Spanish Word for sentence  

English Word: sentence

Spanish Word: oración
The Spanish Word for sentence
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Translated sentences containing 'sentence'
The teacher was repeating the sentence.
El maestro estaba repitiendo la frase.
This inmate is serving the maximum sentence.
Este recluso está cumpliendo la sentencia máxima.
He is only serving the minimum sentence.
Él solamente está cumpliendo la sentencia mínima.
How did he help you? He helped me by explaining how to form a sentence in English.
¿Como te ayudó? Me ayudó explicándome como formar una oración en inglés.
He won’t be free until he finishes his sentence.
No será libre hasta que cumpla su condena.
Translate the meaning of the sentence.
Traduce el sentido de la oración.

There was no trial, no sentence.
No hubo juicio ni sentencia.
He has served his sentence.
Ya ha cumplido su condena.
Is that what this sentence means?
¿Es eso lo que significa esta frase?
This is an inadequate sentence.
Esta sentencia es inadecuada.
And the second part, is the sentence that follows on and not the sentence which was read out.
Y la segunda parte, es la frase siguiente y no la frase que se ha leído.
But I declare, we all declare together, that no death sentence is a just sentence.
Pero yo declaro, nosotros declaramos a la vez, que ninguna sentencia a muerte es una sentencia justa.
I thought this sentence was important and it was removed.
Me parecía importante esa frase y fue suprimida.
As you can see, this sentence was not insignificant.
Como se ve esta frase era importante.
I believe that this sentence is fundamental.
Creo que esta frase es esencial.
You mentioned it in only one sentence.
Lo ha mencionado usted en una sola frase.
That is why we need an end to the death sentence.
Por este motivo necesitamos acabar con la pena de muerte.
He has served his sentence and he should now be free.
Ha cumplido su condena y ahora debe ser libre.
They can be summed up in a single sentence.
Se pueden resumir en una sola frase.
As such, the final sentence will read:
De modo que la frase final será:
The rest of the sentence would remain the same.
El resto de la frase se mantendría sin cambios.
I should like to support every sentence.
Quiero respaldar cada una de sus frases.
We have no objection to agreeing to the deletion of that sentence.
No tenemos ningún inconveniente a admitir la supresión de dicha frase.
The first sentence should be changed to read:
La primera frase debería rezar así:
And this sentence at once contains the essential truth.
Y esta frase contiene por sí sola una verdad esencial.
What a wonderful sentence that would be, if it were implemented!
¡Qué frase más maravillosa sería ésa, si se llevara a la práctica!
Allow me to add one more sentence.
Permítanme añadir algo más.
There is only one sentence in this document about the EFSF.
En este documento solo hay una oración acerca del FEEF.
To conclude, just one sentence.
En conclusión, una frase.
Amendment No 2: the introductory sentence.
Enmienda nº 2: la frase introductoria.
Death sentence in the United States
Condena a muerte en los Estados Unidos
I find that sentence very amusing!
Esta frase me parece hilarante.
I did not fully understand the end of the sentence.
No he entendido bien el final de la frase.
I commend that sentence to the House and to you.
Recomiendo la lectura de esa frase a la Asamblea y a usted.
I would like to quote a sentence: ' This is not of this world.'
En este sentido, yo quisiera citar la expresión "esto no es de este mundo».
I had trouble understanding the sentence myself.
Yo mismo he tenido dificultades para comprender esta frase.
Death sentence on Mr Öçalan
Condena del Sr. Öcalan a la pena capital
The sentence is not based on the proceedings of this trial, but explicit reference is made to the 1994 sentence.
La sentencia no se basa en los procedimientos de este juicio, pero se hace referencia explícita a la sentencia de 1994.
Please be so kind as to allow me to finish my sentence.
Le ruego me permita terminar aún mi frase.
I hope some Members will reflect on that sentence.
Espero que algunas de Sus Señorías reflexionen sobre esta frase.
The final sentence of Amendment No 53 has not been superseded.
La frase final de la enmienda 53 no ha sido revocada.
It is unacceptable to sentence someone before a verdict has been reached.
Es inaceptable que se condene as nadie antes de un juicio.
Thus the whole of the last sentence is deleted.
De este modo se suprime la última frase.
It can, perhaps, be summed up in a single sentence.
Quizá pueda resumirse en una única oración.
It is clear that the judge is hoping for a death sentence.
Es evidente que el juez espera una sentencia de muerte.
Such a sentence should therefore only be imposed in exceptional circumstances.
Por lo tanto, la pena de prisión sólo debería imponerse en casos excepcionales.
In the case of the death sentence this potential does not exist.
En el caso de la pena de muerte, dicha posibilidad no existe.
Europe has, today, abandoned the death sentence.
A día de hoy, Europa ha renunciado a la pena de muerte.
I believe that this is a sentence which could gain broad agreement here:
Creo que aparece una oración que podría obtener un amplio acuerdo aquí:
As is known, the death sentence does not reduce crime.
Se sabe que la pena de muerte no provoca la disminución de la delincuencia.
This was mentioned in merely one sentence in the report.
Eso se ha mencionado solamente en una frase del informe.
So the last sentence of paragraph 4 lapses.
Se suprime, pues, la última frase del punto 4.
I should like the word 'and' at the beginning of the sentence to be changed to 'but'.
Querría que la palabra «y» que figura al principio de esta frase fuera sustituida por la palabra «pero».
If you are caught, the sentence is often 10-12 years.
En caso de detención, la condena ronda a menudo los 10-12 años.
Mr President, just one sentence.
Señor Presidente, solamente una frase.
I was waiting for that last, biblical sentence in the interpretation.
Me faltaba esta última frase bíblica en la interpretación.
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