Preterite - Verb Ir - to go  

Spanish Grammar Preterite Tense Verb Ir - to go

The verb ir (conjugation) means "to go". It is completely irregular in the preterite tense.

yo fui I went
fuiste you went
Ud./él/ella fue you/he/she went
nosotros/as fuimos we went
vosotros/as fuisteis you guys went
Uds./ellos/ellas fueron you all/they went

Fuimos en bicicleta a Friburgo.
We went by bicycle to Fribourg (Switzerland).

Yo fui a Francia.
I went to France.

¿Fueron ustedes a México?
Did you all go to Mexico?

The forms of ir and ser are the same in the preterite tense! The context of a sentence or a conversation will let you know which verb is being used.

No fui yo, esta señora está confundida.
It wasn't I, this lady is confused.

Ustedes fueron muy imprudentes.
You were not careful.

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