Spanish Sentences using yo  

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yo despierto
I wake up
si yo fuese usted
if I were you
¡Sí, yo estoy despierto!
Yes, I am awake!
Yo me puse enfermo.
I got sick. (masculine)
Yo hablaba lentamente.
I was speaking slowly.
Ni yo tampoco.
Nor I. (Me neither.)
Yo no como pepinos.
I don't eat cucumbers.
Yo estoy en Portugal.
I am in Portugal.
Yo toco violín.
I play violin.
Yo nunca fumaría.
I would never smoke.
Yo iré a Chile.
I will go to Chile.
Yo soy doctor.
I am a doctor.
Yo estoy aburrido.
I am bored.
Yo oigo la música.
I hear the music
Yo estoy resfriado.
I have a cold. (masculine)
Yo tengo dolor.
I am in pain.
Yo conozco a María.
I know María.
Yo soy turista.
I am a tourist.
Yo confieso.
I confess.
Yo soy operador.
I am a (machine) operator.
Yo riego las flores. Yo las riego.
I water the flowers. I water them.
Yo traigo
I bring
Yo pongo
I put
Yo estoy preocupada.
I am worried. (female)
Yo vengo
I come
Yo no soy médico.
I am not a doctor.
Yo conduje el bus. Yo lo conduje.
I drove the bus. I drove it.
Yo pido una aspirina.
I ask for an aspirin.
No, yo soy guardia.
No, I'm a guard.
yo tengo
I have
Yo tengo diarrea.
I have diarrhea.
Yo hago
I do
¡Hola!, ¿qué tal? Yo me llamo Katty.
Hello! How are you? My name is Katty.
Yo oí una explosión.
I heard an explosion.
¡Sí, yo estoy listo!
Yes, I am ready!
Yo estoy muy contento.
I am very happy. (masculine)
Yo voy contigo.
I am going with you.
Yo conduzco el tractor.
I drive the tractor.
Yo estoy preocupado.
I am worried. (male)
Yo soy empleada.
I am an employee. (feminine)
Yo estoy enfermo.
I am sick. (masculine)
Yo vuelo a México.
I fly to Mexico.
Yo no me sentía bien.
I didn't feel well.
Yo soy estudiante.
I am a student.
Yo soy muy inteligente.
I am very intelligent.
Yo necesito descansar.
I need to rest.
Yo tengo miedo.
I am scared.
Yo era travieso.
I used to be mischievous. (masculine)
Yo era inquieto.
I used to be restless.
Yo no fui.
I did not go.
Yo era mimado.
I used to be spoiled.
No, yo salgo a caminar.
No, I'm going out to walk.
Yo elijo una corbata.
I choose a tie.
Maria, yo voy a ayudarte.
Maria, I am going to help you.
Yo tengo mucho sueño.
I am very sleepy.
Yo elijo esas píldoras.
I choose those pills.
Yo elijo ese antibiótico.
I choose that antibiotic.
Yo soy enfermera.
I am a nurse. (feminine)
Yo sigo al doctor.
I follow the doctor.
Yo sigo a mamá.
I follow mom.
Yo sigo a la ruta.
I follow the route.
Yo sigo a mamá.
I am following mom
Yo soy enfermero.
I am a nurse. (masculine)
Yo veo a María.
I see María.
Yo tengo naúseas.
I have nausea.
Yo pido la respuesta.
I ask for the answer.
Yo no tengo hermanos.
I don't have any brothers.
Yo no quiero helado.
I don't want ice cream.
Yo estaba estudiando.
I was studying.
Yo bebo refrescos.
I drink sodas.
Yo tengo gripe.
I have a cold.
Yo sé la fecha.
I know the date.
Yo me quedo aquí.
I'm staying here.
Yo tengo palpitaciones.
I have palpitations.
Yo no pierdo mi dinero.
I don't lose my money.
Yo tengo diarrea.
I have diarrhea.
El yo-yo está perdido.
The yo-yo is lost.
