Imperfect - Verb Hacer - to do  

Spanish Grammar Imperfect Tense Verb Hacer - to do

The verb hacer (conjugation) means "to make" or "to do". The verb hacer, in imperfect tense, may be translated to English as was doing, used to do, did.

yo hacía I used to do
hacías you used to do
Ud./él/ella hacía you/he/she used to do
nosotros/as hacíamos we used to do
vosotros/as hacíais you all used to do
Uds./ellos/ellas hacían you all/they used to do

¿Qué hacía ella allí?
What was she doing there?

¿Qué hacía cuando empezó el problema?
What were you doing when the problem began?

Siempre hacíamos excursiones en bicicleta.
We were always doing bike rides.
(We were always going for bike rides.)

Ellos hacían mucho relajo.
They used to make a lot of mess.

¿Qué hacían mientras el niño dormía?
What were they doing while the child was sleeping?

The verb hacer is also commonly used to discuss the weather.

Hacía sol.
It was sunny.

Hacía viento.
It was windy.

Hacía fresco.
It was cool.

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