Video 1
Bien, mi familia está compuesta, bueno, de mis padres y dos hermanos más. Mi hermano mayor tiene 31 años en este momento y mi hermano menor tiene 11 años. Tenemos bastante diferencia. Mi hermano mayor es ingeniero agrónomo profesional. Mis padres son profesionales. Mi padre es médico veterinario y mi mamá es tecnólogo médico. Yo soy ingeniero agrónomo y mi hermano está en el colegio todavía. Y bueno no sólo trabajamos todos juntos. Tenemos unas empresas familiares en la cual trabaja mi hermano mayor que vendría a ser el gerente de la empresa. Mi padre es el dueño y mi madre en realidad está más dedicada a la casa y yo estoy estudiando aquí en Estados Unidos precisamente para hacerme cargo también de todo lo que es el área de negocios de las empresas en que trabajamos todos.
Well, my family is made up of, well, my parents and two other brothers. My older brother is 31 years old at this time and my younger brother is 11 years old. We've got quite a difference. My older brother is a professional agricultural engineer. My parents are professionals. My father is a veterinarian and my mother is a medical assistant. I am an agricultural engineer and my brother is still in school. And well we don't just work together. We have some family businesses in which my older brother is the manager of the company, my father is the owner and my mom really is more dedicated to taking care of things at home and I am studying here in the United States precisely to prepare my career in everything that is related to doing business in the companies that we all work in.
Bueno yo me parezco en la barbilla a mi papá, en su nariz, en la manera de ser en muchas cosas. Me parezco a mi mamá en lo sensible, lo llorona. A mi papá en lo dinámico, lo emprendedor, en lo "luchón." Soy bajita como mis papás y blanca como mi mamá.
Well I have some characteristics of my father; his chin, his nose, and in the way I do many things. I'm like my mother in my being sensitive and in being a cry-baby. I'm like my father in being dynamic, in being enterprising, in being a fighter. I am short like my parents and white like my mother.
Me levanto a las seis de la mañana y desayuno, leo el periódico, después voy a la facultad donde normalmente tomo una clase o dos por la mañana. Después vuelvo a mi casa y ahora estoy escribiendo mi tesis. Escribo mi tesis por tres horas y después por la noche, pero por la tarde, tarde pues me gusta ir a pasear o jugar a tenis o ir a salir a los bares con los amigos a beber una cerveza por la avenida de la manclúa o por las calles de Madrid.
I get up at six in the morning and I eat breakfast, I read the newspaper, and then I go to the university where I usually take a class or two in the morning. Then I return home and now I'm writing my thesis. I write my thesis for three hours and later, in the evening, or the late afternoon, well I like to go for a walk or to play tennis or to go out to the bars with my friends to drink a beer on Manclúa avenue or in the streets of Madrid.
It has been reported by the International Energy Agency that the emission of the primary greenhouse gas, CO2, increases by about 6% every year, due to the dependence of world economies on fossil fuels as an energy source [2]. This limitation is more clearly when organization has to adopt certain action to cope with changing circumstance which required more commitment of followers that should be based on a good relationship not fear. Regardless of definition, an ILMSmust be able to handle many formats and provide a variety of functions includingmanipulating electronic data, searching on the Internet, and facilitating resource sharing. Limited statistical power due to the small number of both cases and controls is the main limitation of this study. But only the main three services which mainly form a service models are: IaaS (Infrastructure as a service), PaaS (Platform as a Service), and SaaS (Software as a Service). This chapter also reviewed the literature of existing documentation on factors influencing the dependent variables of the study such as job performance, social responsibilities, sustainability and growth and achieved financial goals. According to Radcliff Brown (1950), “Kinship is a Social relationship based on descent” (1950: Introduction to African systems of kinship and marriage (eds) A.R. These is a type of program which is a direct subside worth 40% to 70% of installation price. During particle coalescence, entire NPs can migrate on the substrate surface and coalesce if motion yields overall system-energy reduction. It is also a tool that allows the rest of the world to access your country’s valuable culture and to learn your voice. The alpha provides a coefficient to estimate consistency of scores on an instrument if the items are scored as continuous variables (i.e.) Once the elements like demand, activities, and resources are determined, it helps further determining the cost of resources which are then traced to activities and then to products and services. Older women in such environments can create roles for themselves instead of depending on the government, and often themselves volunteer to develop these initiatives further.
Video 2
Video 3