Spanish Word for written  

English Word: written

Spanish Word: escrito
The Spanish Word for written
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Translated sentences containing 'written'
Then it needs to be written down this time.
Pues hay que escribirlo esta vez.
We had written the check when the employee helped us.
Habíamos hecho el cheque cuando el empleado nos atendió.
We will have written the questions before the students come inside.
Habremos escrito las preguntas antes de que los estudiantes entren.
Will the teachers have written the letters?
¿Habrán escrito los profesores las cartas?
The text is written in code so as not to be discovered.
El texto está escrito en clave para que no sean descubiertos.
Why haven't you written to your family?
¿Por qué no le has escrito a tu familia?
The book "One Hundred Years of Solitude" was written in Spanish and then translated into different languages.
El libro "Cien Años de Soledad" fue escrito en español y después fue traducido a distintos idiomas.
The boys would have written the lesson if they had been able to find the books in the library.
Los muchachos habrían escrito la lección si hubieran podido encontrar los libros en la biblioteca.
The Qixote was written by Miguel de Cervantes.
El Quijote fue escrito por Miguel de Cervantes.
I mastered written and spoken English.
Dominaba el inglés hablado y escrito.
Have you written him a warning?
¿Le ha escrito una advertencia?
Genesis was written by Moses.
Génesis fue escrito por Moisés.
I didn't know if Mary had written the letter.
Yo no sabía si María había escrito la carta.
I didn't know if the girls had written the letter.
Yo no sabía si las muchachas habían escrito la carta.
The agent to whom we have written.
El agente a quien (al cual) hemos escrito.
Is it written in the loan agreement?
¿Está eso escrito en el acuerdo de préstamo?
The pupils have written a text about their holidays.
Los escolares han escrito un texto sobre sus vacaciones.
Why haven't you written to Sergio?
¿Por qué no le has escrito a Sergio?
I haven't written to him because I've been too busy.
No le he escrito porque he estado muy ocupado.
Olga has written the report.
Olga ha escrito el informe.

This has to be written!
Hay que escribirlo.
Should it be written off?
¿Debe condonarse?
I have written to the Commissioner.
He escrito al señor Comisario.
Are they written down anywhere?
¿Figuran en algún sitio?
I have written off that problem.
He dejado de lado este problema.
It has that written into its regulations.
Esta posibilidad figura en su Reglamento.
That is the way it has been written.
Este es el modo en el que se ha redactado.
This is written in Agenda 2000.
Está escrito en su Agenda 2000.
I think it is exemplary in the way it is written.
Creo que ha sido escrito de forma modélica.
They are all written in specialised language.
Todas tienen un lenguaje especial.
I agree with most of what the rapporteur has written.
Comparto la mayor parte de sus criterios.
Through what we have written today, we are therefore doing ourselves a disservice.
Por eso, esta redacción no nos favorece.
You have written 'there are no grounds for this' in your report!
¡Misterio!" - usted escribe "¡Misterio!" en su informe.
It is written on many clocks.
Se escribe en muchos relojes.
The written notification to the Commission is under way.
La notificación por escrito a la Comisión está de camino.
I think that this report has prestige written all over it.
Creo que este informe está lleno de prestigio.
We now have written explanations of vote.
Ahora las explicaciones se hacen por escrito.
How many were not worth the paper they were written on?
¿Cuántos de ellos no han sido más que papel mojado?
We have written to the authorities concerned.
Hemos escrito a las autoridades pertinentes.
This is the official wording of the written document we have.
Esta es la versión oficial del documento escrito de que disponemos.
It is not possible because there is a subject missing: who does what is written here?
No es posible, porque falta el sujeto: ¿Quién hace lo que está escrito aquí?
In doing that, Ireland has written history.
Al conseguir esto, Irlanda ha hecho historia.
   Indeed, the paragraph, as written, was admissible.
   –En efecto, el apartado, tal como estaba redactado, era admisible.
   Thank you for reminding me that you have written to me.
   Muchas gracias por recordarme que me ha escrito usted.
A great deal has been written about this topic.
Mucha tinta ha corrido sobre esta cuestión.
Much has been written on this subject.
Se han escrito muchas páginas al respecto.
You are aware of this – it is written in your report.
Usted lo sabe: está escrito en su informe.
The Committee concerned has written to you.
La comisión en cuestión le ha dirigido un escrito.
History was not written in advance, it is no more so today.
La historia no estaba escrita de antemano, como tampoco lo está hoy.
Why cannot these reports be written in plain language?
¿Por qué no pueden escribirse estos informes en lenguaje claro y sencillo?
Until now, it has been written in an ideological way.
Hasta ahora se ha escrito de forma ideológica.
I shall now read out what has been written down for me:
Ahora les leeré la nota que acabo de recibir:
I have written to all the Heads of Government on this.
He escrito a todos los Jefes de Gobierno acerca de ello.
I have, in fact, written several times.
De hecho, le he escrito varias veces.
I would like a written reply.
Me gustaría una respuesta por escrito.
I will not repeat what is written in the report.
No repetiré lo que ya está escrito en este informe.
History was written by the victors.
La historia fue escrita por los vencedores.
The written text of a treaty is not enough.
El texto escrito de un tratado no es suficiente.
It is not worth the paper that it is written on.
No vale el papel en el que está escrito.
This is a report which is both important and well written.
Este informe no sólo es importante, sino que también está bien escrito.
We read this in the text - it is written there plainly.
Lo leemos en el texto, pues está escrito claramente.
I will send you a written answer.
Le enviaré una respuesta por escrito.
That is not worth the paper on which it is written.
La enmienda no vale ni el papel sobre la que está escrita.
New demands and criteria were written in.
Se han añadido nuevas exigencias y criterios.
I am referring to the written document.
Esto se refiere a la versión escrita.
He stated that you had written a letter to...
Ha dicho que usted había escrito una carta a...
They have even written me very touching letters about it.
Me han escrito cartas conmovedoras.
You have prepared a written reply for us.
Usted nos ha preparado una respuesta escrita.
I would have written a similar report.
Yo habría escrito este informe de modo similar.
In any case, it is included in the written report.
Figura, en todo caso, en el informe escrito.
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