Sentence Maker: buy  

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You guys don't buy it.
No lo compreís.
Why do you buy peaches?
¿ Por qué compras melocotones ?
While I buy the tickets, you buy the newspaper.
Mientras yo compro las entradas, tú compras el periódico.
Mary would buy the tickets if she had the money.
María compraría los boletos si ella tuviera el dinero.
Where can I buy underwear?
¿En dónde puedo comprar ropa interior?
Where can I buy a skirt?
¿En dónde puedo comprar una falda?
I buy those.
Esos los compro.
Where can I buy a dress?
¿En dónde puedo comprar un vestido?
I'm giving him the money in order to buy the tickets.
Yo le doy el dinero para comprar los boletos.
We buy you guys the car.
Os compramos el coche.
Where can I buy stockings?
¿En dónde puedo comprar medias?
Mary is going to buy a gift for me.
María va a comprar un regalo para mí.
They're not asking much for that car, buy it!
Venden muy barato ese coche ¡cómpralo!
Mary is going to buy a gift for you.
María va a comprar un regalo para ti.
We should buy the factory in case of foreclosure.
Deberíamos comprar la fábrica si se da el caso de una ejecución hipotecaria.
Buy these things.
Comprar estas cosas.
Did you buy a necklace?
¿Compró usted una gargantilla?
Mary is going to buy a gift for him.
María va a comprar un regalo para él.
They went out to buy the shoes. They went out to buy them.
Ellos salieron a comprar los zapatos. Ellos salieron a comprarlos.
We buy the cake. Let's buy it.
Nosotros compramos el pastel. Comprémoslo nosotros.
Mary is going to buy a gift for her.
María va a comprar un regalo para ella.
Mary is going to buy a gift for you all.
María va a comprar un regalo para ustedes.
I can buy it for you.
Puedo comprártelo, te lo puedo comprar.
Don't buy him records!
¡ No le compren discos !
Mary is going to buy a gift for them.
María va a comprar un regalo para ellos.
I want to buy a new shirt.
Yo quiero comprar una camisa nueva.
Did you buy a gift for him?
¿Compraste un regalo para él?
I didn't buy a gift for him.
Yo no compré un regalo para él.
Buy the car for me.
Compra el coche por mí.
They buy some food.
Ellas compran algo de comida.
You had to buy the medicine.
Tuviste que comprar la medicina.
The doctor wants me to buy the medicine.
El doctor quiere que yo compre la medicina.
I have to buy a tie.
Yo tengo que comprar una corbata.
I will buy the tickets tomorrow.
Yo compraré los boletos mañana.
I want to buy a watch for Luis. I want to buy it for him.
Yo deseo comprar un reloj a Luis. Yo se lo deseo comprar.
They want to buy a house in Europe. They want to buy it for them.
Ellas quieren comprar una casa en Europa. Ellas se la quieren comprar.
We will buy the tickets tomorrow.
Nosotros compraremos los boletos mañana.
I want to buy a watch for Luis. I want to buy it for him.
Yo deseo comprar un reloj a Luis. Yo deseo comprárselo.
They want to buy a house in Europe. They want to buy it for them.
Ellas quieren comprar una casa en Europa. Ellas quieren comprársela.
I have not been able to buy the tickets.
Yo no he podido comprar los boletos.
Have you been able to buy the tickets?
¿Has podido comprar los boletos?
Mary has not been able to buy the tickets.
María no ha podido comprar los boletos.
We have not been able to buy the tickets.
Nosotros no hemos podido comprar los boletos.
The girls have not been able to buy the tickets.
Las muchachas no han podido comprar los boletos.
I would buy the tickets if you lent me the money.
Yo compraría los boletos si tú me prestaras el dinero.
I want to buy an amplifier for my car.
Quiero comprar un amplificador para mi auto.
I have to buy a pound of meat.
Yo tengo que comprar una libra de carne.
I wish to buy a harpoon for Luis. I wish to buy it for him.
Yo deseo comprar un arpón a Luis. Yo se lo deseo comprar.
I wish to buy a map to Luis. I wish to buy it to him.
Yo deseo comprar un mapa a Luis. Yo deseo comprárselo.
I need to buy them.
Yo los necesito comprar.
He says you should buy it.
Dice que lo compres.
Did you buy many gifts?
¿Compraste muchos regalos?
You buy the book.
Usted compra el libro.
They said they would buy it for him/her.
Dijeron que se lo compraban.
You have to buy him the car.
Usted tiene que comprarle el coche.
They have to buy a magazine.
Ellos tienen que comprar una revista.
He told you to buy it.
Dijo que lo compraras.
Mary, buy the tickets, please.
María, compra los boletos por favor.
They went out to buy food. They went out to buy it.