Yo soy pobre.
I'm poor.
Yo salgo temprano.
I leave early.
Yo sigo muy enfermo.
I continue (to be) very sick.
Yo no viajo a ninguna parte.
I don't travel anywhere.
Yo llamé a Oscar.
I called Oscar.
Yo conozco a mis profesores.
I know my teachers.
Yo necesito estudiar.
I need to study.
Yo vuelvo
I return
Yo preparo las maletas. Yo las preparo.
I prepare the suitcases. I prepare them.
Yo me lavo.
I wash myself.
yo conozco
I know (person, place)
Yo me acuesto
I go to sleep
Yo estoy casado.
I am married.
Yo conduje el bus. Yo lo conduje.
I drove the bus. I drove it.
Yo me acuesto.
I go to bed.
yo vuelvo
I return
yo hago
I do
Yo quiero comer.
I want to eat.
Yo me peino.
I comb my hair.
yo sé
I know (information, skill)
Yo salgo
I go out, I am going out
yo sigo
I follow
Yo no quiero ensalada.
I don't want salad.
Yo me niego.
I refuse to do that.
Yo no me escondo.
I am not hiding in any way.
Yo no he engordado.
I have not gained weight!
Señora, yo lo sé, yo he estado allí.
Madame, I know, I was there!
Yo no tengo tales preocupaciones.
I do not have these concerns.
Yo digo que no.
I do not think so.
Yo he encontrado unos cincuenta.
I have counted around fifty of these myself.
Yo advertí al respecto.
I warned you about that.
Yo no tengo ninguna duda.
I am in no doubt about this.
Yo mismo la deseo.
I too wish for a more active Europe.
Yo no dije eso.
I did not state that.
Yo digo: hagámoslo ahora.
I say: Let it be now.
Yo, realmente, no entiendo nada.
I really do not understand at all.
"Soy yo, ¿no me reconoces?"
'It' s me, don' t you recognise me?'
Yo no lo veo así.
I cannot see it that way.
Yo no voy a tratar eso.
I will not deal with that.
Insisto, pues, yo también.
So I too am adamant.
Yo opino lo mismo.
I should like to say the same.
Yo también me preocuparía.
I would get very annoyed about this too.
Yo creo que no.
I do not believe it would.
Yo lo dudo mucho.
I very much doubt it.
Yo creo que no.
I do not think so.
Yo se lo agradezco.
For that you have my gratitude.
Yo les escucho siempre.
I always listen to you.
Yo creo que no.
I do not believe they have any substance.
Yo quisiera preguntarle cuáles.
I would like to ask you what they are.
¡Yo creo que no!
That I do not believe!
Yo pertenezco a los segundos.
I am one of the latter.
Yo no lo veo así.
I fail to see that.
Yo no lo critico.
I am not criticising that.
Yo he visto las instalaciones.
I have seen these installations.
Yo soy ingeniero civil.
I am a civil engineer by background.
Yo apoyaré estos niveles.
I will support those higher standards.
Ni ustedes ni yo.
I can do no more about it than you.
Yo creo lo siguiente.
That is what I would suggest.
Yo no quiero hacerlo.
I do not want to do that.
Por mi parte, yo no.
I, for my part, do not.
Yo también intento no hacerlo.
I also try not to do that myself.
Yo también estoy preocupado.
I am also concerned about it.
Yo no admito esa posibilidad.
I do not acknowledge that possibility.
Yo no soy tan pesimista.
I am not so pessimistic.
Esto yo no lo apruebo.
That is not something of which I approve.
Yo estaba en contra.
I was opposed to it.
Yo también he disfrutado mucho.
I also enjoyed it very much.
Yo no lo creo.
I do not believe he is.
Yo no quiero esta Constitución.
I do not want this Constitution.
Yo no lo creo.
I do not think so.
Yo raramente me pongo furioso.
I very rarely get furious.
Yo votaré a favor.
I will be voting for this.
En todo caso, yo no.
In any case I do not.

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