Group 1
With Audio
Lleva años en el mar
y aún no sabe nadar.
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Haciendo ruido vienen,
haciendo ruido van;
y, cuando mañana vuelvan,
de igual manera se irán.
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En mí se mueren los ríos,
y por mí los barcos van,
muy breve es el nombre mío,
tres letras tiene, no más.
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Ni de día, ni de noche
puede mi vela alumbrar,
pero cuando sopla el viento
muy bien suelo navegar.
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Soy chiquitito,
puedo nadar,
vivo en los ríos
y en alta mar.
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Es la reina de los mares,
su dentadura es muy buena,
y por no ir nunca vacía,
siempre dicen que va llena.
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No pienses en otras cosas,
que las tienes en el mar,
o las ves llegar furiosas,
o las ves mansas llegar.
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En un puerto hay tres barcos,
uno es un crucero,
otro un trasatlántico
y el otro ya te lo he dicho.
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Vivo en el mar sin ser pez
y soy siempre juguetón;
nunca me baño en el Rhin,
pues soy el mismo del fin.
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Uso aguja sin coser,
corto sin tijeras,
y ando sin pié.
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No lo parezco y soy pez,
y mi forma la refleja
una pieza de ajedrez.
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Llegamos sin cesar, una tras otra,
desde el mar a la playa a descansar.
A veces, sin embargo, más furiosas,
los barcos podemos destrozar.
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¿Qué bicho dirás que es,
que es algo y nada a la vez?
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El cielo y la tierra
se van a juntar;
la ola y la nube
se van a enredar.
Vayas donde vayas
siempre lo verás,
por mucho que andes
nunca llegarás.
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Tengo tinta, tengo plumas
y brazos tengo, además,
pero no puedo escribir,
porque no aprendí jamás.
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Adivina quien yo soy:
al ir parece que vengo,
y al venir, es que me voy.
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Dos pinzas tengo,
hacia atrás camino,
de mar o de río
en el agua vivo.
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Con su risa mañanera
toda la playa alborota,
pescadora y marinera.
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En dos castañuelas voy encerrado
y al sacarme del mar me pongo colorado
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Iba una vaca de lado,
luego resultó pescado.
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Soy pequeño y alargado,
en dos conchas colocado,
como no puedo nadar,
me pego a las rocas del mar.
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En el mar es donde vivo,
plateado es mi color,
cruzo veloz como el rayo,
adivina quien soy yo.
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Olas me llevan,
olas me traen,
pero las velas
nunca se me caen.
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Que lo busquen en el mar,
porque en la tierra
por más que aren, que aren,
que en la tierra no lo encuentran.
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Sobre la vaca, la "o",
a que no lo aciertas, no.
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El que lo pica se hace pez,
¿Quieres que te lo diga otra vez?
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World Bank report of 2012 defines e-government as the set of processes with the assistance of ICT to help government maintain its relationships with business entities, other government agencies and the general public (WorldBank, 2012). Domperidone Maleate facilitates gastric emptying and decreases small bowel transit time by increasing esophageal and gastric peristalsis. It serves customers in more than 100 countries This Company basically operates power, water, oil and gas, energy and aviation. Interestingly, RS-2 was not only able to survive but rather thrive after 3 h at 0.5% and 0.75% bile salts concentrations with log count of 7.64 and 7.56 respectively. Acid rain of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides spewed by China’s coal-fired power plants fall on to its neighboring countries, Korea and Japan. Oral squamous cell carcinoma is the most common and aggressive type of oral neoplasm which covers over 90% of all mouth malignancies (3). The procedure of learning is vital to us, regardless of in the event that it goes for enhancing proficient aptitudes or in the event that it is to add to one's self-awareness. For example, emigrants who move out of their country because of the rising crime rate, political unrest and lack of employment may seek asylum (refugee) in another country. Measles also known as ruebella is a pediatric disease caused by a virus, that starts in the nose & throat of an infected child/adult, this disease can be fatal. The way in which Alzheimer’s affects the brain is caused by a build-up of amyloid forming plaque. Finally they concluded that the use of Al2O3 nanoparticles as the isolated phase in water can significantly increases the convective heat transfer and enhancement increase with increase of the Reynolds number. There was a moderate association between dysmorphy and planning (g=-0.59, 95% CI[-1.27, 0.09]), however, this effect did not reach statistical significance, and dysmorphy was not associated with deficits for any other executive function domain. However, the tax system will lead an unfavorable situation to the target shareholders because payment by cash is considered a sale, therefore, they have to pay income tax if there is a gain in the transactions.
The organization can adjust the demand, capacity, resource and activity consumption rates in case of any imbalance in the initial plan. Addressing age along with gender specific age discrimination has posed a great challenge for international human rights and local committees. Greek philosopher Socrates once declared that a stable society required the existence of three different social classes, suggesting that social hierarchies certainly existed very early in history (Lieberman and Scupin 2015:13). Because these people have the imperious materials and resources required for resolving an issue, their involvement could cause either a negative or positive impact on the effort. We need to feel powerful and we need individual people to know that they are powerful and that they are needed in this country, even if it is for the smallest of things. We must also look to our legislators to help pass bills that will provide adequate funding for schools of higher learning so they may implement and use the technology that is available to reduce faculty workload (Johnstone, 2007). Example would be Morgan sports Car, which have low market share but earn a very satisfactory profit. Needless to say, the conflict would not have prolonged so significantly without the funding that illegal diamond mining activity provided to the rebels.
In children, haematopoiesis occurs in the marrow of the long bones such as the femur and tibia, but by adulthood, the areas responsible for active haematopoiesis have shrunk to comprise mainly the pelvis, cranium, vertebrae, and sternum. My partner wanted to search a college students backpack because she suspected that she felt a gun inside. Properties located or property sector in one geographical area offer investors significant benefits given the level of risk relation to a portfolio focused on. The neighborhood is designated as a National Historic Landmark for its architecture and its importance in United States history. Older women are often seen assisting others within their communities whether this is for HIV/AIDS patients or within their local temples.
By challenging the children to explore the environment (both indoor and outdoor) they are faced with 2d and 3d examples of shapes, allowing them to visual examinations as well as physical examinations of the shape. With all he had to go through to give his race what they needed to fulfill there dream made it so he was someone who believed there is an american dream. It also plays important role in rural economy as supporting family incomes and generating reasonable employment in the rural population, particularly among the landless laborers. According to Gilliland et al., (1984) and Goldin and Gorbach (1992), the concentration @ 0.3% bile salts is considered as critical for resistant strains screening and the equivalent level is critical for the human probiotics selection.
They suggest that this class has similar interests and a common world view, and as a result, they act as a class to further their own economic and political beliefs. Even if something is published in The New York Times though it may not be true - especially not objectively true. Often this protection focuses mostly on health information and little on private information, thus leaving a hole in patient security (Steward 2005). The US ICT services industry has on average five percent of GDP between 1995 and 2003, almost one percent more than the average for EU15. In addition, analysis of the downstream signaling pathways of CCL24/CCR3 showed that extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERK1/2) and phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) pathways contribute to the proliferation, viability and invasiveness of trophoblasts by activating intracellular molecules Ki67 and matrix metallopeptidase 9 (MMP9). This assignment was helpful for the student because it helped him think about solutions to big problems like a natural disaster with the current infrastructure and also may help him in the future if he wants to follow a certain way. This discovery stimulated intense research activities geared towards growth, modification and applications of these simple(one-dimensional) nanostructures [41].
Group 2
With Audio