Ellos salieron a comprar los alimentos. Ellos salieron a comprarlos.
The boys can't buy the tickets because they don't have the money.
Los muchachos no pueden comprar los boletos porque ellos no tienen el dinero.
We came to buy the yacht. We came to buy it.
Nosotros venimos a comprar el yate. Nosotros venimos a comprarlo .
I want to buy real estate.
Yo quiero comprar bienes raíces.
What did you buy at the store?
¿Qué compraste en la tienda?
Have they given you the money to buy the tickets?
¿Te han dado el dinero para comprar los boletos?
Did you give him the money to buy the tickets?
¿Le diste el dinero para comprar los boletos?
Have you given him the money to buy the tickets?
¿Le has dado el dinero para comprar los boletos?
We have to buy the tickets today.
Nosotros tenemos que comprar los boletos hoy.
I want to buy the tickets tomorrow.
Yo quiero comprar los boletos mañana.
I am going to buy the tickets tomorrow.
Yo voy a comprar los boletos mañana.
I have to buy the tickets tomorrow.
Yo tengo que comprar los boletos mañana.
I am going to have to buy the tickets tomorrow.
Yo voy a tener que comprar los boletos mañana.
Can you buy them?
¿Los puedes comprar?
Are you going to be able to buy them?
¿Los vas a poder comprar?
Do you know if he has the money to buy the tickets?
¿Sabes si él tiene el dinero para comprar los boletos?
We have to give him the money to buy the tickets.
Nosotros le tenemos que dar el dinero para comprar los boletos.
He says that he can't buy the tickets because he doesn't have the money.
El dice que él no puede comprar los boletos porque él no tiene el dinero.
He can't buy the tickets if he doesn't have the money.
El no puede comprar los boletos si él no tiene el dinero.
He can't buy the tickets.
El no puede comprar los boletos.
He can't buy them.
El no los puede comprar.
Are you going to be able to buy them tomorrow?
¿ Los vas a poder comprar mañana?
Do you have the money to buy the medicine?
¿Tienes el dinero para comprar la medicina?
You don't need to buy the tickets in advance.
No es necesario que compres los pasajes con anterioridad.
to buy cheap
Comprar barato
I have to buy a medicine to relieve the fever.
Yo tengo que comprar una medicina para bajar la fiebre.
I hope that you can buy it.
Yo espero que tú la puedas comprar.
He asked me to buy the tickets.
Él me pidió que comprara los boletos.
I can't buy the tickets because I have to study in the library.
Yo no puedo comprar los boletos porque tengo que estudiar en la biblioteca.
Mary can't buy the tickets because she doesn't have the money.
María no puede comprar los boletos porque ella no tiene el dinero.
I hope they buy the house.
Espero que compren la casa.
He hopes to buy the house.
El espera comprar la casa.
I have to buy a gift for John.
Yo tengo que comprar un regalo para Juan.
You can buy that at the prison store.
Usted puede comprar eso en la tienda de la cárcel.
Mary wants me to buy the tickets.
María quiere que yo compre los boletos.
It is doubtful that he will buy it.
Es dudoso que lo compre.
Did you buy a gift for your mother?
¿ Compraste un regalo para tu madre?
Did they buy it new or used?
¿Ellos lo comparon nuevo o usado?
I have to buy the medicine that Mary needs.
Yo tengo que comprar la medicina que María necesita.
Did you buy the medicine?
¿Compraste la medicina?
I wanted to buy the silver bracelet.
Yo quería comprar la pulsera de plata.
I think that I am going to buy it.
Yo creo que la voy a comprar.
If you cannot buy local, buy regional.
Y si no se pueden comprar productos locales, hay que comprar productos regionales.
If they knew they would not buy them.
Si lo supieran, no los comprarían.
Pamper yourself; have it all; buy.
Mímese; téngalo todo; compre.
But why do they not buy their own entrance ticket?
Pero ¿por qué no se pagan ellos la entrada?
It is best if we simply do not buy these products.
Lo mejor sería que no compráramos estos productos.
However, what are we trying to make them buy?
Pero, para que consuma ¿qué?.
They only buy cars relatively infrequently.
Éstos compran coches con relativa poca frecuencia.
We need industry to buy into what we are saying.
Es preciso que la industria acepte lo que decimos.
To fund and buy out the opposition.
Financiar y comprar a la oposición.
In other countries you can buy them in supermarkets.
En otros países, se pueden comprar en los supermercados.
You do a search, you buy something.
Realizamos una búsqueda, compramos algo.
We ourselves say that we buy some 80% of these products.
Nosotros mismos decimos que compramos el 80 % de estos productos.
When you buy a product, you do not have to know what is in it.
Cuando se adquiere un producto, no es necesario saber lo que contiene.
