Whatever exists can be named, and that name is a noun. A noun is used to name people, animals, things, places, ideas or feelings. Because of their significance, nouns are divided into common nouns and proper nouns.
Examples of common nouns: la mesa - table alegría - happiness oro - gold el parque - park
Examples of proper nouns (capitalized): José - José España - Spain Rosario - Rosario
In Spanish, nouns have gender: masculine and feminine. Generally, if a noun ends in:
-o it is masculine -a it is feminine
el niño - the boy la niña - the girl el baño - the bathroom la ventana - the window
Spanish nouns can also be singular and plural. Generally, you add "s" at the end of the word.
Quick Explanation
Nouns are words that denote people, animals, things, places, ideas, and feelings. Because of their significance, nouns are divided into common and proper nouns.
Luis - Luis (proper) mesa - table (common) alegría - happiness (common) oro - gold (common)
Longer Explanation
Common nouns designate all beings from the same kind. perro - dog bebé - baby
Proper nouns designate a specific being, distinguishing it from the rest of its kind. Agudo - Agudo (a specific dog) José - José (a specific boy)
In Spanish, gender and number are applied to nouns. The genders in Spanish are masculine and feminine. Generally if a noun ends in:
-o it is masculine -a is feminine
el niño - the boy
In this example the noun "niño" names a boy. la niña - the girl
In this example the noun "niña" names a girl.
Number refers to singular and plural.
Spanish nouns also distinguish between singular and plural.
The general rule is to add "-s" to the noun in singular.
una mesa - one table tres mesas - three tables
If the singular noun ends in "-z" we do its plural en "-ces".
Tengo un pez. - I have a fish. Tengo tres peces. - I have three fish.
When the singular noun ends in "-s" and it is formed by only one syllable, we add "-es" to form the plural. This rule also applies to nouns of more than one syllable ending in "-s" and with the accent in the last syllable.
No tengo compás. - I do not have a compass.
Yo tengo dos compases. - I have two compasses.
Nouns ending in "-i" with "tilde" or in "-y" do their plural by adding "-es".
el rey - the king los reyes - the kings
un Israelí - an Israeli dos Israelíes - two Israelis
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