Sentence Maker: bullring  

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It would be fined to throw the cushions into the bullring.
Se multaría al que arrojara almohadillas al ruedo.
Does the bullring get packed with people?
¿La plaza de toros se abarrota de gente?
In the bullring, there are bulls that will simply not be pacified.
En una plaza de toros hay toros que no se dejan domeñar.
At that age, however, no distinction can be made between bulls intended for the bullring and other bulls.
No obstante, a esta edad no se puede realizar ninguna diferenciación entre animales para corridas de toros y otros bovinos machos.
Mr President, in bullfighting there is something we call the ' espontâneo' , when someone from outside spontaneously jumps into the bullring to join in.
Señor Presidente, en las corridas de toros, hay el llamado «espontáneo», que es quien está fuera y salta a la plaza para torear.

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