I have read the legislation for 'Buy American'.
He leído la legislación de la campaña "Compra producto americano".
'Buy Chinese' is a different proposition.
La propuesta "Compra producto chino" es diferente.
We are giving them money to buy our weapons.
Les estamos dando dinero para que compren nuestro armamento.
Do not buy time, Commissioner.
No gane tiempo, señor Comisario y actúe de inmediato.
Does it want to buy its way to power?
¿Quiere comprar su camino al poder?
You can buy it out - it costs peanuts.
Pueden ustedes comprarla: cuesta una miseria.
After all, cars do not buy cars.
Al fin y al cabo, los coches no compran coches.
It cannot even buy a house.
Ni siquiera puede comprar una casa.
No one is forced to buy these products and those that do buy them tend to be well informed about their purchases.
No se obliga a nadie a comprar estos productos y quienes los compran suelen estar bien informados sobre lo que compran.
We are the people who buy and sell almost all the things they want to buy and sell.
Somos los que compramos y vendemos casi todos los productos que ellos quieren comprar y vender.
For most of the countries from which one would buy the kind of products we have listed, you already know where you buy from.
En general, ya se sabe de dónde proceden la mayoría de los productos de la lista.
It is not justified to buy insurance and buy unseen interventions on a risk on a purely speculative basis.
No está justificado que se adquieran seguros por medio de intervenciones ocultas sobre un riesgo de forma puramente especulativa.
There is also the option not to buy electric cars; no one is forcing Europeans to buy them.
También existe la posibilidad de no comprar estos coches; nadie obliga a los europeos a hacerlo.
Who will then buy the works of unknown artists?
¿Quién comprará entonces las obras de artistas desconocidos?
The only problem was how to get them home through customs, so I did not buy them!
El único problema era cómo pasarlos por los controles de aduanas, ¡así que no los compré!
If labelling were honest, consumers would not buy the products.
Si el etiquetado dijera la verdad, los consumidores no comprarían los productos.
It is because they can buy on the market the service that is best for them.
Porque podrán adquirir en el mercado los servicios que más les convengan.
It is not a product that you are free to choose whether or not to buy.
No se trata de un producto que pueda comprarse o dejarse de comprar voluntariamente.
An alternative contribution would be to buy the vessels locally.
Una contribución alternativa sería comprar los buques allí mismo.
What other organs would it be possible to buy and sell in a market?
¿Qué otros órganos se podrían comprar y vender en un mercado?
Women often trade in, and buy, fish.
Las mujeres a menudo comercian, y compran, pescado.
Products will not be stamped ‘This is foreign – do not buy it’!
En los productos no se pondrá el sello «esto es extranjero, no lo compre».
We can buy up the whole of their trade and industry.
Nosotros podemos adquirir la totalidad de su comercio y su industria.
They are scarcely able to buy food for the day.
Ellos apenas pueden comprar alimentos para un día.
Who would buy a toy knowing that it contained carcinogens?
¿Quién compraría un juguete a sabiendas de que contiene sustancias carcinógenas?
Only then will consumers, who are central here, have faith in what they buy.
Sólo así el consumidor, al que colocamos en el centro de esta estrategia, podrá depositar su confianza en lo que compra.
In the Netherlands this is used to buy nature areas.
En los Países Bajos se utiliza para comprar zonas de valor ecológico.
Consumers want to know more about the seafood they buy.
Los consumidores quieren saber más acerca de los mariscos que compran.
He had to borrow money from the bank to buy his materials.
Tuvo que pedir un crédito al banco para comprar los materiales.
What would be the use of a single currency if we had less to buy?
¿De qué serviría una moneda única si tuviéramos menos que comprar?
We do not have the courage to do that, but you can't buy courage on the market and so it's not easy.
Nosotros no tenemos valor para hacerlo, pero el valor no se compra en el mercado, por lo que no es cosa fácil.
If my mother was on the boat, she would know when to buy the stuff.
Si mi madre viajara en el buque, sabría cuándo hacer las compras.
What is missing is the consumer motivation to buy these products.
Lo que falta es la motivación del consumidor a comprar también los productos.
These families cannot buy their bread, but have to make it themselves and add the binding agent themselves.
Esas familias no pueden comprar su pan; lo hacen ellos mismos y agregan sus aglutinantes.
We are effectively being asked to buy the bovine equivalent of a pig in a poke.
Nos están pidiendo convincentemente que aceptemos el equivalente bovino del gato por liebre.
It is difficult to buy digital cards for existing pay TV.
Es difícil comprar tarjetas digitales para la televisión de pago existente.
In my constituency they want to buy cheaper cars from France and the Netherlands.
En mi circunscripción, algunos quieren comprar automóviles más baratos en Francia y los Países Bajos.

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