Spanish Sentences using sino  

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Encima de engañarme me insultó, no sólo me engañó sino también me insultó.
On top of cheating me, he insulted me, he not only cheated me but also insulted me.
No es solamente tu dinero que estás gastando sino el mío también.
It's not only your money that you are spending but also mine.
Ella no camina por las montañas sino que camina mucho por la ciudad.
She does not walk in the mountains but she walks a lot around town.
María no habla, sino que grita.
Maria doesn't talk, but on the contrary, she screams.
En los pasillos no se permitirá sino la presencia de los agentes de la Autoridad.
Only agents of the authority are permitted in the aisles.
No la admitirán sino en los grandes almacenes.
They will not accept it except in the big wharehouses.
No se multará sino a los infractores.
Only the offenders will be fined.
No se admitirá sino al personal de las cuadrillas.
Only the squad personnel is admitted.
No se prohíbe sino proferir insultos.
Only hurling insults is prohibited.
No, el banco no me prestó el dinero para el carro sino lo tomé prestado de la unión de crédito.
No, the bank did not lend me the money for the car but I borrowed it from the credit union.
Sigue usted las señales al centro. Entonces, no sigo el camión sino sigo las señales.
You follow the signs to the center. So, I do not follow the truck but I follow the signs.
No es una molestia sino un placer.
It is not a nuisance but a pleasure.
No soy española sino argentina.
I'm not Spanish but Argentinian.
No tenemos hambre sino sed.
We aren't hungry but thirsty.
No le entregas el pasaporte sino el carnet de estudiante.
You don't turn in your passport rather your student ID.
No nos encontramos en el hotel sino en la calle.
We didn't meet in the hotel but in the street.
¿Lo ahorró en un banco? No, no lo ahorró en un banco sino lo ahorró en una unión de crédito.
Did he save it in a bank? No, he did not save it in a bank but he saved it in a credit union.
Las muchachas no son extranjeras, sino estudiantes.
The girls are not foreigners, but rather students.
No sólo vinieron tarde sino que me insultaron.
Not only did they come late but they also insulted me.
Mi familia no es rica sino pobre.
My family is not rich but poor.
Yo compré no sólo la carne sino que también legumbres.
I didn't only buy the meat but also the vegetables.
No quiero hablar con el juez, sino con el senador.
I don't want to speak with the judge but with the senator.
No es un problema tuyo sino un defecto de las mujeres.
It's not your problem; it's a women´s flaw.
No me digas adiós, sino hasta pronto.
Don't say bye, but rather see you soon!
Rodrigo no juega a la pelota si no viene su papá.
Rodrigo doesn't play the ball if his dad doesn't come.
No puedes utilizar sino una tarjeta de crédito.
You can't use anything other than a credit card.
Un buen restaurante no sólo tiene buena comida sino ofrecen un buen servicio también.
A good restaurant doesn't just have good food but they also offer good service too.
No visitó sino Madrid.
He only visited Madrid.
Perdona, Juan, no me contestes ahora, sino después de la publicidad...
Excuse me, Juan, don't answer now but after publicity...
Eso no es aprovechar el tiempo, sino malgastarlo.
That's not taking advantage of time, it's wasting time.
Hemos estado no sólo en Madrid, sino también en otros sitios.
We've been not only in Madrid, but in other places as well.
El vuelo no es directo, sino vía Londres.
The flight is not direct, but rather via London.
La falta de aire no hace sino aumentar el mareo.
The lack of air does nothing but increase the nausea.
El exceso de equipaje no hace sino molestar a don Bellisario.
The excess of baggage doesn't do anything but bother Mr. Bellisario.
Amélie no hace sino telefonear a su padre.
Amelie does nothing but call her father.
Un buen restaurante no sólo tiene buena comida sino que ofrece un buen servicio también.
A good restaurant doesn't just have good food but they'll offer good service too.
No hay pregunta sino declaración.
There has been no question but rather a statement.
No son amenazas, sino afirmaciones.
Those are not threats, but statements.
No queremos imponer sino persuadir.
