Spanish Sentences using que  

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Me han dicho que / He escuchado que
I heard that
¡Mira lo que has hecho!
Look what you have done!
me interesa mucho que...
it means a lot to me that...
No tome más que las pastillas que debe tomar.
Do not take more pills than you are supposed to.
¿Que impide que yo sea presidente?
What is stopping me from becoming president?
Él dijo que iría.
He said he would go.
¿Que llevarás? Llevaré todo lo que queda.
What will you carry? I will carry everything that is left.
Es importante que me avise.
It is important that you warn me.
Me gustaría que vinieran.
I would like for them to come.
Espero que page.
I hope he will pay.
Es preciso que trabaje.
It is necessary that you work.
Por supuesto que puedes.
Sure you can.
Debes creer lo que digo. Cree lo que digo.
You should believe what I say. Believe what I say
Dice que vendrá . Ha dicho que vendría.
He says that he will come. He has said that he would come.
Viste mejor que nadie.
She dresses better than anyone.
¿Después qué estuviste haciendo?
After that what were you doing?
Tendrás que declararlo.
You will have to declare it.
Nadamos menos que Uds.
We swam less than you all.
¿Verdad que son guapos?
They are good-looking, aren't they?
¿Sabrá que lo que dije es mentira?
Will she know that what I said is a lie?
Nadamos como ninguno.
We swam like no one.
Que se vayan todos.
If only all of them would leave.
Caminen ustedes que yo veré que hay en la vitrina.
Walk and I will see what's in the glass cabinet. (you all - formal)
Querría que le hablaras.
He would like you to talk to him.
Quiero que me esperéis.
I want you all to wait for me.
Ni que decir tiene que lo he visto todo.
It goes without saying that I've seen everything.
Siento que me desmayo.
I feel like fainting.
Tengo que apurarme.
I have to hurry.
Juan, tienes que apurarte.
John, you have to hurry.
¿Qué es lo que huelo en su equipaje?
What's that I smell in your luggage?
¿Con qué viene?
What does it come with?
Tenemos que terminarlo mañana.
We have to finish it tomorrow.
Tienes que freír la cebolla hasta que esté dorada.
You have to fry the onion until it is golden brown.
con la condición de que
on the condition that
¿Tiene algo que declarar?
Do you have something to declare?
Que sea resistente.
Make sure it's strong.
He oído que te casas.
I've heard you're getting married.
¡Que lo pases bien!
Have a good time!
Hay que estudiar.
It's necessary to study.
nada que declarar
nothing to declare
Lamentamos que tenga usted que irse tan pronto.
We're sorry you have to leave so soon.
Tengo que cenar.
I have to have dinner.
No creía que viniera.
I didn't think he would come.
Quiero que me acompañes.
I want you to accompany me.
Quiero que le cuenten lo que pasó.
I want them to tell him what happened.
Es que...
It is because...
¿A que país quiere mandarlo?
To what country do you want to send it?
¡Porque yo valgo!
Because am I worth it!
¿No entendiste lo que dijo?
Didn't you understand what he said?
Quiero que sepas que llegaré tarde.
I want you to know that I will be late.
Tiene que avisarme si...
You need to let me know if...
¿Quiere que sea testigo?
Do you want me to be a witness?
Que tengas buenas noches.
Have a good night.
Lo que pasa.
What happens.
nada que declarar
nothing to declare
Que te cuides.
Take care.
Me han dicho que / He escuchado que
I heard that
Teneís que verla, la teneís que ver.
You all have to see her.
Espero que llegues pronto.
I hope he arrives soon.
Que te vaya bien.
I hope that all goes well with you.
Tiene que hacerlo, lo tiene que hacer.
He has to do it.
Dice que tienes que ir a la escuela.
He says you have to go to school.
Lo que ves es lo que consigues.
What you see is what you get.
Así que no llegó cuando se supuso que llegaba.
So he did not arrive when he was supposed to arrive.
Tiene que...
You have to...
¡Antes que te cases, mira lo que haces!
Before you get married, look at what you are doing.
Tiene que trabajar. Es menester que trabaje.
You have to work. It is necessary that you work.
Dígale lo que tenga que decirle.
Say what you've got to say to him.
Yo estudié más que tú.
I studied more than you (did).
más que
more than
menos que
less than
Creí que estabas bromeando.
