Spanish Sentences using dicho  

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No me contestes con un dicho.
Don't answer me with a saying.
Me han dicho que / He escuchado que
I heard that
No ha dicho nada durante todo el espectáculo.
He didn't say a thing throughout the whole show.
Isabel ha dicho que haría lo posible por venir.
Isabel has said that she would do everything possible in order to come.
Han dicho que no podrían esperar.
They have said that they would not be able to wait.
Has dicho que te ocuparías de él.
You have said that you would take care of him.
Yo le he dicho que yo vendré a la clase temprano mañana.
I have told her that I will come to the class early tomorrow.
He dicho que lo dejaría el martes.
I have said that I would leave it Tuesday.
Habéis dicho que pasaríais por el taller.
You have said that you would come by the workshop.
Dice que vendrá . Ha dicho que vendría.
He says that he will come. He has said that he would come.
¿Has escuchado lo que he dicho?
Have you been listening to what I've said?
El médico me ha dicho que debo tomar vitaminas para prevenir los catarros.
The doctor has told me to take vitamines to prevent colds.
¿Has oído lo que han dicho las noticias?
Have you heard what they're saying on the news?
Prefiero que me lo hayas dicho.
I prefer that you have told me it.
Me han dicho que "Ropa Deportiva" estaba en el primer piso.
They have told me that "Sports Clothing" was on the first floor.
Yo siempre te he dicho la verdad.
I've always told you the truth.
Sí, se lo he dicho.
Yes, I have given it to him.
¿No le han dicho nada al jefe?
Haven't you said anything to the boss?
Muchas veces las palabras que tendríamos que haber dicho no se presentan.
Many times, the words that we would have to have said don't present themselves.
No, no le hemos dicho nada.
No, we haven't said anything to him.
¿A quién se lo has dicho?
Who did you say it to?
Si hubieras dicho la verdad desde el principio, no estarías metido en ese lío ahora.
If you had told the truth from the very beginning, you wouldn't be in trouble now.
Se lo había dicho pero se lo olvidó.
He had told him but he forgot it.
Espero que Juan le haya dicho a María que vamos a ir a la playa a las tres.
I hope that John has told Mary that we are going to go to the beach at three o'clock.
Espero que los muchachos le hayan dicho a Juan que vamos a ir a la playa a las tres.
I hope that the boys have told John that we are going to go to the beach at three o'clock.
¿Le han dicho si usted tiene bloqueos en las arterias del corazón?
Have you been told if you have a blockage in your coronary artery?
Si hubiera preguntado se lo habríamos dicho.
If he had asked us, we would have told him.
Uds. no le habían dicho nada a Jaime todavía, ¿verdad?
You hadn't told anything to Jaime yet, had you?
¿Quién te ha dicho que vamos a ir a la playa a la una?
Who has told you that we are going to go to the beach at one o'clock?
Si me lo hubieras dicho habría podido evitar este error.
If you had told me, I could have avoided this mistake.
Yo habría ido a la playa con ustedes si los muchachos me hubieran dicho que ustedes iban a ir a las tres.
I would have gone to the beach with you all if the boys had told me that you all were going to go at three o'clock.
El médico me ha dicho que estoy embarazada.
The doctor told me I am pregnant.
Si nos lo hubiérais dicho no lo hubieramos hecho.
If you all had told us, we wouldn't have done it.
¿Le has dicho que te lo dé?
Have you told him to give it to you?
¿No te extraña que Estela haya dicho eso?
Are you not surprised that Estela has said that?
El relator de la corte repetirá ahora lo que acaba de ser dicho.
The court reporter will now repeat what was just said.
No. Pero le he dicho varias veces.
No. But I’ve told him several times.
Me han dicho que / He escuchado que
I heard that
Yo espero que los muchachos hayan dicho la verdad.
I hope that the boys have told the truth.
Nosotros nunca traíamos cuaderno porque nadie nos había dicho que trajéramos.
We never brought a notebook because nobody had told us to bring one.
Dijo que no le había dicho nada de eso.
He said that he hadn't told him any of that.
Para entonces, ya habremos visto al Sr. González y nos habrá dicho si acepta nuestro proyecto o no.
By that time, we will have already seen Mr. González and he will have told us if he accepts our plan or not.
