahora y, por tanto, lo retiramos.
In addition to demanding that the KLA withdraw, we must also demand that the security forces withdraw, but it has to be both.
Además de exigir del ELK que se retire, tenemos que exigir también que se retiren las fuerzas de seguridad, para conseguir que se retiren unos y otros.
Hence we withdraw our signature to Amendment No 4.
Por esta razón retiramos nuestra firma de la enmienda 4.
Those are the reasons why I decided to withdraw these two amendments.
Éstas son las razones por las que he retirado las dos enmiendas.
We shall then be able to withdraw our proposal under item I.
De este modo podemos renunciar a nuestra propuesta bajo el punto I.
We ask the Commission if it intends to withdraw its proposal.
Hemos preguntado a la Comisión si retirará su propuesta.
Israel must withdraw from the Palestinian areas.
Israel tiene que retirarse de los territorios palestinos.
That is why it is so important that the Israeli troops should withdraw now.
Si se prosigue así, nunca habrá paz en el Cercano Oriente.
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