We wish not to impose but to persuade.
No soy antifederalista, sino realista.
I am not an anti-federalist but a realist.
No hay conflicto, sino complementariedad.
There is no conflict, but complementarity.
No podemos sino felicitarlo.
We can do no other than congratulate him.
No podemos sino celebrarlo.
We can only welcome that.
No podemos sino rechazarlo.
We can only reject it.
No son contradictorias sino complementarias.
They are not contradictory but complementary.
No avanzamos, sino que retrocedemos.
We are not progressing: we are actually moving backwards.
No quiere unirlos sino disolverlos.
It does not wish to unite them, but to disintegrate them.
No queremos castigar, sino ayudar.
We do not wish to sanction but rather to assist.
No hemos tenido sino contribuciones positivas.
We have had nothing but positive contributions.
No hicimos sino formular peticiones legítimas.
We only made legitimate requests.
No podemos sino felicitarles por ello.
We can only congratulate them on their efforts.
No es sino una interpretación fundamentalista.
It is simply a fundamentalist interpretation.
No con palabras, sino con hechos.
Not so much with words as with deeds.
Debe decir no «específica» sino «excepcional».
It should not say 'specific' but 'exceptional'.
No debe decir «traducido», sino «interpretado».
Rather than 'translated', it has to read, 'interpreted'.
¿No es esto sino una catástrofe?
Surely that is a catastrophe?
No me refiero a declaraciones, sino a lo concreto.
I mean specific measures, not mere declarations.
No de propaganda, sino de comunicación.
Not a propaganda policy, but a communication policy.
... sino un fracaso de Europa».
... it will be Europe’s failure’.
No son mutuamente excluyentes, sino complementarios.
They are not mutually exclusive; they are complementary.
Esto no significa armonizada, sino competitiva.
This does not at all mean harmonised, but competitive.
No nos queda sino hacernos ilusiones.
All we have left is wishful thinking.
Eso no es solidaridad, sino hipocresía.
That is not solidarity, that is hypocrisy.
No puedo sino rechazar ese argumento.
I can only reject that argument.
No fue algo espontáneo sino provocado.
It was not spontaneous, but was whipped up.
Esto no es demagogia, sino simple...
This is not demagogy but simple ...
No con palabras, sino con hechos.
Not in words but in deeds.
No queremos palabras, sino queremos hechos.
We want actions, not words.
Entonces no habrá especulaciones sino hechos.
Then it will not be speculation, it will be fact.
¡A esto, Señorías, no podemos sino decir "no»!
Ladies and gentlemen, to this we can only say no!
Éstas no eran sino observaciones preliminares.
Let me just say that at the outset.
Esto no hará sino aumentar nuestra credibilidad.
This can only benefit our credibility.
En resumen, no hacemos sino desplazar el problema.
In short, we are simply shifting the problem.
Europa no es un pueblo, sino varios pueblos.
Europe is not a nation; it is nations.
No se trata de sumas pequeñas sino importantes.
The sums involved will not be small; they will be considerable.
Esto no se llama colaborar sino contrariar.
There is nothing unifying in this; it is simply divisive.
No voy a describirla, sino a darle los términos adecuados.
Rather than describe it, I will talk about it in the appropriate terms.
Estos controles no deben ser temporales, sino permanentes.
This should not be a temporary but permanent measure.
Por lo tanto, no puedo sino apoyarlo, Señoría.
I cannot therefore but support the honourable Member.
No hay un pueblo europeo, sino muchos.
There is no single European people, but a great many.
No hay una lengua materna europea, sino muchas.
There is no single European mother tongue, but a great many.
No hay una nación europea común, sino muchas.
There is no single European nation, but a great many.
No hay una cultura europea común, sino muchas.
There is no single European culture, but a great many.
No con quince voces, sino con una sola.
Not with fifteen, with one.
Hoy esto no es sólo deseable, sino posible.
This seems today to be not only desirable, but also possible.
No nos enfrentamos a la religión, sino al fundamentalismo.
This is no longer religion, but fundamentalism.

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