Necesito rectificar lo que he dicho.
I need to correct what I have said.
¿Alguno de ustedes recuerda que Inés haya dicho que iba a hacer una fiesta?
Do any of you remember whether Inés has said she was going to have a party?
Ella dijo que quería hacer una fiesta, pero no recuerdo que haya dicho que iba a hacer una.
She said she wanted to have a party, but I don't remember her saying she was going to have one.
El actor ha dicho que no concederá más entrevistas.
The actor has said that he will not grant any more interviews.
Ángela habría dicho la verdad, pero no lo hizo.
Ángela would have told the truth, but she didn’t.
Yo no sé si Juan ha dicho la verdad.
I don't know if John has told the truth.
¿ Sabes si Juan ha dicho la verdad?
Do you know if John has told the truth?
Nosotros no sabemos si los muchachos han dicho la verdad.
We don't know if the boys have told the truth.
¿ Sabes si los muchachos han dicho la verdad?
Do you know if the boys have told the truth.
Yo no sé si los muchachos han dicho la verdad.
I don't know if the boys have told the truth.
¿Le has dicho a María que los muchachos van a ir a la playa con nosotros?
Have you told Mary that the boys are going to the beach with us?
Te he dicho que me des la receta.
I told you to give me the recipe.
No le he dicho a María a qué hora vamos a ir a la playa.
I haven't told Mary what time we are going to go to the beach.
Te lo he dicho una docena de veces.
I've told you a dozen times.
¿Sabes si Juan le ha dicho a María que los muchachos van a ir con nosotros?
Do you know if John has told Mary that the boys are going to go with us?
Yo siento cargo de conciencia por saber que yo mentí y todavía no he dicho la verdad.
I feel guilty to know that I lied and not yet have I told the truth.
No le hemos dicho a qué hora iremos a la playa mañana.
We haven't told her what time we will go to the beach tomorrow.
Yo creía que Juan le había dicho a María que nosotros íbamos a ir a la playa a las tres.
I thought that John had told Mary that we were going to go to the beach at three o'clock.
Yo creía que los muchachos te habían dicho que ellos iban a ir a la playa con nosotros.
I thought that the boys had told you that they were going to go to the beach with us.
No me has dicho si vas a ir con nosotros.
You haven't told me if you are going to go with us.
Blanca no me ha dicho todavía cuánto tiempo le lllevará terminar el trabajo.
Blanca hasn't told me yet how long it will take her to finish the work.
¿Por qué no nos has dicho a qué hora van a ir ustedes a la playa?
Why haven't you told us what time you all are going to go to the beach?
Habías dicho que eras excelente jugando a los bolos.
You said you were excellent at bowling.
No sabíamos que le habías dicho a Juan que íbamos a ir a la playa a las tres.
We didn't know that you had told John that we were going to go to the beach at three o'clock.
Yo he dicho la verdad.
I have told the truth (la verdad).
Yo les he dicho que yo se lo voy a dar. / Yo les he dicho que voy a dárselo.
I have told them that I am going to give it to them.
¿Has dicho la verdad?
Have you told the truth?
María ha dicho la verdad.
Mary has told the truth.
Nosotros hemos dicho la verdad.
We have told the truth.
El médico me ha dicho que tengo un catarro.
The doctor told me I have a cold.
Las muchachas han dicho la verdad.
The girls have told the truth.
Yo te habría dicho a qué hora los muchachos iban a ir a la playa si me lo hubieran dicho.
I would have told you what time the boys were going to go to the beach if they had told me (it).
¿No te han dicho a qué hora van a ir a la playa?
Haven't they told you what time they are going to go to the beach?
Es normal teniendo en cuenta lo que has dicho.
That's normal keeping in mind what you said.
Yo no les he dicho a los muchachos que vamos a ir a la playa.
I haven't told the boys that we are going to go to the beach at three o'clock.
Juan, ¿Les has dicho a los muchachos a qué hora vamos a ir a la playa?
John, have you told the boys what time we are going to go to the beach?
Yo le he dicho a ella que yo hablaré con el abogado mañana.
I have told her that I will speak with the lawyer tomorrow.
Es un dicho muy conocido.
It's a well known saying.
Los muchachos me han dicho que te lo dieron ayer.
