Group 1
With Audio
Entra el estudioso,
nunca el holgazán,
va buscando libros
que allí encontrará.
click for answer
A ti acudo,
en ti maduro,
trabajo y estudio
para el futuro.
click for answer
Niños y niñas
con sus profesores,
pupitres y sillas,
pizarras y flores,
libros y cuadernos,
tizas, borradores,
muchos lapiceros
de varios colores.
Allí tu vas.
click for answer
Abierta siempre estoy
para todos los niños.
Cerrada y triste me quedo
los domingos.
click for answer
Un valiente domador
que tiene la intrepidez
de enseñar a la niñez.
click for answer
Colgada en la pared me tienen
y con la tiza me hieren.
click for answer
En un rincón de la clase,
dónde yo estoy colocada,
acudes con los papeles
que no te sirven de nada.
(La papelera)
Also, as the inflation returned swiftly into the target range of 2 % to 4 % the International Monetary Fund welcomed the decision of the Central bank to increase the interest rate to 4.5 %. This feature is so unique that none of the temples in China or Malaysia has found to implement this kind of decorative motifs. As far as the mainland China culture is concerned, from historical point of view traditionally the cultural norms and values of China is still followed and implied by the Hong Kong largely (Ren et al., 2015). This journal is considerably useful and valid for a research assignment because it focuses specifically on the Dark Triad of personalities. Findings with students without dyslexia suggested that indeed each of the orientations they tested was associated with significantly diverse outcomes: adaptive for mastery and performance-approach orientations and maladaptive for performance-avoidance orientation.
Israel has, after long refusal to recognize the PLO as the legitimate representative of the Palestinians and equal negotiating parties, realized that there is no other solution than engage in negotiations with them. In addition, the company failed to take prompt and appropriate corrective action to prevent the supervisor from continued sexual harassment of the women. Furthermore, not only accountants and users who are already involved in accounting need to be trained, also the whole accounting curriculum both in colleges and universities need to be changed. One of the two other suspects was never charged or tried and the other died before Ireland was ever charged, seemingly narrowing down the search to Ireland as the only suspect (“The Innocence Project”, p. 125). The tool is expected to reduce the design scraps and enhance the overall efficiency of the process. In particular it demonstrates the precise way that social media acts as a point of revenue reduction. This boarder concept of territory, in terms of the implied need for more comprehensive stewardship of land and other resources, and appreciation for the natural and cultural environment, is something for non – indigenous people can learn a lot.
Group 2
Without Audio