Quizzes - Verb tener - Preterite Tense  

Preterite Tense Verb Tener - to have
Quiz 1

Fill in the blank with the correct form of tener and say the sentence.

Exmaple: _____ que ir a la junta. - I had to go to the meeting.

Answer: Tuve que ir a la junta.

1. Su niño _____ un accidente hoy.
Your child had an accident today.

2. Mis abuelos _____ diez hijos.
My grandparents had ten children.

3. ¿ _____ tu clase de inglés hoy?
Did you have your English class today?

4. Yo _____ una cirugía el año pasado.
I had surgery last year.

5. Esta semana no _____ ganancias.
This week, we didn't make any profit.

6. Sí, _____ que quedarse toda la noche.
Yes, they had to stay all night.

7. Nosotros _____ que hablar con el abogado.
We had to talk with the lawyer.

8. _____ más experiencia en los momentos claves.
They had more experience in the key moments.

9. Usted _____ un accidente automovilístico.
You were in a car accident.

10. Yo _____ un mal sueño.
I had a bad dream.

Answers 1
Quiz 2
Answers 2

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