John is going to help me.
Juan me va a ayudar.
John is going to help me.
Juan va a ayudarme.
I want John to help me.
Yo quiero que Juan me ayude.
I thought that John was going to help me.
Yo creía que Juan me iba a ayudar.
I thought that John was going to help me.
Yo creía que Juan iba a ayudarme.
I wanted John to help me.
Yo quería que Juan me ayudara.
John, are you going to help me?
¿Juan, me vas a ayudar?
John, are you going to help me?
¿Juan, vas a ayudarme?
John, I thought that you were going to be able to help me.
Juan, yo creía que tú me ibas a poder ayudar.
I'm going to help Mary.
Yo voy a ayudar a María.
Mary wants me to help her.
María quiere que yo la ayude.
Mary thought that I was going to help her.
María creía que yo la iba a ayudar.
Mary wanted me to help her.
María quería que yo la ayudara.
I can't help Mary.
Yo no puedo ayudar a María.
Mary thought that I was going to be able to help her.
María creía que yo la iba a poder ayudar.
Mary thought that I was going to be able to help her.
María creía que yo iba a poder ayudarla.
Mary, I'm going to help you.
María yo te voy a ayudar.
Mary, I'm going to help you.
María yo voy a ayudarte.
Mary, do you want me to help you?
María ¿ Quieres que yo te ayude?
Mary, I thought that I was going to be able to help you.
María, yo creía que yo te iba a poder ayudar.
Mary, I thought that I was going to be able to help you.
María, yo creía que yo iba a poder ayudarte.
Mary, did you want me to help you?
María, ¿Querías que yo te ayudara?