Spanish Sentences using Italia  

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Ella visitará Italia.
She will visit Italy.
Es argentino pero, de momento, está en Italia.
He is Argentinian but he is in Italy at the moment.
España e Italia pidieron una semana para reflexionar.
Spain and Italy asked for a week to reflect.
Nosotros viviremos en Italia seis meses.
We'll live in Italy six months.
Mis abuelos maternales son de Italia y no hablan nada de inglés.
My maternal grandparents are from Italy and they don't speak any English.
Nosotros pensamos viajar a Italia.
We are thinking (planning) on traveling to Italy.
Mis abuelos, quienes llegaron de Italia, vivían en este pueblo.
My grandparents, who arrived from Italy, lived in this town.
Mauricio vive en Italia, pero conduce un coche español.
Mauricio lives in Italy, but drives a Spanish car.
He soñado que viajábamos a Italia.
I have dreamt that we were traveling to Italy.
Nosotros viajaremos pronto a Italia.
We'll travel soon to Italy.
Los trenes que llegaron le recordaban a Italia.
The trains that arrived reminded her of Italy.
Algún día regresaré a Italia.
Someday I'll go back to Italy.
Esta seda viene de Italia.
This silk comes from Italy.
Milán es una de las ciudades más grandes de Italia.
Milan is one of the largest cities in Italy.

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