The boys have told me that they gave it to you yesterday.
¿Cuándo se usa este dicho?
When is this saying used?
No has dicho toda la verdad.
You haven't told the whole truth.
No has entendido el significado del dicho.
You don't understand the significance of the saying.
Los muchachos han dicho la verdad.
The boys have told the truth.
Yo esperaba que los muchachos hubieran dicho la verdad.
I was hoping that the boys had told the truth.
Me han dicho
I've been told
Tu papá nos había dicho que ya para el día veinte, Uds. habrían cruzado la frontera.
Your father had told us that by the twentieth you would have crossed the border.
Del dicho al hecho hay gran trecho.
There is a great distance from saying to doing.(It's easier said than done).
Dicho y hecho.
No sooner said than done.
Queda dicho.
That is just by the by.
Por eso he dicho lo que he dicho antes.
That is why I said what I said before.
Nunca he dicho eso.
I have never said that.
Ya lo he dicho.
As I, in fact, said.
He dicho que no sancionamos.
As I have said, it is not a case of our imposing sanctions.
Dicho sea de paso.
But that is by the by.
Esto merece ser dicho.
This should be pointed out.
He dicho hablar pero no codecidir.
Please note that I said 'discuss' , not 'codecision' .
Se ha dicho aquí.
This has already been discussed here in Parliament.
Siempre lo hemos dicho.
We have consistently pointed this out.
Ya lo he dicho públicamente.
I have said it in public.
¿Dónde esta dicho estudio?
What has become of that study?
Dicho éxito no era obvio.
Such success was not self-evident.
Creo que he dicho suficiente.
I think I have said enough on the matter.
Hoy renuevo dicho compromiso.
I renew that commitment today.
No podría apoyar dicho enfoque.
I would be unable to lend my support to such an approach.
Como he dicho, seré breve.
As I said, I will keep it brief.
Apoyo plenamente dicho argumento.
I fully support this argument.
¿Les proporcionamos dicho barcos?
Did we supply those ships?
Como he dicho, no podemos permitirlo.
As I have said, we cannot allow that to happen.
Como he dicho, no somos benefactores.
As I said, we are not do-gooders.
Nadie ha dicho eso.
No one has said this.
¿Quién ha dicho eso?
Who said that it would?
Reitero lo que he dicho.
I repeat what I said.
Sencillamente han dicho "basta".
They have simply said 'We have had enough!'.
Mantengo lo que he dicho.
I stand by what I have said.
Como he dicho, es insuficiente.
As I have said, it is unsatisfactory.
No he dicho nada sobre mediocridad.
I did not say anything about mediocrity.
Siempre lo hemos dicho.
We have always said so.
No he dicho que habíamos decidido.
I did not say a decision had been made.
Tenemos que buscar, he dicho.
We must find those answers, I tell you!
¿Existe dicho manual?
Is there such a rule book?
He dicho la mayoría.
I said most of them.
No prolonguemos dicho debate.
Let us go no further with that discussion.
Dicho enfoque es interesante.
This is an interesting approach.
Yo no he dicho otra cosa.
That was all I said.
Seguimos manteniendo dicho apoyo.
And we continue to support you.
Jamás he dicho lo contrario.
At no stage did I say otherwise.
Esto ya lo he dicho.
I have already said that.
Señor Ebner, usted ha dicho lo que ha dicho.
Mr Ebner, you have said what you have said.
Los agricultores remolacheros han dicho "no", los pescadores han dicho "no".
Sugar beet farmers said 'no', fishermen said 'no'.
Sí, he dicho bien: "la Comisión" .
Yes, I did say "the Commission" .
Esto se ha dicho ya.
That has already been said.
Los colegas lo han dicho.
Our fellow Members have said so.
Nosotros se lo hubiésemos dicho.
We could have told them.
Antes hemos dicho algo crítico.
It is true that we were rather critical earlier.
Dicho esto, vayamos al grano.
That said, let us get to the point.
Dicho acuerdo ha fracasado definitivamente.
That fisheries agreement has now finally collapsed.
Mejor dicho, me gustaría desaconsejarlas todas.
Or rather, I would like to advise against nearly all of them.
Tal como he dicho, los he mencionado.
As I have said, I have named them.

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