I thought you were joking.
Nada que hacer.
Nothing to do.
Que puedo traer?
What can I bring?
Haces que me ruborice.
You make me blush.
Ojos que no ven, corazón que no siente.
(If) the eyes do not see, the heart does not feel. (Out of sight, out of mind).
El hace que me ruborice.
He makes me blush.
¡Que te diviertas!
Have a good time!
No sé que pasó.
I don't know what happened.
Ella creyó que yo creí lo que dijo.
She thought that I believed what she said.
¡Qué bueno que no tengo que repetir la prepa!.
It's so good that I don't have to repeat high school.
¡Claro que si!
Of course!
No me gusta que cuestiones todo lo que digo.
I don't like that you question everything I say.
El dice que irá.
He says he will go.
Tenemos que irnos.
We have to go.
Espero que volvamos a vernos.
I hope we shall meet again.
¡Claro que sí!
Of course!
Es sabido que
it is generally known that
Cocino peor que Ud.
I cook worse than you.
Que vas a cocinar hoy?
What are you going to cook today?
Dudamos que lleguen mañana.
We doubt they will come tomorrow.
Tienes que asistir a clase.
You have to attend class.
¿A que hora te despiertas?
At what time do you wake up?
¿A que hora te levantas?
At what time do you get up?
procurar que
to see to it that
¡Que aproveche amigos!
Enjoy, friends!
Que Dios le proteja.
May God protect you.
Estoy contento de que
I am glad that
En lo que a mí respecta
as for me
Pienso que sí
Yes, I think so
Creo que puede que tengamos que hacerlo.
I think we may need to.
Creemos que no.
We do not think so.
Compruebo que no.
There are no further comments.
Creo que no.
I do not think it can.
Creemos que no.
We do not think so.
Creemos que no.
We do not believe that this is the case.
"¡Que frío!"
Mr President, I am prompted to say 'How cold it is!'
Pienso que no.
I do not think so.
Creo que no.
I do not think so.
¡No, seguro que no!
No, it certainly is not!
Creemos que no.
We feel that this is not the case.
Creo que no.
I do not think so.
¡Ojalá que no!
I hope we do not.
Seguro que no.
I wager it would not.
Creo que no.
I do not think so.
Que no decaiga.
Please do not drop the ball.
Que funcionan.
The fact that it works.
Me parece que no.
I think not quite enough.
Me parece que no.
I do not think so.
Creo que no.
I do not think so.
Opino que no.
I do not believe so.
Sabemos que no.
We know that we do not.
Veo que no.
I do not see anyone.
Creo que no.
I do not think so.
¿Verdad que no?
No we haven't, have we?
Pienso que no.
I do not think so.
Que conste.
I would therefore like to point that out.
Me parece que no.
It seems to me that it does not.
) Pienso que no.
No, I do not think so.
Creo que no.
I do not believe that they were.
Tenemos que...
As regards this demand, we must also...
Tendremos que esperar a que lleguen.
We shall wait for them to come in.
Creemos que tenemos que aprobarla.
We think we have to say yes.
Creo que no hay que engañarse.
We should not deceive ourselves.
Sé que tenemos que administrarla.
I know we have to administer it.
Creo que hay que felicitarla.
I think she is to be congratulated.
Así que tendremos que luchar.
So we will have to fight.
Creo que tenemos que felicitarnos.
I believe that we should congratulate ourselves.
Me parece que hay que decirlo.
I believe that this must indeed be said.
¿Que habría que hacer, pues?
What should be done, then?
Así que tuvimos que cambiarlo.
So we had to change it.
No creo que tenga que nombrarlos.
I do not think I have to name them.
Considero que los que protestan...
I appreciate that the protesters...
Que sientan que no están solas.
They must know that they are not alone.
¿Creemos que hay que reformarlo?
Should the Fund be reformed?
Algo que hay que respetar.
This process is to be respected.
Creo que hay que saludarlo.
She is to be congratulated on this.
Imaginen que hubieran tenido que hacerlo el año que viene.
Imagine that they had to do this next year.
Mejor dos que ninguna, que era lo que sucedía antes.
Two is better than none, which is what happened before.
Creo que esto es justo lo que no hay que hacer.
I believe this is the wrong way around.

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